This was posted 9 years 6 months ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Diablo ROS $15, FIFA 15 $35, Elder Scrolls $44, SOM $35, Minecraft $5, + 25 More @Harvey Norman

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Harvey Norman
Harvey Norman

closed Comments

  • Good prices for some games :D, thanks

  • +3

    Can't believe people still buy ps vita minecraft for 30 bucks on ebay!

    4 gig vita memory cards for $5 is pretty cheap. They are unsold on ebay for about $20.

  • I wonder how a dad would feel, getting a hair-straightener for Father's Day. :P

    Also, Puppeteer is $4, so you're $1 off. ( ^ ~^)

  • I don't know if anyone can answer me here, but I want to buy a new TV today on the 60 months interest free, do I have to have the credit card before hand or can I apply for it in store?

    • Harvey Norman can apply online in store. I got my GO MasterCard approved in store and the card came later by post.

      • +1

        Thanks for the reply, looks like a new TV today then lol

    • They say interest free for 6months but what are the conditions like? I always imagined you would be locked in for the whole duration with monthly fees

      • Go MasterCard had fees of $3.95 per month as long the balance was above $10. After I paid my TV there was no fees for 2 years as I had no purchase on GO card since balance was $0. It might have changed since I cancelled my card 6 months ago.

    • +1

      Be mindful though - you have much more bargaining power if you are not buying it with interest free scheme. You can pretty much get 10%+ off the advertised price if you buy it outright.

      60 months interest free purchase is good if you can't afford to buy it outright, otherwise I don't see any benefit of it. It was my personal experience that on top of Card fee I paid premium price for the TV when I bought it with 48 Months interest free scheme. So I paid around $200 in card fee plus $300 (10% off purchase price), altogether $500 extra for the TV and Home Theatre.

      • Agreed. There is no such thing as interest free, especially when a 3rd party is providing the loan.

        Harvey Norman sign you up to a GE Money Go Card. GE Finance is a 3rd party finance company.

        Does GE Finance lend thousands of dollars for a few years for free?
        Nope - they charge hundreds (or thousands on a big purchase) of dollars in interest - plus around $48 a year in monthly fees.

        Who pays the hundreds of dollars interest? The retailer gets charged this up front by GE.
        So it's built into the price of the product.
        It's why you can almost always negotiate a much sharper price when paying cash/credit card.

        The one exception is where an item is on an advertised special so sharp that they won't do cheaper for cash, and no other retailer has it cheaper. Then the interest free deal is really only costing you the $48/yr fee.

  • +1

    Great price for Reaper of Souls, almost bought it yesterday for full price.

    • +1

      ahhh man shame they don't sell the base game :(

    • +1

      I was looking at it yesterday and they had it listed for $22. Got JB to price match it today so cheering as none of the HNs around me had stock for in-store pick up.

    • I picked up a copy today.. still had a $48 sticker on it..

      so that means I managed to grab Diablo 3 & RoS for $27.. got diablo 3 for $12 from a target clearance..

  • +1

    Evolve PS4 is $15. Is that worth it? I heard it was dead before?

    • +1

      Yeah, it's dead. Steer clear of it.

      • Such a shame. I really wanted this game before release.

        • +6

          Me too. They should have just released a full game though and not lock half of it away behind a paywall.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: Oh no.. should have read your comment before I pulled the trigger on Evolve PS4.

        • +2

          @Innamura: You can always return it :D

        • @fisa2001: Thanks Fisa, right after posting my comment, i did think about returning it upon pickup (i bought a couple of other games) but someone else mentioned that I can trade it in at CEX. so that's another option.

        • @Innamura: What's CEX?

        • @Agret: Computer Exchange. Their website's

    • Prerelease hype =/= Good game unfortunately

  • +1

    is GTAV PS3 for $39 a good buy?

    Looks like only good if you can get in stock $5.95 delivery is more than the $4 games worth

    • +1

      If you really mean GTA V, and for PS3… Then I don't think it's a very good buy.

      I bought a second hand copy from EB games about a year ago. I'm not sure what exactly, but I think its really lacking content compared to the new version for PC (and the newer consoles?).

      Then again.. It's an awesome game, and unless you can see it cheaper for a new copy anywhere else? Grab it :)

    • If you haven't played it yet, but it now gogogogo do it

  • i know everyone says evolve is crap, but for $15 ill bite. thanks op

    • It's not that it's crap, it's that it is an online only game that didn't sell well at all. After that the online population has dwindled, good luck finding Aussie games.

      • +9

        well if thats the case then everyone should go buy it so i have people to play with :P

      • i was thinking the same thing for BF4 and Helldivers, are these games still alive online?

        • Yes they are. Helldiver's is very easy to find a game, its only just released at retail so has had a boost. BF4 I tried a few weeks ago and was still very active. I'm pretty sure you can check its numbers through battlelog.

        • @Where's_That_Cake: That's great, I picked up Bf4 yesterday at JB Hifi for $19 and was thinking about getting Helldivers at Target for $29 :D

        • +1

          Helldivers is very much alive and I love the game but the experience really depends on who you team up with and that can be luck of the draw. in my early games, i chanced upon a few really helpful players who were in the game to achieve the objectives and look out for one another. In the last week, all the games I have joined either have players who shoot one another (yes, you can't turn off friendly fire) or just have no idea what they are doing which can be incredibly disruptive to the experience. I still highly recommend the game as it's an amazingly well designed game and if you meet the right players, you will enjoy it tremendously.

        • +2


          We really should organise an Ozbargain group. I just bought Helldivers from Ozgameshop last night - would be great to have helpful team players to enjoy the game together.

        • I agree with the comments above in regards to Helldivers. Definitely worth the $29.

          It's a really fun game. I play it with the GF as it's easier enough for her to get into and then i can do harder stuff online with others. Just have to accept that she team kills me 'accidentally' almost every session.

  • should i buy fifa 15 for $35? i know the new one is coming though

    • +1

      That depends. Are you wanting to buy the new one for around $69 from Big W (maybe JB Hi-Fi) on launch (or $105 at EB)?

      If you want an occasional game, FIFA 15 is fine, if you want the latest, then wait.

      • If I buy the 15 now, will I be able to get the latest teams' formation, listing, uniform…? Or is it only available for FF16? Thanks

        • +2

          FIFA 16 the updates cut off on squads and formations

    • Why not get EA vault for $40 per year and get access to Fifa 15 plus other games like dragon age inquisition, need for speed etc. it's only for Xbox one though

      • +5

        I own a PS that's why

        • Yeah it's a shame Sony didn't see the value in the program

  • Does anyone know if Minecraft vita or PS all stars is compatible with PSTV?

    • Minecraft is, PS All Stars isn't. :o

      • Sweet thanks!

      • Which makes little sense since all stars is on PS3….

  • +4

    Wish FC4 would be less than $20.

    • Me too, I watched the whole walkthrough on Youtube back when I didn't own a PS, if I buy and play it now, the experience would not be that great anymore because I knew all the storyline, I'm waiting until the thing drops below 20

  • +1

    Thanks I bought evolve to give it a shot it its crap I can sell it to CeX down the road for $18 so not a risk really.

  • My wife got Diablo 3 ROS for $9 at our local this morning. Probably some other games even cheaper than what's listed here too I imagine.

    • Which location? I've been after this expansion for awhile now.

      • +2

        Mt Barker, SA. Only half an hour drive from the CBD if you can get there before school finishes…

        • Drive half an hr each way to save $6. Not sure that math works out :P

        • @Agret:

          Depends where you live. Most people drive 15-20 mins to get to their nearest HN anyway.

    • man I just bought two copies plus postage… none at my local anyways…

  • Would be nice if they accept HN giftcards

  • OP you should have said "ALL FOUR VITA GAMES $5". 3 of which aren't worth $5

  • +2

    (Duplicate of my post in the other thread, I should have posted it earlier so more people would know!)

    For pick-up from your local store, even if they have no stock, follow these instructions (thanks for teaching me, Innamura :D)

    1) Add desired item to cart;
    2) Add another game that is in-stock at your local store to cart;
    3) View cart, it should say local pick-up for your order at your store!
    4) Remove the game you don't want and checkout;
    5) Pick-up at your local store after a bit of a wait, maybe less than a week, maybe a month. For me it's around a week.

    Also, I kinda wish I had bought PS All Stars. I mean, my brother has had it for a long time, and I was never interested in the game then, but I feel the regret starting! D:

  • Does HVN still have the $25 signup discount?

    • It does but I think minimum spend is $200.

      • $150 in fact

  • +3

    I know I'll probably end up getting the games I ordered but here's how well Harvey Norman is run …
    1) Placed order for several xbox one games with delivery.
    2) Receive email from HN Darwin that the order has shipped (I'm in Perth)
    3) Get a call from HN Bunbury that they have 6 games out of the group I ordered; I tell them that I already received a shipping notification from Darwin HN (salesperson is surprised)
    4) Get one game from HN Joondalup (my local)
    5) Get one other game from somewhere else through a different courier
    6) Expect one more game from HN Darwin today

    So I contact HN support asking them if they can let me know who has shipped which games (10 or so that I ordered)
    Three days later they forward the email onto HN Noosa in QLD to follow up on.
    Still waiting to hear from them.

    • you ordered 10 games? what were they? god of war was my only purchase.

    • +2

      Pretty cheap delivery for $5.95 it's costing them heaps :D

    • +2

      Yeah, its the same with almost all of these retailers that don't have a proper warehouse for online orders, Goodguys, Myer etc, what happens is they send the requests to stores that show stock and asks them to fulfil them. So when I ordered some games a few weeks ago I got three from one store and another from a different store. You can tell how they have allocated your stock when you check out. Some games will be grouped together with 2-5 days shipping (from same store and probably in the same city as where you live) and some games will say like 1-2 weeks shipping, those will be shipped separately from another store probably from a regional or out of state store. Problem is if you get allocated stock but the store is slow to pick up your order and someone comes in and buys it. Then your order gets bounced between other stores until you get an email saying its out of stock. Happened to me way too many times.

      • So inefficient and prone to stuff-ups by operating in this manner. I just don't know why they can't coordinate notifications of who is shipping which game (i.e. HN Darwin has shipped your order, here's a tracking number, but you won't know whats in the "package" until it arrives). It's difficult to know what's going on with the order. Noticed that the prices have dropped since I placed the order, which probably evens it out after I used the $25 signup discount.

      • +1

        It's a symptom of dinosaur bricks and mortar stores. Prima donnas like Gerry Harvey and Bernie Brooks tried to "bolt on" online retailing to their existing store network…

  • +1

    I got a call from my local HN. My Puppeteer order is still on the way, but apparently they can't get Minecraft ordered in "from anywhere" so they're canceling my order. :(

    And now the game's gone from the website, so I can't even get it shipped. :( :(

    • My one got canclled too for pickup. Ordered at 9.30am, disappointed. Email said they couldnt get it from anywhere either.

      The PS Vita 4GB card can now be added to cart again.

      I wonder if anyone actually got a copy of Minecraft.

      • +4

        Most likely someone bought a bulk amount and then will on sell them, if retailers are going to have great deals they need to limit of 1 per customer to stop this ebay and gumtree crap

        • This is like the $3 Big W game sale all over again, but just for 1 game. Gueds ill wait for digital sale and get it then. Thanks for posting sale though.

  • Can't buy Elder Scrolls online for PS4 and none instore anywhere near ACT>

  • Minecraft got ozbargained…….

    • Yeah in store only now if you can find a copy :)

      • I went out to Fyshwick on the weekend and it took me a while to even find the console section. It was one half of one part of a wall in the back corner of the computer section. I was tempted to offer them $50 to take a Playstation TV off their hands. It was pretty dire looking.

  • Logitech X100 Speakers $19 is an amazing speaker for its size and a great value to boot!

    Thank you for posting!

  • Just picked up 'The Last Of Us' on PS3 for $10. Cheers TRENT86

  • +1

    Went in to grab a 4GB Vita card and found the Indie Mega Pack including a card also for $5. Thanks for the deal.

    • +1

      Grabbed the 4gb vita card with the indie mega pack as well. Also got the adventure mega pack which includes an 8gb memory card and tearaway, uncharted golden abyss, gravity rush etc. Great deal for $5 for each pack.

      • I bought the Adventure Mega pack for $47 recently. ;__;

        • :( they had a heap of vita megapacks at nunawading Harvey Norman. None were marked as $5 but quite a few of them scanned through at that price.

  • nuuu missed out on the Logitech X100 speakers. they went back up to $59 :(

  • I refuse on principle to upvote anything Harvey Norman related. They were the ones pushing for a 10% + tax on overseas digital and physical purchases after all. They are in the "bad guy" category, along with so many other exploitative Australian companies like banks.

  • I price matched some of these games at EB, got some dirty looks, but I'd say it's worth it.

    • Halo MCC at Target is $20, Halo MCC at EB is $99.95. Their prices are terrible.

  • Trying to order Batman, but cannot choose it for in store pick up or delivery?

    • +1

      Prob in store only now m8

  • Dead Rising 3, Apocalypse (GOTY) edition now back in stock and available to order on-line:…

  • Went to one in Chadstone. Although system showed they had 4 copies of Elder Scrolls ps4 but none in store. Cant get it online either.

  • I've got a sealed copy of minecraft for vita if you want 2 swap for jak and daxter megatallica

    • Someone already beat you to the punch, sorry Pops

      • All good thanks anyway

  • Thanks, just picked up Elder Scrolls Online (PS4) price matched at BigW for $44.
    Tried my local HN but they were out of stock despite website saying I'm stock.

  • Well just got a call from Harvey Norman saying that they can't honor the Minecraft deal because they won't be getting anymore stock in. This is the Melbourne QV store. Moto 360 deal making me wait for 2.5 months and Harvey Norman cancelling my order. September has been a disappointing month so far :l

    • They cancelled most of the minecraft orders

  • Got an email regarding order cancellation, disappointing.

  • I haven't been notified about my Diablo 3 RoS pick up at Watergardens Harvey Norman, it has been at least 1 week now reckon I should call up to double check?

    • yep, mine already arrived in the mail a couple of days ago.

  • COD Ghosts was $15

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