I've come to realize that I have multiple accounts across several companies and now I've set a mission to sort it all out into one fund.
I've tried to look for other peoples opinions but each company seems to have pretty bad feedback, and since this is not my area of expertise i don't know what to do.
Which Superfund have you settled with and why?
Thank you have a great day! :)
"past performance is not an indication of future performance", sorry I work in the finance industry have to say it!
most people like industry funds, all profits go to members
I personally am in two funds, an industry super fund and my work company one (as they give me free insurance)
what you pick also depends on ur age, if your close to retirement, chances are you should look for a fund that can offers a good low risk investment (which most does) but have a good retirement product
if you young, high risk for you, then you have to look at the different products and see whether it suits ur appetite, personally I'm young but not a risk taker, so most super funds have a similar performing product so it doesn't really matter much for me