Obviously a pricing error, get into it as quick as you can because they will most likely fix it ASAP.
Credit to this thread at reddit /gamedeals.
Obviously a pricing error, get into it as quick as you can because they will most likely fix it ASAP.
Credit to this thread at reddit /gamedeals.
Can you get in trouble in any way for "stocking up" ?
Nah, I did same with Just Cause 2 and Dark Souls.
Cheers for the heads up Cake, odd timing but I can't log back into steam now.
Mmmmm, errorlicious pricing…
Thanks OP. Just bought it. I love Steam pricing errors! Too bad I already have about 150+ games of backlog :(
Only 150+ games? ;)
1200 here :)
Way to flop it out and make the rest of us feel inadequate.
Thanks got mine :)
Done =) thanks OP
Got it!
Picked up one for myself, one for my friend and a handful of spares, thanks OP!
Hi are you willing to sell one of your spares? Thanks.
can i buy a spare off you?
I too would also be interested in a spare
any spares for sale?
I would also be interested in a spare, if you still have one :)
Ooh jrpg nice. Got mine.
lol more like dynasty warriors… not sure of the jrpg elements …
True. :)
Got it. Thanks OP!
Thanks op. No idea what this is but purchased anyway. :D
got it thanks op
Cheers, got 4 for myself and some friends. Was gonna grab some trade bait as well but Steam stopped me after 4 purchases. All good though.
I ended up getting 2 with credit and 4 with paypal, maybe they don't count credit towards the purchase cap, not sure.
PayPal wouldn't work for me via my Android. Kept getting stock on confirmation page.
Got one as well, never heard of it but added to the pile of unplayed games.
It is Dynasty Warriors but with the story and characters from the One Piece Manga/Anime.
Got 3
do u have any spare gift?
Thanks got it :)
Pretty sick, got one and one for my colleague who was looking at my screen.
Cheers, grabbed it for me and a mate :)
Bought it lol.
Thank you OP, I'm a huge One Piece fan! Got a copy for myself because I have no friends on Steam :'(
Is it over now. it show as $49.99
Still live for me, just checked. Are you located in Australia?
Must be my VPN. Will try to remove that. Thanks.
so what happens after steam discovers its price error? do they revoke the key?
From past pricing errors, they fix the pricing and go about their day. It happens quite a lot and I have never heard of them "revoking" keys, it is an error on their end, not yours.
slightly untrue.. they revoked Warlock II due to a pricing error (it was free but not from them)
Awesome work! Grabbed one for myself and a friend!
awesome got one, thank you
lol, I think it was meant to be $69
Thanks Captain Obvious
thanks op! got one for me and a mate!
Pricing errors FTW!
Thanks OP, just grabbed it
1 for me and 8 in my inventory :D
ahh stopped me at 3 copies
Guys and gals. I sold them all. Better luck next time
How much did you get?
I have one copy and would like to know its worth.
Thank you very much OP. excellent find since the RRP is 69USD
thanks mate, I have never even seen this anime and I simply had to buy a copy =).
Thanks OP, just picked up 4 for a few friends.
Lucky Steam has an easy refund policy now lol. just lol
You can get a refund through steam for all game purchases and some in-game purchases now, for any reason. Hit up the support page.
Hitting up the support page.. thanks guys!! Lifesaver.
Now the question is whether to claim it as.. "Accidentally purchased twice" or "I purchased this by accident" given that I've bought the game at the Ozbargained rate 3 times..
Perhaps "It's not what I expected" would be the best fit.
price fixed
missed out :(
Appears to have been fixed, showing as $69.99.
fixed, would love to get a copy!
Glitch has ended now, price back to $69.99.
Price has been fixed. Now $69usd
dude… you were so close. I feel for you.
Oh, I purchased a key already :D
I was going for extras :P
Damn. Fixed.
Anyone got a spare I can buy?
Expired. Got 3 yay!
hey are you selling?
Aww, it got fixed as I was going to buy it
Its back to $69.99USD now D:
All over folks, thanks for playing.
Thanks buddy!
Bugger. Between going on and creating my account they fixed it.
Wat? You didn't have a steam account??? I guess today is your lucky day. Go forth and buy buy buy
wowww, I got it and the next second the price jumped. Thanks
price fixed T_T manage to get 2 :P
Got mine before they fix the error. Feeling achieved something!
fark, was talking to someone announcing baby news and missed it!!!!
price back to $69.99US
Cheers OP, got 2 copies
Time to trade them for CSGO skins at 1000% profit >:)
I would like to buy one. I just added you on steam :)
If you're keen on selling a key, I wouldn't mind grabbing one off you
ive got some good csgo skins
Anyone got a spare please?
give this man a cookie, thank mate you are a hero
I just got mine in time! :)
Woop got 11 copies, time to trade
Would really like to buy/trade for one of your spares? Please let me know if you're up for it
hey. wondering if you would be willing to sell a copy. im very interested.
let me know.
i d like to buy one too! PM me pls
If you have any spares, I'll be interested in buying a copy if you're willing to sell a copy
I would also be interested to buy one off you, if you still have some spares :)
I you still have one im interested :)
do you happen to have any copies left. im severely interested in a copy.
If anyone has a spare game, leme know! I missed out by a minute. :(
It's $0.69 USD. Anyway, this deal is exclusive to Australia (due to being price gouged at $69.95 USD).
Also, for those who want to stock up, it's 10 copies max per hour (this goes for any combination of games).