Win $50, $30, $20 PayPal Credit or Gift Card for Most Creative OzBargain BYO Slurpee Cup Sept 1

0 entrants, 0 wins
Last edited 01/09/2015 - 00:06
Entry Requirements
Due to recent events with 7/11, our competition has been cancelled.
September 1 is BYO Slurpee Cup day at 7/11. In the past, OzBargainers have made some creative cups . So let's see the most creative cups you can come up with.
Take a pic of your Slurpee cup. Photos must include:
- a "cup" that is filled with Slurpee
- A written sign that says OzBargain, a printout of an OzBargain logo or text saying OzBargain, or wearing an OzBargain T-Shirt.
No image manipulation (photoshopping).
- Submit as many entries as you like.
- Please either upload your photo to OzBargain (My Account - files) or an external service (e.g. imgur) and post in a comment on this page.
- You do not have to identify yourself (e.g. face) in the photo. Just the Slurpee cup & the sign/t-shirt.
- If your photo doesn't have a sign, printout or t-shirt, your entry will not count.
- Moderators will judge all entries and select the 3 best entries.
- Photos only. No video or drawings.
- Each user/person can only win 1 prize (e.g. 1st, 2nd or 3rd).
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closed Comments
First, we've had bargains not availble in SA (+TAS)
but here's your first non SA comp :(
Crie every teim :'(- Cry into Slurpie cup
- Add cordial
- Freeze
- Drink and imagine every other state drinking a proper Slurpie
Will have to watch that episode. I can't believe they have been able to get away with underpaying staff for so long. Just shows how unsustainable their business model is for franchisees in Australia.
Looking forward for the next competition :)
I still bought it!!! Here is mine, just showing even though the Comp is not on. :(