Seems to have dropped a dollar from Harvey's ongoing clearance sale. Was about to buy this pre-owned at JB Hifi for $12 but someone else picked it up when i went back a second time.
Thanks to Trent for prompting me to look through the deals:
Seems to have dropped a dollar from Harvey's ongoing clearance sale. Was about to buy this pre-owned at JB Hifi for $12 but someone else picked it up when i went back a second time.
Thanks to Trent for prompting me to look through the deals:
Great price for an excellent game. Short but fun, a taste of the inFamous (SS) world.
The traversal is really fun in this and SS. I think it's got the best movement out of all open world games. So quick and easy to get around and climb buildings.
Would pretty much have to argue Prototype, because the parkour system they invented was great.
That said; don't buy the 'remastered' prototype on PS4. They don't deserve the money.
Spiderman 2, tho. lol.
Is this full game or do I need the InFamous second son to run?
stand alone. Don't need ISS, though you should play ISS first anyway.
I'd like to buy it but I can't select "I agree"