2Kg or 4Kg LPG Gas Cylinders. Were $34 and $39 respectively but now $10. There were choices of POL or 3/8 connections.
At Big W in Tuggeranong, ACT. Located in the DropZone area.
Available at some other stores (Seen at Sunbury VIC, Craigeburn VIC)
2Kg or 4Kg LPG Gas Cylinders. Were $34 and $39 respectively but now $10. There were choices of POL or 3/8 connections.
At Big W in Tuggeranong, ACT. Located in the DropZone area.
Available at some other stores (Seen at Sunbury VIC, Craigeburn VIC)
fill them with gas?
These days it tends to be uneconomical to refill the 2kg bottle commercially.
You can buy an equivalent amount of disposable 220g butane cylinders for less.
A lot of people refill them themselves by decanting from a 9kg or 45kg cylinder.
(Yeah, outdoors, not while smoking, yadda yadda , before the Nanny Police jump on me.)
Can/should I run a traditional two burner
Possible, but not a good idea. Better to decant.
You can get adapters for the smaller primus connector for hiking stoves (see ebay butane adapter) , but some are not very safe.
How do you do this manic?
Some kind of double male ended POL fitting hose?
I have a rigid pipe with POL on one end, 3/8 right-angle on the other, a valve lever, and safety vent.
They used to sell them at Bunnings etc, but I suppose some idiot failed to follow instructions and they stopped selling them.
This guy just uses adapters, but be careful :
I don't think it is actually illegal. But for a shop to do it, there are probably a ton a regulations that make it too hard.
That device sounds great Manic.
Like many people I would like to be able to fill my smaller bottles from the cheaper 9KG ones as the price for 2KG and 4KG fills can be a bit OTT.
I have read a few reports on it and would like to be able to do this. In my case I would need POL to POL. The only device I have found that can do this defeats the purpose due to its own expense. They sell them on Ebay but they are ~$125 here: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/LPG-Filler-Decanting-Gun-Hose-To-…
A simple hose with two POL ends would do I suppose although as I understand it, the gas is in liquid form once the bottle is inverted for transferring and I am unclear if regular gas hose are OK with this as they are for evaporated gas.
I see they available cheaply in the UK, e.g. http://www.gasequipmentdirect.co.uk/store/product/H20PPBLACK…
Or try adding this: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/New-Lp-Gas-1-Lb-Cylinder-Tank-Pro…
to the hose from bunnings. But shorter hose is better.
I saw the 2kg ones today and they were $20 at broadmeadows Bigw. I was going to grab one but someone stole them before I could purchase.
Craigieburn had heaps of 2kg and 4kg ones yesterday. Were scanning at $10
How much do they charge to fill them up?
From memory around $13 for a 4lt fill at my local Mitre 10.
4lt is 2kg. You mean 4kg?
isnt that expensive? I mean I pay $20 to do they big 9kg ones.
You are mostly paying for the labor and profit. Actual gas component is small.
Its the same actual gas sold in servos as LPG in many areas so worth ~$0.53c litre retail.
This deal was posted yesterday or Saturday I think. The deal was originally 10kg cyclinders but they sold out quickly and only the smaller ones now available. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/206987
Plenty of the 2kg and 4kg bottles at Big W Gungahlin
what do you do with empty gas cylinders?