Info/Help on Anti-Snoring Devices

Gday fellas

It has recently come to my attention that im a bit of a porker when it comes to snoring at night and this is causing some grief for the missus. Im wondering if people have experience of how they have dealt with this issue ?

Im new to the world of anti-snoring devices and have so far only tried the tape strips that go along the nose at night. That didn't seem to do anything. I think it might be that im more of a mouth snorer than a nose one? Not sure tho.

In any event, the products are expensive and i don't want to go purchasing them all if none work so im wondering if people can cast any light on this issue?



  • +3

    See your Doctor?
    Check your weight/diet/other factors.
    Have a Sleep Study…

  • +5

    Definitely have yourself booked in for a sleep study; your snoring may actually be sleep apnoea. Do you wake up with headaches on a regular basis? Find yourself tired or nodding off during the day? Sleep apnoea, if left untreated, reduces average life expectancy by up to 20 years.

  • +1

    i'm guessing weight is a factor. i dropped a fair bit of weight and the sleep time i required magically dropped from a minimum of 10 hours down to 7-8, but the quality of my sleep has improved. i used to feel like having an afternoon nap everyday but now i power on from dusk until i nod off at night.

  • Hi guys

    I do have some afternoon lethargy. Weight isn't an issue, im 6'2 and 80kg. I had planned to see my GP and do all that but was wondering if anyone knew of any products that work particularly well because that would be handy in the meantime - mean i could sleep in the bedroom again ! ;)

  • Do you like a beer? Hubby tends to snore a lot worse when he's had a drink, and he's not a heavy drinker.

    Best advice is firsly to see your GP to make sure there's not an underlying medical reason.

    Hubby had good success with Snore Stopper - it's basically a mouldable mouthpiece, bought from the Chemist for around $50 to $70. He did afterwards buy a cheapie from the internet, but found it didn't last and wasn't as effective.

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