For e.g
I have a degree in Buss/Commerce (Hospitality), I'm currently a retail salesperson. And before that, I worked in IT Helpdesk.
The closest thing to hospitality I have ever done was work in a cafe and that was BEFORE I started studying university. Haven't touched hospitality jobs since.
So per title: what did you study, and what related / unrelated field do you work in now? And have you given up trying to look for said related job?
@tyler.durden: You can go onto any university website and find what the fees are going to be. That's probably your best bet as the fees change each year.
I hold quite a few industry specific certificates like CCENT/CCNA, but I don't always keep them up to date. Cisco for example was worth updating when they made the transition from IPV4 to IPV6 in their training.
Systems Engineering is hard to describe, but one way of putting it is that I plan, design and manage systems over their lifetime. An example would be going into a business and planning out what infrastructure they need (e.g. PCs, network equipment, cabling, software etc), implementing the infrastructure and then managing it. SE can consist of desktop and help desk support as that's a part of the management. Systems Engineer can also be compared to a Project Manager in some cases and it even has it's own degree.
Looking after infrastructure is just managing all IT/Telecomms infrastructure within a business or organisation.