This was posted 9 years 6 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

FREE iOS: Goat Simulator @ IGN (Now Working Fine)


Everyone knows how popular this game has been on OzB in the past, and now IGN is offering it free to 57 countries as their game of the month. Note you may have to be patient as obviously the servers are being hammered and you may get loading in the promo code field for a while, but should hopefully come good soon. Enjoy :)

Here's more details

Update from IGN: Hey everyone! While our engineers work on getting everything back to normal, we've temporarily disabled the promotion page, which means you may see a message staying the promotion has ended. Don't worry, we're not out of codes, and once we can confirm that a fix has been issued, we'll re-activate the promotion for y'all. Again, sorry for the trouble! We're working as fast as we can to get this resolved.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    It's strange has this game has a cult following. I tried it when it first came out and got bored with it after 15 minutes. Gonna download it again to see if it's changed.

    • +1

      I'm keen to try it out but I fear this is more marketing than substance. They promoted it quite heavily on reddit.

    • It's just reddit and other garbage liberal random zany quirky meme websites that shill it for free.

    • +1

      Yeah. I'm still a bit of a downer with this game, I've always felt it's an insult to the industry to produce this crap, much like "I Am Bread". I realise I'm probably just being cynical.

      • +1

        The IP actually started as a joke. It wasn't developed until people started requesting it. Then it sold like crazy. Games like Goat Sim and I am Bread are more a parody of the "real" simulators like Farm Mechanic Simulator, that are pumped out of Europe once a year.

        There is a actually a lot of depth to the game. The devs left it up to the player to discover it on their own. So unless you take the time and look, you'll probably just pass on it.

        I myself have passed on it as I have a huge pile of shame, but I've seen other people playing it and some of the "story" looks quite interesting so maybe I'll come back to it.

        • Yeah, they've definitely made it into a solid game with the MMO and zombie? Update. Good for them and I'm glad it didn't spawn a huge new influence of meme low budget games much like the zombie/survival genre.

  • +7

    No love for android?? We love goats too

    • Too funny. Thanks for the laugh. I love my Samsung but i don't even want to know lol

  • -7

    When I click the link it just says the code is loading… Sits there and does nothing. Anyone else getting this?

    • +5

      Please read the post.

      • -5

        . The post got updated after it wasn't working for me. Donk

        • +6

          No, check the revisions. The comment was there from the start.

        • +6

          @tightarse: Don't worry TA, he's just trying to get your goat.

        • @Peace Maker: omg.. i laughed. Not sure how that reflects on you lol. Peace :)

        • @Peace Maker:

          He needs to be careful, or he'll get baaaaaa-nned.

  • +2

    Damn TA; beat me to my ign free game post…. I'll let you have this one ;)

  • +1

    Must be getting hammered, been "loading" for over 30 minutes already

  • +2

    Is it just me or anyone else is having problem acquiring the redemption code….it is stuck at loading…on both Mac and mobile

    • +1

      yeah been loading for over an hour for me, getting to the "maybe it's not working" stage lol

  • Thanks TA, been wanting to try this game out for awhile :)

  • NOOOOO paid for it like a few weeks ago! hahahaha. Enjoy!

    • True Ozbargain behaviour displayed here. Hate that too!

  • +6

    From their website: Hey! This month's promo is being hit pretty hard and it looks like the code redemption page is having a few problems. We have TOP MEN looking into it.

    In the meantime, don't worry about nabbing a copy right this second - although we don't have an unlimited number of codes, we do have a very very large number of them - we won't run out today. So please check back in a little while, when we should have everything straightened out.

    Sorry for the trouble!

    • Thanks stonemonkey. Do you have a link for this so I can add it to the post? Couldn't find it on the site. Many thanks :)

      • I'm sure it's his joke post :)

      • It's over here which is already in your post I see…

        • +1

          Thanks. Didn't read that far down :)

  • I can't get the code.
    It keeps saying Loading…

    • Yep me too. On Chrome and IE (no add-ons).

    • yup, me too since 9:50am :(

      • Yup its F-ed

  • +1

    What the hell did I just watch? That music is going to be stuck in my head all day now.

  • Wooww… what do you know… It is back again….
    I am waiting to Cow simulator 2015 to become free as it makes a good present..

  • has anyone here actually managed to get a code I am at like hour 4 and now have to go home lol

    • Two hours later and still doesn't seem to be working. I guess I'll try tomorrow :/

    • I just got one

      • How? I'm still getting the 'technical error check back later'

  • +5

    These free game deals are really getting on my goat.

  • +1

    I assume this is over now because the function to get the code simply returns this:


    • It's been like that since TA posted the deal this morning. I reckon they just haven't fixed the problem yet.

  • have your 100u junkie.

  • It's gluons get ozbargained!

  • i want free goat :(

  • +1

    I goat to get this!!

  • +1

    This is really baa-aad!

  • I really don't understand the affinity to games, I try to play along to be sociable but I
    just don't like games. Maybe completely sucking arse at them has to do with that.

  • +3

    suggest this deal should have some status like 'pending' , sorry to say but it is just wasting everyone's time, a pending status would save the crowd from keep coming back and checking if it is ''now' working or not.

    • Now working.

      • Thanks . Neg revoked.
        And now I suggest this deal (removed and) republished as it has gone down on page 2. :)

        • I doubt the mods will allow that, and it's fine as it is anyway. Thanks.

  • +1

    Don't kid yourself, this game isn't worth a couple of bucks. Within a few minutes you'll be doesing off as it's pretty boring.

    However since it's free you may as well give it a go.

    • It's a novelty game, everyone needs one of those.

      It's a bit like that Bear Driving Simulator game a few years ago. It was awesome simply because it was a Bear Driving Simulator!

    • People down voting you and still don't appreciate your references THAT ARE IN BOLD

  • Has anyone actually got their code yet? I've been loading for many, many an hour now.

  • +1

    Been trying since this morning, forever loading.


  • +5

    Those TOP MEN are not up to the task!

    • +2

      Should've hired TOP GOATS.

  • -1

    Still not working..

    Waste of time.

    Will remove neg if site gets fixed. Otherwise title should say its broken!

    • Now working.

  • +2

    Loading simulator

  • I went to work at 8:30 in the morning and it was loading, still loading now.

  • -2

    Been broken all day - haven't seen anyone able to get a code yet.

    • Now working.

  • Been trying all night and day with nothing, now….

    "Sorry, this promotion has ended."

    Didn't know IGN did scams, are you really telling me this stupid game is that popular. I think it's a Micheal Jackson, no real fans just publicity stunts like this to give the impression.

    • Hey everyone! While our engineers work on getting everything back to normal, we've temporarily disabled the promotion page, which means you may see a message staying the promotion has ended.
      Don't worry, we're not out of codes, and once we can confirm that a fix has been issued, we'll re-activate the promotion for y'all.
      Again, sorry for the trouble! We're working as fast as we can to get this resolved.

      Update 2 minute ago. Still, it is taking them forever and a day to fix this issue.

    • "Been trying all night and day with nothing, now…." … " this stupid game"

      For a "stupid game", you've sure been going to a lot of effort to obtain it!

  • Expired.

    • It's not expired. It's been updated on ign to say "technical issues, please check back later"

  • +2

    What is wrong with you complainers, have paitence! Oh it's not fair I can't get my free game when I want it. You sounds like a bunch of sooks!

    Any way I just tried it and it worked got my free game +1 thanks OP

  • +1

    Technical issues

  • +3

    It would be easier just to buy the goat.

  • Goat your free download yet?

  • Headless goats running around crying whinging and complaining about no free game!!!

    It's the end of the world!!!!!!

  • I just got a code.
    Thanks TA

    • +1

      How did you get your code? I'm still seeing: "Technical Issues, check back later"

  • -2

    HAHA, got it. Despite it saying Technical Difficulties, I clicked the box and it came through with one.
    Pity I cant change my neg to a pos.

    • +2

      you can at the very least revoke it though

      • Thanks man, didn't know I could do that. But you gotta admit IGN made a dogs breakfast of that deal.

  • Thanks OP, working but not always at the moment
    Extra code generated while testing if anyone wants it

    • +2

      Someone's already redeemed your code. Ya think they'd let others know….

  • Yep, can confirm. Got my code working now.

  • Works sometimes.. some codes below

    • +2

      These have both already been redeemed. Seriously some people have no community appreciation. If u use a code someone shares, at least inform others u used it so people don't waste their time.

  • Could someone PM me one if they are able to get in? I keep checking regularly with no luck. I'll try post some extras if I can get it work.

    • +1


  • +6

    Grabbed a second code when trying to get it for someone and they didn't need it: TYT4WHJTRHJ3

    Edit - here's a bunch more.


    • Thanks used FYAKHYL6FL34

    • +1

      Used code HKTP6R43YPNM. Thanks auslade!

      EDIT: I eventually got codes. Someone can use EJPYLNEPKLXX, ARLHT9H6EXWF, FNWPJM3JKREK

      • Thanks, used ARLHT9H6EXWF.

      • Both of the other codes have been used apparently :\

    • Used JWEMM6WL7H7W

    • Thanks! Used JXRFPE4NMJNF

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