This was posted 9 years 7 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

GoDaddy - $ Domain Name Registration

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SPECIAL OFFER! .COM just A$0.99! Additional .COMs just A$10.99 per year!

NOTE: when you first select the .com domain it will show as A3.99, but when you continue to the cart and don't add anything else, and select only 1 year for the term, it will show up as A0.99 and the total will be:

*Plus ICANN fee of A$0.25 per domain name per year. A$0.99 price good for the first year of one new or transfer .COM per customer. Additional years or .COMs may be purchased for A$10.99 per year. Discounts valid one per customer. Discounts cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Not all payment methods valid with this offer, acceptable payments will display in cart at checkout. Your discount will be applied in your shopping cart. After the initial purchase term, discounted products will renew at the then-current renewal rate. Go Daddy reserves the right to deny use of this offer and/or cancel domains purchased using this offer if the offer is abused or used fraudulently, as determined by Go Daddy in its sole discretion.

Checkout should look like this

  • PS: This is my first deal. I hope I got the formatting and everything right.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    don't mean to be harsh but this is a normal price, can't see any bargain. GD removed the coupon code for all renewals recently and that's how they make money.

    • +1

      I haven't bought any new domains this year or saw any other domain deals on OZB lately and thought it's a limited time offer, so I thought i'd post it. It's definitely a good price for a .com domain.
      Glad to remove if everyone feels that way.

    • -1

      Yep, They need to be the cheapest on the surface to get any business. But it is like combining Ryanair with Aeroflot - they are only cheap if you wear all your clothes onto the flight to avoid luggage and dont eat, and you are taking a huge risk any time you buy.
      they always have dozens of 99c codes - it is how they stay in biz, get unwary newbies in and then charge em like wounded bulls, if the domain gets worth a lot then steal it and resell. Also if you search a domain on GD and dont buy, dont be surprised if they register it out from under your nose and try to sell it for hundreds.
      Namecheap for $5.99 with code 'Buythedomain' seems to be the top .com deal atm

  • +3

    Well, I got a .com domain about two months ago with GoDaddy and it was 0.99 with no coupon or promotion. I also think it is standard price.

    • Why the neg? I just said what I thought, I didn't say it was the absolute truth.

  • -2

    $0.99 for .com is NOT standard price. This is a great deal.

    • Sorry but it really is the normal price, they have dozens of 99c codes at any given time. none of them are worth using except for throw away domains.

      • It may be normal price for GoDaddy, but not for other sites which are more expensive.

        • Yes, that is the point, godaddy is crap, deal is not a deal

        • @mycosys:

          If that is the conclusion you came to. Don't listen to reason.

        • -2

          @Dagmar: You have FIRST HAND testimony below but you dont care. Take your own comment to yourself, listen to reason and stop defending the indefensible, actually do some research and you wont go with them.

        • @mycosys:

          You just blew up, didn't you? I've been with GoDaddy for 7 years now. Never had an issue.

          I'll let you go cool down. PM me if you want.

  • +1

    +1. Not working for me though. Check here

    • +1

      Same here!

    • +4

      OZB doesn't let me post the original link I have (from facebook), I think OZB adds their own ref code or something.
      I've pasted the original url here
      I did check it through the link I posted though and it seemed to work.

      I've just tried it now on my android tablet and it still works.
      Do you own other domains with them maybe ?

      • +1

        You could be right. I do own a domain already. I think by creating a new account should work.

      • Thank you sir! That linked worked perfectly. Last night it kept coming up as $12+ for one year by going through the site normally.

  • deleted

    • +2

      Try the link in the comment I've posted. I've triple checked that it still works. I am not signed in though.

      • +2

        Thanks. It works.

  • +5

    If you are serious about your domain, best to go with a company which does not intentionally publish your full personal contact details, so that they can coerce you into "purchasing" privacy protection.

    • +1

      I would normally go with Namecheap because their service has been the best in my opinion. But even they will give you 1 year of "anonymity" for free and then charge you for it after.

  • +4

    +1 for Namecheap
    Godaddy is also know for registering domain people search for, and then offering them from $100-500 after 12 hours which is a terrible and unethical practice.
    Source Source

    • +2

      Terrible and unethical pretty much sums up GoDaddy.

    • +1

      Always wondered if they (and others) did that. Thanks for confirming.

    • Your 'sources' are very flawed.

      Taken from the Reddit source:

      Edit: It looks like some content has gone up on the domain that I was searching for, so it looks like someone else legitimately registered the domain. I'll be much quicker on the purchase next time. Thanks for the information you all provided.

      Taken from the Quora source:

      There are registrars that do this. It's called front-running. GoDaddy has been accused but never proven of doing this.

      I have highlighted the relevant parts. When you go linking sources, at least make sure they back up your claim.

      • While I understand that, that was just the result of a quick search.
        I've personally had them do it to me, and fortunately I had a better name in mind.
        Check your domain with namecheap and buy on godaddy if you must, but namecheap are much better and provide fair pricing.

  • +2

    The promo code is fb99aumr00



  • Only recommend GoDaddy for domains you only want for a short time - renewals are too expensive.

  • +2

    Comes with free elephant hunting…

  • Haven't used/taken-seriously for a decade.
    Do they still charge premiums for simple/expected features?

  • +3

    I feel it important to warn people that GoDaddy have one of the worst reps in a dodgy industry, they have been known to steal domains if they get popular, their customer service is abhorrent and their business practices border on illegal. I URGE anyone considering this to research hard and only use it for disposable domains, and transfer them out asap if you decide to keep em.

    Also They pretty much constantly have 99c deals, there are dozens of codes available
    The best .com deal atm seems to be namecheap for $5.99 with code 'Buythedomain'

    To the OP - Please dont take the neg personally - good on you for the hard work of posting and thank you for caring enough to do so. I am using the neg as you are supposed to, to give people reason to look and see that there are serious issues with the company. Keep up the good work.

    • The best .com deal atm seems to be namecheap for $5.99 with code 'Buythedomain'

      Which is $5 more than this deal.

      there are serious issues with the company.

      At least link with legitimate sources. See here.

      :EDIT Anyone can claim "bad company". I once got accused of scamming. In my eyes, you can't claim something without evidence.

      • +1

        You stay in denial Dagmar - there are a LOT of sources for their behavior, the warning to be very careful is valid

    • @mycosys No Offense taken. I've actually just tried "Buythedomain" code and it has expired.

      I personally have never had a problem with GoDaddy, I just prefer Namecheap.
      $1 IS cheap for a .com though and I'll think GoDaddy will be ebough/OK for some people. The decision is theirs.

      • Have a look on that site i linked - they tend to keep a pretty thorough list of deals in a no drama format

  • +2

    After reading all this.
    Decided to save time, effort and worry and go with Namecheap. :)


  • How difficult is it to get the code from GoDaddy for your domain name that allows another registrar to transfer over your Domain name to their servers?

    • Pretty easy as shit loads of people would be doing it. Be careful some registrars will charge you to transfer it to them. So you save money fro GoDaddy but pay for it when transferred.

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