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BlitzWolf™ 40W Smart 5-Port USB Charger - US $15.99 or AUD $22.15 Shipped @ Banggood

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USD 15.99 or AUD22.15 inc. Free standard shipping (approx. 3-4 weeks to Aus). White colour and you may select US, UK or AUD power plugs.

Absolutely loved this charger that incorporates Power3S Intelligent charging technology.

Just stumbled on this and not sure when the discounted price will expire.

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closed Comments

  • how is this one compared to the tronsmart in previous deal?

    • +1

      This one doesn't have Qualcomm's Quick Charge 2.0 technology.

      • It's the 'Power3S' equally good/comparable? Or just marketing bs?

        • +1

          Exactly the same as VoltIQ in Tronsmart and PowerIQ in Anker. Detects the charging protocol in the device and charges at the full speed. Obviously if the device is QC 2.0 then these won't be able to do it.

  • +1

    Are these safe to use? Do they have the proper certification for use in Australia?

    • +4

      Doesn't have the aussie tick. It does have CE which is European, but it could be fake. Also the manufacturer has been blurred out for some reason.

      • +1

        Yeah, the blurred out bit rang bells for me too. I'd hate to fry my gear let alone fry myself like that poor woman a while ago using a shoddy charger.

        • -5

          that chick was charging her phone whilst using it in the bath.

        • +2


          She was using it in bed, not the bath.

        • +1

          @supabrudda: wasn't there another chick using it for her laptop with earphones, as well as the bath incident?

        • @supabrudda:
          It's a different "chick" i was referring to.google it.

        • +1


          It's a different "chick"

          That was the "Chk Chk Boom" chick…

        • -3

          Oh that one, still one person. More people die daily taking a dump.
          She was unlucky. millions or even billions of other people world wide use third partry USB charges which aren't AusTicked, yet they don't die, or get injured.

          Plenty of people have been injured by legit Dell/Samsung/SOny/Apple batteries.

        • +1


          I certainly wouldn't want to go while taking a dump. I'd take electricity over that.

        • +1

          @supabrudda: These things you are saying don't mean anything. Everyone takes dumps all the time. That is completely irrelevant.

          If the kill rate for these chargers was 100% or even 1% then the item would be very quickly discontinued. It has to be extremely small for the item to continue to be produced without it being obviously dangerous. So anyone being killed by these is unlucky. You pointing out that she was unlucky doesn't mean anything.

          The next 'fact' you obviously just made up.
          You can Google more examples yourself rather than making blatantly wrong facts up.

          Your final fact is also irrelevant. People die in crashes in Volvos so we may as well all drive Great Wall?

        • @rolypoly:

          Your rant misses the point. For cars, several thousand people die each year, tens of thousands get injuied, but people still choose to drive their car. WHy? because millions of others take car trips & nothing happens. Likewise, a few unlucky (yep sometimes stupid, but unlucky none the less) people die or are injuded by faulty/sunstandard charges. But the risks are far less then car travel.

          I've got a $10 6port usb charger, which the family has used for over 2yrs, and it's just charged up our toys.

        • @supabrudda: I'm not missing the point. You keep making up facts. Here is an easily googled statistic on road fatalities. It is 1.24 million.

          People also drive cars because there is little alternative, it is convenient, they need cars to get an income, and it may be safer than walking or other methods of transport.

          Also your anecdotal case of your charger is near useless.

        • @rolypoly: thanks for agreeing with me!

    • -5

      Of course they don't have the proper certification.

      Seriously guys we've seen the tear down pics comparing certified chargers to Chinese ones.

      DON'T risk your life for a few dollars. Please.

  • +1

    I know that Blitzwolf charger can charge my Asus Transformer TF201 and its one fickle device …. no other third party charger I own have ever manage to charge it.

    Not sure about the certification for use in Australia (so far, no issues and no buzzing noise or anything like that) and comparison with tronsmart unit, but you can check the comments on previous posts of the Blitzwolf below:-



    • +1

      Oh wow, I haven't found another charger that works on my TF300 and I have one of these blitzwolves just lying around! Will give it a go, thanks for the tip!

      • +1

        Asus Transformers (TF 300 etc) require a 12 TO 15 VOLT charger. Standard USB is only 5v

        The TF charger has a USB socket, and for safety of other devices it outputs 5V unless you plug a transformer tablet into it.

        If you plug a Transformer into a 5V USB charger like this deal, or any other "non-transformer" charger, the device will only trickle charge (well under 500mA from memory)

        • Oh so thats the reason, still on the lookout for a better charger than the original then which breaks or loses connection every so often :( thanks for the info!

    • I know that Blitzwolf charger can charge my Asus Transformer TF201

      No, it can't. It doesn't output the correct voltage to charge a Transformer tablet.

      Blitzwolf will trickle charge the TF, just the same as any other standard USB Charger (or even you computers USB port).

  • I believe this is the one I picked up about a month back. I initially thought it had issues but mine is fine.
    Can charge an ipad air 2 without issues.

  • +1

    Power3S Intelligent charging technology
    What is this and what does it do?

    • +1

      Copied from a previous deal:

      Plugging your device into the BlitzWolf gives more than just a charge as the Power3S technology is capable of automatically adjusting the output to optimize charging time. If your device supports high speed then you will enjoy the full force of up to 2.4A of charging speed; if it does not support fast charging Power3S will adjust the output and keep your device charging at a safe speed.

      • -1

        What about I don't want fast charging even my device support it? I use to turn off my phone and let it charge overnight.

        • +1

          The reason why because slow charge the battery will late longer.

          I reckon fast charge only if necessary.

        • I mean last longer.

      • So really it just has a max of 2.4A? The device will only pull the current it needs… that's BS that they use it as part of their marketing.

      • ok, thanks mate.
        does iphone 6/6+ have this?

  • BlitzWolf, Powered by WolfBlitzer.

  • Recently received mine.

    It is very fast, surprisingly small/portable and I use it every day.

  • +1

    What will happen if plug 5 iPads in?

    • +4

      Your suburb will have an outage…

    • +1

      You end up with apple sauce

    • They charge at 2A max I believe, and the charger will only output 2.4A total, so they will take almost 5x longer to charge than normal.

      • i thought it was 2.4A max per port

        • On the page it seemed like total, if its per port then that's great.

        • @algy:
          there is a thorough review of it and says its 8a Max output.
          link to review which is from the banggood page: http://lygte-info.dk/review/USBpower%20BlitzWolf%2040W%205%2…

        • @Hirolol: Oh cool. looks like an ok charger then.

        • It says it is a 40watt charger so if your charging 5 ipads that means a max of 5 x 5volts x 1.6amp so it should take nearly twice as long to charge 5 x ipads compared to a single ipad. I think the normal ipad air charger is 5volts at 2.4amp.

  • Thanks. Ordered one. Been looking for a real high amp output multi USB charger.

  • +1

    I got one of these a few months back and haven't had any problems. It charges my iPad Air2 at 2.4 amps and I've also had an iPhone 6 and iPhone 4 all charging at the same time and it barely gets warm.

    I use those little usb current meters to see the charging rate.

    When I bought it, some of the photos on Banggood had spelling mistakes however the unit I received didn't have any mistakes. Maybe that's why they are now blurred out though it would have probably been easier to just take new photos!

  • Thanks bought one to go with my many other chargers.

  • I've got the Tronsmart charger which is basically the same thing with a different badge.
    Great unit. Compares well to the Anker that I have too.

    I use the Anker mainly at home and take the Tronsmart when travelling.

  • I have bought 2 of these.
    Very happy with them.

    This is a good price.

  • http://cplonline.com.au/orico-dub-6p-bk-usb3-0-charging-stat…

    Isnt this way better? 72w ,6 ports and 1 year local warranty.Of course it costs double but still !!!!

  • I don't know about you guys, but I got the same Blitzwolf charger from the previous deal and it produces a high frequency buzzing sound when it's charging my phone. I'm not a light sleeper, but can't charge my phone while I'm sleeping. Just my 2 cents, judge for yourself if this is a good deal for you :)

  • I have one too but it is awesome - it makes no sound at all (it sits right next to my bed so I would certainly hear it), I use it to charge Surface 3, iPad 3, and iPhone 6 Plus all at the same time with no problems. Highly recommend.

  • Will there be a problem if the device needs a bit higher voltage? Like 5.1 or 5.2v?

    Because the original chargers for ASUS T100 and Acer A1-830 are not 5v.

  • I got mine after waiting for 3 weeks. It is awesome. Great quality product.

  • -1

    Just a heads up to anyone who orders - it took over 15 minutes for my order to appear on the My Orders page of my account in BangGood. I placed my order through PayPal and got the PayPal receipt immediately but no confirmation from BangGood for about 16 minutes…

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