Are You A Pirate?

Don't know if this topic has been done before but since Ozbargain is about saving money. I think this is an appropriate topic.

How many of you Pirate and how many of you Buy dvds and buy legally?

I pirate but I don't use torrents. So far I have 8 TB of stuff

Poll Options

  • 33
    I am a Pirate
  • 17
    I try to Buy legally
  • 25


  • What do you mean by "I pirate but I don't use torrents"? Do you draw some kind of moral distinction between downloading via torrents and other forms of piracy, or do you just avoid 'torrenting' because you reckon it's more risky than other forms of piracy?

    • I avoid torrenting cos it's more risky. I use cyberlockers.

    • -1


      Torrenting means you are distributing copyrighted material. You are taking illegal versions of a movie and giving it to other people.

      If you don't use torrents you are simply downloading copyrighted material for personal use. It is very difficult to get into trouble for this and they can't make you pay massive financial settlements.

      • +2

        Torrents are widely used for non-copyright infringing data distribution as well. It isn't helpful to label them as infringing.
        I think you mean that the bittorrent protocol shares portions of the files as you download, possibly leading to infringing actions if you are torrenting an infringing file.

        • I don't know why you are specifically picking my words apart.

          We are in a pirating thread of course I'm talking about pirated torrents.

          Any platform can be used legally if you want to.

          My point still stands. Torrenting illegal content = distributing copyrighted material which is very illegal.

  • +9


    • +1

      you leftout the #

      • +1

        I'm not cool enough for hashtags


      • /join #notacop

  • I have 30TB roughly of "stuff"

    *and no porn**

    • +8

      *and no porn**

      I call BULL! =P

  • +2

    Your poll needs another option… "I only watch legally free stuff." I very rarely watch movies and pretty much don't watch anything fiction.

    • If you don't mind asking, why don't you watch fiction?

      • I find it rather shallow and contrived. I prefer the 66 books with an integrated message from outside our time domain. They have been hotly disputed and the subject of endless controversy for millennia but they still persist to this day.

        A lot of popular fiction today has openly plagiarised from the accounts in these 66 books.

        Regarding the Harry Potter series, JK Rowling said that if readers knew of her beliefs they would be able to “guess what is coming in the books”.

        The Lion King has openly borrowed from the accounts of Moses and Joseph.

        In the classic book The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, C.S. Lewis' goal was to present a story that parallels the gospel.

        • +5

          You get all the entertainment you need out of the bible?
          You might be a minority.

        • +2

          @mskeggs: for this person, going to church is just like going to the movies - every Sunday a new blockbuster is released and its free!

        • @pointless comment: Do they get popcorn though? :)

    • +1

      Ditto. I watch docos. It's very, very rare that I do enjoy a fictional movie or book. In a way that makes me sad - I'd love to be able to lose myself in another world like others seem to.. to be swept up in a story and be moved by it even if it's not real. But I can't. I get bored incredibly easily and quickly.

      A documentary however has me engaged the entire time and evokes such emotion in me, no matter what the topic. Ditto with the few TV programs I watch.

      There are docos I download/stream which aren't legally free though…

      • +1

        I'm totally opposite, only few docos could make me finish them…

      • -1

        Yeah, same-same re fiction… I'd much rather spend any 'spare' time I have being reliably informed about reality. I know that will seem sad to many, but unlike Waters, I could not care less. BTW waters, what do you make of the curious fact the "could care less" and "couldn't care less" are used interchangably in some realms? Bizzarro I reckon…

  • -4

    Posts and forum topics where people discuss about their pride in piracy and methods of piracy should be banned from this site.

    Everyone gets it, everyone has at done it at one point.. but this site really isn't the place for it.

    • Why should such discussion be banned? Do you think it's promoting piracy?

      • -4


        Of course direct linking to piracy sites is a no go for legal reasons, but many popular technology forums (which OZB has become) have clamped down on general piracy chat if the topic at hand is purely talking about piracy.

        Sure its fine to discuss an episode of a TV show that would have been only obtained by a torrent, or the game play of a pre release leaked game and so on.

        But having a topic where people are comparing the size of their pirated libraries is just bad taste for a reputable site like this.

    • +1

      Talking about piracy promotes piracy… right. This is probably as ridiculous as saying allowing same sex marriage makes people gay.
      People have plenty of reasons to pirate, talking about it is not gonna make a tiny bit of difference.

  • +2

    I bought LPs and tapes when I was a kid and swapped mix tapes and radio recordings. I re-bought most of that music again on CD as a young adult and swapped plenty of mix CDs. I ripped everything to MP3 except for some scratched or damaged stuff. I won't be paying a third time for Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd etc. I still buy Cds of indie bands when I go to a gig.
    I bought a bunch of VHS tapes, and a bunch of DVDs. They don't last very well, especially the kid stuff. So I dump avi's onto a hard drive. It is easier and quicker to torrent a DVD rip than tie up my pc doing it myself. It got to the point where one of my kids complained about the anti-piracy warnings and delays on an old DVD when I realised the stuff I could download for free was actually better than the stuff I could buy.

    I bought a few songs and movies but the DRM is just garbage that makes it hard for me to use. So I usually don't bother.. The exception is I do download or use vpns to watch a few overseas TV shows like the Daily Show, which no doubt Foxtel would scream is piracy. shrug
    That said, I buy plenty of games from GOG these days that I could pirate because they have made it so easy that for $3 I can be playing in a couple of minutes. If I have to work out which client (yes, I don't run steam all the time) and redeem codes and muck around, I waste a bunch of playing time just to make the developers DRM requirements happy. So I rarely buy DRM'd games anymore.

    And it looks like netflix might be good enough to do the same thing for video. If they keep growing their catalog, and keep their prices low I intend to start paying once my free trial finishes.

    • I bought LPs and tapes when I was a kid and swapped mix tapes and radio recordings. I re-bought most of that music again on CD as a young adult and swapped plenty of mix CDs. I ripped everything to MP3 except for some scratched or damaged stuff. I won't be paying a third time for Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd etc. I still buy Cds of indie bands when I go to a gig.

      This brought a smile to my face. Did the same. :)

      • Me too. Old school :) I imagine some here are like, what's a VHS? Until this year i still used cds in my car. Laugh away.

  • I torrent anime but that's about it… else I buy my games and movies

  • +1

    I tried to spark a conversation around this issue here:

    I mostly got slammed (negs) with few people offering actual reasons for pirating. I think most people just don't care enough and pirating is so easy and cheap (I say cheap and not free because you need more bandwidth and storage etc. to handle it which is a cost you wouldn't necessarily have otherwise).

  • I have ripped the CD collection to MP3 and have started to rip them again to FLAC. These are CD's I have bought. As for video content I generally obtain copies via friends etc and if I enjoyed it I will buy it on DVD, I have not done this recently as I am not too sure I want to buy more DVDs or move to Blue Ray.

  • +15

    I used to be a pirate, however due to the rising cost of ship maintenance and the difficulty I had finding a good crew I had to give up the swashbuckling life instead sticking to something with more of a set income - software consulting.

  • +2

    I clicked the first option without reading the other two.
    I don't refuse to pay for media. I pay for a percentage of it. Basically anything I truly enjoy I will buy afterwards. Though some software can cost upwards of $400 so there's no practical way of paying for it even if I want to. (I only use the programs for educational purposes, I personally believe the only people who are indebted to pay for such programs are people who use them professionally)

  • +1


  • Movies TV shows and pc games (some not all pc games) I don't bother with music as I have YouTube and an rdio subscription. I also have two years on my Netflix account.

    Haven't bought a dvd or blueray in years I stream everything And or download.

  • +1

    I have around 23TB of content.

    But I do think pirate websites should be blocked, its way too easy to do it at the moment and it needs to be stopped before it becomes too mainstream and we get crazy laws about it.

    • Yep - it is waaay too easy. That is a large part of the problem.

      Re your 23TB - that is quite a lot. The cost to acquire, store, and play such content would not be insignificant (particularly the storage aspect, although bandwidth and power costs can add up over time too).

      I wonder how much you've spent on technology (e.g. HDDs) to support that 'collection' and how far that would have gone towards buying the content legitimately… yes a legitimate collection of similar cost would be smaller, but I'm sure you don't need all 23TB of content and then it would be legal. Just some food for thought :)

      • Where am I going to get $100,000 to buy it legitimately?, because thats about what I would need if I was all available to purchase.

        I have another 20TB used for backing it up, but have it all uploading to the cloud as we speak so i can use those backup drives are MORE STORAGE!

        • $100k?! Most movies can be bought for around $10 on average (some more, some less) so that's around 10,000 movies… enough to watch a movie a day for over 25 years! TV shows are even cheaper (on an hourly basis).

          What an earth do you need that much content for? Have you thought about Netflix? let someone else do the hosting!

        • @Evil-Elmo:

          Netflix is missing a lot of content.

        • @samfisher5986:

          Netflix is good for1-2 months and then after these months, you won't have much things you want to watch.

    • and in reply to:

      …it needs to be stopped before it becomes too mainstream and we get crazy laws about it.

      I think it's already too mainstream and that is why we're already getting crazy laws about it (e.g. internet filter) :)

  • There's a problem with physical media and thats storage. Who realistically has room for all the CD, DVD, bluray games and shite that one accumulates over the years.

    • +2

      I ripped all my dvd's and cd's, got rid of all my paper books for electronic and found a 3rd bedroom.

      • hahahahaha

  • I use torrents…

  • If the telco's didn't want us to torrent why do they provide plans with more than 10tb a month, what else could it realistically be used for?
    How much can you use web browsing, gaming and watching cat videos on youtube?

    • linux iso

      video uploads to youtube

      backup entire server to icloud

      streaming movies/videos off the interwebs. I streamed for half a day and racked up ~25gb of foxtel asia data

      • Refreshing the Ozbargain deals page like its candy crush, blows thru a heap of data!

  • I stream 4k content and am not a pirate, I get value out of my internet supplier. I buy no movies on disc simply because I will see them eventually via streaming and I've yet to see a film that has been life changing so why rush out and buy… Anyhow buying is for hoarder's.

  • Seems the common complaint about "pirating is bad" is because the actors, producers, networks etc miss out on revenue. I think that's a fair statement.
    So disregarding torrents, sharing, ripping etc

    Do you think its unfair if I own a DVD movie but its packed away in a box (and I'm too lazy to unpack) so I 'pirate' the movie to watch (of same or less quality)?
    Do you think its unfair if I record a tv show aired on FTA & skip the ads?
    Do you think its unfair if I 'pirate' the same TV show after its been aired?

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