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Many sizes and styles available (mini, classic and 3/4 height). Not sure about end date though.
Received via email.
Many sizes and styles available (mini, classic and 3/4 height). Not sure about end date though.
would pre to spend $79 +shipping for the original uggs……if they are still the same price
yeah I think you're right. It doesn't say 'genuine' ugg boots anywhere. My bad
But these are genuine ugg boots. Just not Ugg Australia boots.
I stand by that "ugg boots" are a generic term.
Yeah I had no idea about it really, because I thought Ugg Australia was a brand name thing. I thought Snoop was on to something
@steff: Its another deal that is branded Genuine Ugg if thats your thing. 'Genuine Ugg' is made here, but owned by a US company. The Kogan are made OS but owned by an Australian business. Profit or Jobs.
The drama over names is OS not here. Anyone can call a boot Ugg in Aus, its in the US that you cant. There its a brand, and its the US owned (but Aussie made) version I linked to that has that brand. As I understand it.
There its a brand, and its the US owned (but Aussie made) version I linked to that has that brand.
The deal you linked above is for Ugg loafers made in Australia by an Australian owned company called "Original Ugg Boots".
@Thrift: You sure its Aussie owned too? I know they are made here, they even state that on their website as I acknowledge in my comment, but make no mention of being Aussie owned too. Seems silly not to say that if it is Aussie owned.
Ive since become aware they arent part of the US Co Deckers, but that doesnt mean its not an OS company. Here in Aus they and anyone else can use the term Ugg.
@Tuba: I can't guarantee it, I'm only going by what the rep said on OzB:
Plus you are supporting Aussie jobs as we are 100% Australian made and owned
- are Australian made and owned.
- you sell the "Ugg Australia" sheepskin boots?
We get this question all the time and the answer is no. We manufacture and sell our own products, made here in Australia by us. We are not affiliated to the US Company that owns the Ugg Australia brand - called Deckers.
I let UGG Australia know. Soz, but I hate Kogan's knock off crap!!!
They say that a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, but an ugg boot is an ugg boot.
We don't claim any affiliation with the original brand, but our ugg boots have been a top seller for their high quality, genuine Australian's sheepskin wool.
A bit like that 'Rubik's Cube' you guys were selling!
When did kogan move into genuine poetry too?
Honestly, Ugg Australia is the one you should be avoiding - it's American owned, and made in china.
From Wikipedia: "UGG Australia is an American footwear company and is a division of the Deckers Outdoor Corporation."
Look out for Ugg's using Australian sheepskin, and made in Australia. Australian's fought hard in the courts to have the word Ugg recognised as a type of shoe, rather than a brand of shoe. Meaning we can still make the iconic boot in Australia without Ugg Australia suing.
That said, whilst these Kogan boots are using Aussie sheepskin, it doesn't actually specify where they're made… I'm guessing China since they're coming from HK.
Ugg got a court ruling on this, yes it's BS, however, you can not legally call any other shoes Ugg. They will be in contact soon no doubt.
@andysa: And there you go again(not u personally, generally), their propaganda is continuing to pay off. In this case building a false fact, slowly reinforcing them being the Original Ugg Australia.
In Australia and New Zealand, Ugg has been legally declared a generic term. Making it just like shirts undies and both types of thong.
In the USA it has been allowed as the brand name, and from there they have thrown their weight around. But it has only been tested in the USA Netherlands, and Turkey.
What are you talking about, where is the fake brand name on the boots or on the website? What fakes have Kogan sold to deceive in the past/currently?
What did you let UGG Australia know? Kogan are selling Ugg boots?
Besides, there is no such thing as genuine Ugg boots. In Australia and New Zealand, Ugg is a generic term. It is the rest of the world where Deckers decided they own the term UGG trademarked it and then proceeded to sue everyone, including long term small Australian manufacturers. They have also been caught out claiming Australian made, when in fact manufactured in China, by an American company.
Have a bit of search to see how unethical Original Ugg Australia are. I would much rather give my money to Kogan.
I just looked them up and noticed they have dropped the Australia from their company name. Maybe there has been action from the government here finally, considering the company Deckers bought, had only been manufacturing since 1985. I personally, bought my first pair in 1979 from a Wool shop in Broadwater, NSW.
Here is my rant from a previous UGG post;
"Making the well known Australia Branded sheepskin footwear since 1985"
I vaguely remembered some controversy, so just did a web search. It is even more dodgey than I thought. It is an American company who trademarked the words Original Ugg Australia, and are manufactured in China. They then tried to heavy small Aussie manufacturer to stop using the word ugg and were successful overseas to cut out the Aussie manufacturers from selling real Australian Uggs overseas. They don't even pretend to use Aussie sheepskin on their website, instead, "We use 100% genuine A grade sheepskin" with an unrelated Australian Made logo in the corner just to mislead.
Seeing those tactics, maybe Steve Jobs had shares in the American Deckers Brands.
Wikipedia - trademark dispute.
By "genuine', are you referring to the Ugg boots made in China by an American company who likes to sue Australian companies for using the term "ugg"?
Ugg isn't/shouldn't be a brand name. Someone claiming to be the "true" ugg boot is like someone claiming to make the "true" workman's boot. It's just a generic term for a type of footwear and has been for ~100 years.
The original is made in australia. This was not
You guys have it all wrong, "Ugg Australia" is actually not an Australian company but a US company, and their Uggs are actually made in China. Basically the US company tried to Trademark the name "Ugg" but failed.
If you want genuine Australian made Ugg boots, stay away from "Ugg Australia", I would recommend "Jumbo" uggs who are real Australian made Uggs.
They didn't fail in registering "UGG" as an international trademark.
UGG is a registered trademark of the California-based company Deckers Outdoor Corporation, in over 130 countries worldwide, including the U.S., the European Union, and China.
They sue Australian companies trying to sell their product overseas for using the term. They've tried to sue in Australia, but thankfully the term in considered a generic term.
I would be wise enough to know not dismiss a product based on country of manufacture. Give me chinese made boots anyday if its well made. Just like iPhone and what nots
Here is another web page.…
"After reading the below story; appreciate the irony of American-owned “Ugg Australia” vehemently cautioning consumers about buying ugg boots from misleading companies? “A counterfeit product is a fake or imitation made with the goal of tricking you into believing it is genuine.” (Quote from this Dekkers Outdoor Corporation website page.) Surely an American company running a business with ‘Australia’ in the title, fits Dekker’s own definition? How many people, worldwide, have bought Ugg Australia footwear, believing they’ve purchased a product from a company owned by Australians, or run by Australians, or at least made in Australia?"
Yep, I was fooled by them at first, until I did some research.
Well I think its more a brand name more than anything.
You will notice that pretty much every Australian made designer Ugg boots actually copy UGG Australia designs.
I've noticed that Ugg Australia comes out with designs with swarovski crystals and bows etc on the side, then few weeks/months later some Australian Made one will copy the design and start releasing their own.
I have never known anyone to monitor Ugg boot product releases. Interesting hobby, is there a name for it?
The Kogan ones,at least, looks pretty much like the generic Ugg boots from the 70's.Regardless, copying of styles is actually how fashion works. eg Flares, boob tubes and flowers were not made by only one manufacturer during the seventies, we had shoulder pads and stretch jeans during the eighties. Levi's made the first jeans, but many others do now, etc, etc.
But seriously, how can it be a brand if the term was generic and used by all of the existing manufacturers, before Deckers registered the name "UGG" in 1999. It makes no sense, it would be like registering "Pencil Australia", and then sueing anyone else using "pencil" in anyway in their advertising etc. Or "Tyres Australia", and then jumping on all of the manufacturers and retailers.
The Australian regulator also recognises this. IP Australia ruling - the "evidence overwhelmingly supports the proposition that the terms (ugg, ugh and ug boots) are interchangeably used to describe a specific style of sheepskin boot and are the first and most natural way in which to describe these goods".
Decker's were ordered to pay court costs, but not having a presence in Australia they simply ignored the court order. This was in 2006. They then coughed up in 2010 due to bad publicity in the USA.
"Deckers initially declined to pay Uggs-N-Rugs court costs as required by the 2006 ruling.[31] Following the publication of a Wall Street Journal article which referred to the oversight, Deckers paid the costs in September 2010".…
"In the process of transforming an item of utilitarian footwear into a ubiquitous fashion icon, UGG’s corporate parent, Deckers Outdoor Corporation—an American conglomerate selling an Australian sheepskin product manufactured in China—sparked an acrimonious international trademark dispute that ensnared politicians, reshaped fashion and hobbled a national industry in order to shape a global one."
I had no recollection of "UGG Australia" until posts here on Ozbargain. I suspect our age difference has something to do with it, and you have grown up knowing of "Original Ugg Australia", as the original Ugg manufacturer. This is by design and why they picked the brand name, to simply mislead the public .Not a good start for any sort of ethical business practice.
They are still displaying the made in Australia trade mark on their web site in a general way, again to psychologically mislead you into thinking they are the original manufacturer, using Australian wool, manufacturing in the country of origin of the Ugg. Australian made would also help compete against made in China.
They then have the hide to totally disown Australia in relation to the product;
"The Australian Sheepskin Association is attempting to change the name UGG into a regional mark similar to that achieved for Champagne which would negate it's trademark status in many jurisdictions. Deckers in response has focused on the fact that its UGG boots are made in China and not Australia."
It is all pretty sad really, considering the contempt Decker management has shown toward Australia and all of the mum and dad manufacturers they have copied from, and then hindered their possible financial success.
Australian growth may have ridden on the sheep's back, but Deckers have made a killing stomping on our balls.
@Major Mess: We just need to have somebody to start a class action suit against Ugg Australia for deceptive advertising.
By calling themselves Ugg Australia it implies it is from Australia.
Seems like these ugg boots are made by Ozwear Connections. Made in China, but Australian owned. Draw whatever conclusions you want from that.
The $5 ones for bigw acheives the excat same purpose. It's not like you are wearing it for hours on end.I pretty much wear mine for an hour or two or when going outside.
In winter I wear my uggs for probably 12-14 hours / day. I work from home. I live in Germany and have a solid 5-6 months of winter.
I don't want stinking synthetic uggs.
Another fine 'MISREPRESENTATION' by Kogan.
There's a chance I may be wrong, but these DO NOT appear to be the 'genuine' UGG branded boot that he would have you believe!!!