have you ever purchased China brand smartphone?
what is the brand?
do you love it or hate it?
Smartphone from China, hate it or love it?

why you hate it? share your unhappy experiences here may help other guys :)
Bought a Kingzone N3 Plus for about $AU170
Was advertised to have a 720p screen, 13mp Sony camera, NFC and a 2800mAh battery on multiple sites.
It has a 720p screen which is quite nice, but the camera is not a 13mp unit (it's either a 5 or 8mp interpolated up to 13mp and photos are truly awful.. worse than my Nokia from 2008). There is no NFC (at least they no longer advertise it as such) and the Battery has been shown to be more like 1800mAh.
Build quality is fine.However, this experience has not put me off Chinese Phone, just off "unknown" brands.
Having said that, with the dollar plunging in value, the cost/benefit has significantly decreased. "reliable brand" Chinese phones (like Elephone, Xiaomi, Meizu, THL, Lenovo etc etc) are all in the $AU200+ range now. At that price, MotoG and ZTE Blade S6 that can be bought locally for under $300 are competitive when you factor in warranty and time.
In the $100 sort of price range, they can't be beat..
hi,scubacoles, it sounds that you are professional for these phones,are you a tech blogger or reviewer?
No, just a tech-head
I got a Huawei Honor 3c and been loving it since. Ended up getting one to replace my partner's phone as well.
1.3 Quad Core
720p screen
….just google the rest.Still rocking on. Plays Hearthstone pretty well most of the time.
Although that Ulefone Be Touch 2 took good. Thinking of upgrading.both two phones are China brand?
Huawei is a chinese brand and also is one of top 5 player in smart phone market worldwide.
Hmmm, I don't think majority of the Ozbargainers are using Chinese phones (despite the deals), judging from one of the forum topic there was with the poll (I think top 3 were, Apple, Samsung and LG, not certain about the order). Of course, people may have not voted etc etc.
My review of the uHappy 5.5" phone I bought.
Not very good, but for the price I paid for — a mere $130 AUD, it's what I consider OK value. There aren't any quad core 16GB phablets you can buy locally for that price.
yes, i agree with u, worthy of the value :)
if you want to start loving it then spend for Xiaomi Phones
you are a fan of xiaomi :)
I myself have a Xiaomi Mi4 :) best phone i've had by far, much more freedom than my old iphone 4.
where did u get it from overpriced on eBay, dont tell me that
if you have got any other sources let me know
I was lucky to get it from relatives who came to Aus to visit. A popular site to buy from is ibuygou.
Get xiaomi or Huawei
do you like One plus?
I just received a VKWorld mobile for my daughter. @ $150AUD, it's got great specs:
So far, she loves it & I have to say- it's butter-smooth! She was watching a vid & then playing a game (not sure the name) & the thing was really amazing. The battery seems to last very well & the camera (according to her) is also very good. Like my Sony T2, being 1280 helps the battery last eons.
Downside was not getting any sort of communication from them, though I attempted about 1/2 dozen times. All I had was my screenshot that the order was placed- & using their online message system did nothing. Won't bother with them again.
Is this a poll? I vote 'hate it'