Do You Tip The Pizza Delivery Driver?

This popped up in a Dominos thread and I was quite interested to see the conflicting views.

So is it the right thing to do?

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  • 60
  • 462
  • 17
    Only if good service
  • 2
    Only if independent


  • Yes i know collegehumor is American… but I stand by this video

  • Piss off, I'm not tipping any Australian anyones. The cost of the food, and their wages more than cover it

    I figure if I'm not tipping someone like a fireman or a nurse, why should I tip someone whose entire qualification is "can drive"?

  • I give just the tip ;)

  • +1

    As someone who was a pizza delivery driver, I'll let them keep any coinage as I know that I always appreciated it and quite frankly, I don't really want the coins back enough to wait for them to fish it out of their bum bag.

    I do feel a little sorry for drivers these days with online payment as there's no opportunity to 'keep the change'.

  • +2

    I always pay in advance online => no tip for the delivery guy.

    • Maybe there should be a function in online ordering - tip to the delivery guy.

  • +3

    I'm a pizza delivery driver and tips are VERY much appreciated. I'm paid $15 an hour. I very rarely make enough tips to cover fuel.
    Before I became a delivery driver, I'd usually try to tip maybe $1 or $2 (or perhaps round up what ever the cost was eg. $18.50 —> $20) just because I figured it was the right thing to do.

    But now that I'm a driver, I ALWAYS tip delivery drivers above $4 because I really know how much they need it and how much they appreciate it.
    I deliver in the Eltham area and often have to deliver way out past Kangaroo Ground and North Warrandyte. It really sucks when I travel over 10kms in the pouring rain and freezing cold and not get a single cent.

    To the above poster saying they don't tip if the delivery driver is slow…. 99% of the time this has NOTHING to do with the delivery driver. It's because you've ordered at peak hour on a friday or saturday night and the pizza store is extremely busy. Depending on the pizza store, if you order between 6pm to 7.45pm, expect to wait up to an hour and a half.. or more. It might be a lot different with the big chain stores because they probably have more drivers, but for local pizza shops like mine, it's just 2 drivers and we're working our butts off. I've even copped a speeding fine trying to deliver just that little bit faster which was very stupid, I know. (Say goodbye to 3 or 4 nights pay) But it sucks copping abuse from customers when you've done your best to get their food to them as quickly as possible.

    I think the only time I wouldn't tip (or reduce the tip at least) is if the delivery driver is rude or has damaged/dropped your food.

    • +3

      The national minimum wage is currently $17.29 per hour or $656.90 per 38 hour week (before tax). Casual employees covered by the national minimum wage also get at least a 25 per cent casual loading.

      Time to talk to your boss…

      • Is the $17.29 for casuals or full time out of curiosity?

        • As per my post ->Full-time. Casuals should get at least $21.60 (compensation for no annual leave & other benefits).

    • Capone's?

      • Yep… How'd you know?

        • Lol, I'm a local.

  • +1

    I was a driver at Dominos years ago during uni days. The pay sucked but a job is a job. At first tips were foreign to me but were quickly appreciated. I didn't expect tips but when i got them, they were a very nice gesture. I usually found that the elderly and families paid the most tips.
    Anyways, i always tip the driver now.

  • Q: Do You Tip The Pizza Delivery Driver?
    A: Are you in America?

  • +1

    Nice Guy Eddie: C'mon, throw in a buck!
    Mr. Pink: Uh-uh, I don't tip.
    Nice Guy Eddie: You don't tip?
    Mr. Pink: I don't believe in it.
    Nice Guy Eddie: You don't believe in tipping?
    Mr. Blue: You know what these chicks make? They make shit.
    Mr. Pink: Don't give me that. She don't make enough money, she can quit.
    Nice Guy Eddie: I don't even know a (profanity) Jew who'd have the balls to say that. Let me get this straight: you don't ever tip, huh?
    Mr. Pink: I don't tip because society says I have to. Alright, I mean I'll tip if somebody really deserves a tip. If they put forth the effort, I'll give them something extra. But I mean, this tipping automatically, it's for the birds. As far as I'm concerned they're just doing their job.
    Mr. Blue: Hey, this girl was nice.
    Mr. Pink: She was OK. But she wasn't anything special.
    Mr. Blue: What's special? Take you in the back and suck your dick?
    Nice Guy Eddie: I'd go over twelve percent for that.
    Mr. Pink: Look, I ordered coffee, alright? And we been here a long (profanity) time and she's only filled my cup three times. When I order coffee I want it filled six times.
    Mr. Blonde: Six times? Well, what if she's too (profanity) busy?
    Mr. Pink: The words "too (profanity) busy" shouldn't be in a waitress' vocabulary.
    Nice Guy Eddie: Excuse me Mr. Pink, but the last (profanity) thing you need is another cup of coffee.
    Mr. Pink: Jesus Christ I mean, these ladies aren't starving to death. They make minimum wage. You know, I used to work minimum wage and when I did I wasn't lucky enough to have a job that society deemed tipworthy.
    Mr. Blue: You don't care if they're counting on your tips to live?
    Mr. Pink: [rubbing his middle finger and thumb together] You know what this is? The world's smallest violin playing just for the waitresses.
    Mr. White: You don't have any idea what you're talking about. These people bust their ass. This is a hard job.
    Mr. Pink: So is working at McDonald's, but you don't see anyone tip them, do ya? Why not?, they're serving you food. But no, society says don't tip these guys over here, but tip these guys over here. That's bullshit!
    Mr. White: Waitressing is the number one occupation for female non-college graduates in this country. It's the one job basically any woman can get, and make a living on. The reason is because of their tips.
    Mr. Pink: (profanity) all that.
    Mr. Brown: Jesus Christ.
    Mr. Pink: I mean I'm very sorry the government taxes their tips, that's (profanity) up. That ain't my fault. It would appear to me that waitresses are one of the many groups the government (profanity) in the ass on a regular basis. If you show me a piece of paper that says the government shouldn't do that, I'll sign it, put it to a vote, I'll vote for it, but what I won't do is play ball. And this non-college bullshit you're givin' me, I got two words for that: learn to (profanity)' type, 'cause if you're expecting me to help out with the rent you're in for a big (profanity)' surprise.
    Mr. Orange: He's convinced me. Gimme my dollar back!

  • I would if I am wealthy but if not no

  • +1

    Don't really agree with tipping , but pizza delivery are one of the few people I would give a small tip to

  • If I pay cash then I might say "keep the change". But usually I pay by credit card (when I buy online through Menulog/Dominos), so handing someone cash despite already having paid for the food would feel awkward.

  • +1

    I used to drive for Domino's a LONG LONG time ago (1999 - 2000) and it was always nice when you got a few extra bucks at the end of the night.

    Plus I understand the stuff they go through as well, EG drunk idiots etc. So I always throw in an extra $2 just to pay it forward I guess.

  • You ask about tips on Ozbargain? HAHAHA forget about it mate!

  • I read this thread thinking "I can't remember a time I ever got a pizza delivered", pizza is something we make at home.

  • +1

    We tip our take away delivery guys and have alot of fun doing it I pull out my Ukulele or my Dejmbe and get them to play a tune and based on that they get a tip bad equals a 10% tip to awesome equals a really good tip lots of fun and the delivery guys love coming to our place… these folks are paid so little ( I was one once) and get the rough end of the bargain… so to speak.

  • +1

    Always. They get paid so little, and at least in my area, are so polite. Always worth tipping!

  • +1

    One thing they don't tell you about doing pizza delivery how that pizza smell seeps into your car. It seriously stuffs your car. When I was doing it in 2007 I was paid $11.50 per hour and $2 a delivery at a local pizza place. A $2 tip meant the world, it's not awkward and it is appreciated.

    If you don't get satisfaction out of brightening someones day then don't tip but if you do then it's a small price to pay.

  • +1

    Most definitely not. Its not America. We pay higher costs for our pizza, the costs that go towards paying employees an acceptable minimal wage. The only reason people even think about giving pizza delivery guys tips is from watching too much American TV. Tipping is a terrible system that shouldn't be encouraged in this country. Someones income shouldnt be determined other peoples generosity or lack there of.

    I also always order online now with a credit card or PayPal. What's the point if I still have to have cash on hand to give the delivery man?

  • +2

    Even better idea… after a late night out drinking, go into a pizza shop, order a home delivery pizza and ask for a ride home

  • +1

    So as a delivery driver, I can say that tips are hugely appreciated, even if its just a few cents. The money adds up, and the gesture means a lot. When some people in my branch are paid 14-16 dollars per hour (and have to operate their own vehicles), I have no idea how they make a profit with two hour shifts and about $12 dollars (at best) from deliveries.

    I mean, if I was given 10 cents for every delivery I've done since I started, I'd have around $200. Not that much in hindsight, but still, its something.

  • I've never tipped a Domino's driver but now I'm kind of horrified that I might have been unintentionally stiffing them all these years.

    But like. I pay online. Isn't it kind of awkward? I can't just hand them money and say keep the change, and although people above have said even $2 is appreciated it would feel so weird to hand them a coin. So it seems like the only option would be to hand them a 5 (or higher) and that would significantly increase the cost of my meal, probably by a good 30-40% (I only order pizza when there's a good coupon special, and rarely as it is).

    • I do it all the time, just hand them a coin or a handful of silver coins.

      I found that just hearing something nice can be a nice tip too.
      Someone wishing you a wonderful night or just smiling, saying hello and thank you.

  • +1

    I tip my fedora

  • +1

    this site is tight arse central so the overwhelming answer is going to be no.
    No harm in giving a kid working on saturday night an extra 50c or $1.
    Particularly if they're your regular service.
    People are so selfish these days. All about me, myself and my own.

  • I take my pizza, pay the exact amount, tip my hat and say thank you, close the door and go to enjoy my luke-warm pizza.

    The driver's wages are supposed to be covered by the pizza shop. Me tipping the driver encourages lower wages and more profits for the pizza shop. No thanks.

  • +3

    I was a driver for Pizza Hut in 2007. We were paid a flat amount of $4 per delivery. Per 3 hour shift, I would average around 10-15 deliveries when busy. Some shifts I would be lucky to get 5.

    There was a few who tipped. Even if it was $2, I would remember and be very appreciative. The key point here is that I would remember the address and the next time the tipper would order, I would deliver their order first when taking out multiple orders on one run.

    I never expected or asked for a tip. However, those who are rude or paid me in a $100 note expecting change out of a $16.95 pizza were remembered. I was sure to put your order at the bottom of my run.

    It really was a rubbish job. I eventually got out of it after having a gang open my doors and almost jack me in the middle of the road.

    • +1

      Yep agree with you there Adam….I did the same and was only paid per delivery and any tips were appreciated, especially when you had to use your own car and put up with the occasional drop kick customer

  • If the delivery person has a good manner then yes.

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