This was posted 9 years 7 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Kmart - Dummy Security Cameras - $1


Apologies up front for the low quality photo… I just got message from my wife asking "Do we need this?"
My answer was of course "Yes, we need 4 or 5" (for kicks and giggles)

This store is Albury NSW but I'm sure it was originally a national product line so try your luck.
And to jv, I think the original price was >$10

UPDATE: Wife picked up 3 (I guess she felt stupid buying more), so there's still 7 at that store.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Will the burglars be able to tell if I'm faking it?

    • +32

      It'll probably just persuade them to rob your neighbours instead.

      • +20

        Or wonder why you need security so bad… and break-in to find out.

    • +20

      Will the burglars be able to tell if I'm faking it?

      Depends on the spot you mount it.

    • -4

      No, but your wife will wonder what the jar of mayo is for.

    • -1

      If its anything like the DSE dummy cameras, yes very obvious.

  • +1

    Will these say "Code 4 in Aisle 7" or what? lol

    • +14

      I think if you tap them, jellybeans fall out

  • +65

    put it in the office toilet as a prank

    • 'first in line' at Centerlink tomorrow.

  • +10

    Aren't fakes prohibited on OzB? .. :-) .. !!

    • +67

      It's a genuine fake

      • -1

        Are you Irish by any chance?

      • Haha like the watches in Bali

      • It's not a genuine imitation though.

      • +3

        "The fake is of far greater value. In its deliberate attempt to be real, it's more real than the real thing."

    • 'tis call'd a 'dummy', not a 'fake'

      • +8

        "Pfft. I know a genuine Panaphonics when I see it."

  • +35

    This will go swimmingly with my fake house

    • +8

      and be right at home in your fake pool

      • +8

        You live a fake life too. Stop taking those blue pills. Wake up. Wake up and smell the ashes of your dystopian reality.

        • I like the blue pills, and I like the Juicy steaks.

      • "Tis a fine barn, but sure 'tis no pool, English."

  • +36

    I can just imagine: "hey this guy must have some good stuff inside, lets spray paint over the camera and go get it."

    • Thanks, got a laugh from this :)

    • yeah exactly, you're making yourself a target and that's not what you want at all. Unless of course OP is not planning to stick them outside his house…

      • In that case only guests would see them and they would then know where to avoid. I'm sure there's some use for them but in most cases it's not really worth it.

      • Lol, no I just thought for the the $3 my wife spent (I wonder if she'll ask for that $3 back?…) I might come up with some funny use for it one day.

        In all seriousness: If I saw these on a house I'd assume a drug dealer lived there. Not the look I'm going for.

    • +10

      that's why I'm getting 5 and installing them around my neighbour house for free..

    • +1

      I'll put it on my letterbox, to stop dog pooping in my garden. And one for the postman to make sure he delivers.

  • +3

    Can I buy it with my fake $1 note?

  • +19

    Hang on to your wife man.

    • +4

      Thanks, living with an OzBargainer for 5 years was bound to have an effect on her eventually

      • +1

        I'm yet to wear down my partner to living the OzB way…

        • +15

          I found it takes a number of years to wear them down. For the first 2 or 3 she just thought I was a dirty cheap skate

        • +12

          @Click_It:…now she knows for sure you are one

        • +6


          I'm not sure she ever doubted it :)

          When you marry an OzBargainer, there are certain responsibilities you take on

    • +2

      Did you meet your wife here on OzB ?

      Edit: Beaten

      • Nah, she's not a pure OzBargainer but it is now in her blood (she uses my account as a silent bargain hunter, she hasn't taken the bold step to create her own OzB identity as yet)

        • There's been plenty of Starwars weddings, but have there been any OzBargain weddings ?

        • +2


          Sure, you get the marriage licence, sign it, and then get something from the dollar menu at Maccas in your PJ's.

    • -1

      I thought Click_It's wife asked him if he needs a new wife, and he answered he needs 4 or 5 more.

  • +12

    These are actually useful as housing for a proper raspberry pi security camera. See

  • +1

    great deal, i can finally live out my dream to use these fake cameras to fake arrest some pesky neighbours….Paul Blart eat your heart out

  • +1

    I have a feeling that this is more of an ad for Viber rather than the cameras :p

    • Sorry, neither of our phone providers support MMS (true story).

      I'll reword it, better?

      • i did a little!

        • Fixed :)

  • +35

    Hmmm, wife would probably ok a fake camera in the bedroom. Then I can swap it for a real one later.

  • haven't seen these in any of the perth kmarts for a while.

    • +4

      which means they haven't seen you, either

  • May I ask which Kmart?

    • Albury. It's in the original post.

  • +1

    For $14 more you can get an outdoor 720p camera from them. (same line)

    Bought 2 on the weekend

    • +6

      15x the cost?!

      I gather it's better image quality.

      • +2

        Yep, 15x the cost but infinitely better image quality.

        • @roseyhead How big is your house? The real thing is definitely scarier for crims. Especially when walking in frame sets off an alarm sound.

    • +2

      I'd rather have 15 fake cameras than one real camera any day

  • +2

    LOL for the 12 months warranty on the box

    • +2

      Return it without the box. Their staff wouldn't know any better ;)

      • If the staff complain, tell them it's the special "concealed" one

  • Now i know who will have dummy cameras :> Cya soon /s

  • Christmas presents…..

  • have recently seen these at Kippa Ring and Chermside for the same price.

  • +3

    Awesome, I will install in guest room. When they panic I will laugh saying 'haha, its a fake' showing them the cardboard box, but I've installed a small one inside it… Bwah ha ha ha… William Baldwin style.

  • Hmmm I wonder if they have a dummy Dash cam like this. Much cheaper alternative.

  • +2

    Plant some dummy cameras and hide your actual ones. Should burglars attempt to dispose of/avoid them you'll have real cameras getting the footage you need.

    • And then what? The lame coppers wont even accept it as admissable evidence…

  • +2

    I guess the video quality will be unreal.

    • I bet you will see all black image in your video recording.

  • When to K-Mart Tea Tree Plaza they didn't have any

    If any SA People see these could someone please grab me three


  • +3

    3067 here, These are a great idea.

    If only the junkies gave a shit.

  • Wouldn't the fact that you have surveillance cameras make your house more vulnerable(cameras=valuable items in house)?
    If they are real then of course they are beneficial but fake ones seem like a bad idea.

    • It would be better to buy the fake "difficult to spot" cameras then …
      But anyhow, wouldn't owning a house in Sydney or Melbourne make your house more vulnerable ?

      • Why owing a house in Sydney or Melbourne will make your house more vulnerable? Just because the house prices are higher in these cities doesn't mean the houses will be more vulnerable. Unless the robbers going to invade your home, force you to sign a contract to transfer your house ownership to them XD

        • I've bought 100 fake concealed cameras that no-one can see.

          Because I feel insecure

        • +1

          @shmahoo: Hehe if you genuinely feeling insecure then you should have bought 100 genuine cameras. Obviously you are fakely feeling insecure :P

  • As recommended by security for dummies book

  • would these be good for stores that sell counterfeit goods?

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