I just brought a Seagate Central to stream content via a Chromecast on my TV, however the Seagate Media app does not detect the Central on my wi-fi network. I've tried an iPad on iOS 7 and and iPhone 6 on iOS 8, nether work. I can access the Central via a browser on my iPhone/iPad though.
Has anyone else had this issue?
Since using the app to Chromecast is the whole reason I brought the Central, it is now useless to me.
Seagate Central NAS - Connecting Via iOS App

update your seagate central to the latest firmware. I had the same issue. App only supported newer firmware installed on the central.
My central also could only be updated manually by searching through the segate support page by device serial number and downloading the firmware on to a PC and updating in the web browser. It kept complaining ' not enough space' to do an auto update any other way.
It has the latest firmware.
I managed to detect and connect using my iPhone and my wife's ipjone after rebooting the Central. However, I was unable to do the same with my iPad, even though it is running iOS 8 (same as my iPhone). I've tried several times but it says my iPad isn't connected to a wifi network - when it clearly is!
Oh, it's just a dodgy product. Wait longer for it to detect or log into it using the remote connection account and it will detect it instantly that way
I googled your words "Seagate Media app does not detect the Central on my wi-fi network" and got quite a few matches, some of which might be of some help.