Seems to be a good price compared to other stores
SONY ACCFV50B Camera Accessory Pack $20 Was $74
Here are some stores showing in stock
3805, 4000, 5000, 4226, 2088, 2259, 2100, 2154
Seems to be a good price compared to other stores
SONY ACCFV50B Camera Accessory Pack $20 Was $74
Here are some stores showing in stock
3805, 4000, 5000, 4226, 2088, 2259, 2100, 2154
lol when?
Do you know anyone who bought it for $0.01 and received it?
not available for delivery or collect.
Both of the RC car and Sony Pack is not available for delivery or collect, it seems like DSE found this wrong price and stopped it already~!
Sounds like it was a short-lived pricing error.
Yeah I received it. I have a Panasonic Video Camera so the battery is no good to me, but 1 cent bag is good value. This was a few months ago.
lol unity1 you're quite good at nabbing price error'd items.. i think mainly cos you don't make it public.. which is not a bad thing, i actually commend you on them :)
@CVonV: I'm just up at that time of the night when it happens. The errors usually get rectified quickly. Happy to give the battery to anyone that has a compatible camera.
so am i but i never bother to actively search for them.. usually just hope some kind soul shares them on here.. and then hope for the best :)
That was a lucky bargain. Sounds like that haven't been intentionally 1c before :)
@CVonV: I did post once late last year but Dick changed the prices very quickly so I asked for the post to be removed.
I posted around 2:30am and Dick had the prices changed within 30 minutes. It was for a Conon EOS 700D SLK for $398.50 after cash back and Uniden Guardian security system G2740 for $99.97 and a few other items I didn't post. So haven't really bothered posting since then.
It was for a Canon EOS 700D SLK for $398.50
on ebay right? I was up for that epic refund scheme :D
edit: oh wait i think it was for a 600D
@CVonV: No it was on
Those deals were honoured I believe for those that got their orders in before the price change.
@CVonV: Yes, couldn't say no to the security system. They were retailing for RRP $499 back then, and very happy with it too.
Temporarily out of stock
Available at Castle Hill Towers and Warringah Mall in NSW.
Whoops, refreshed the page.
These have been as low as 1 cent before.