My friend told other that he come across a person who spent 300000 dollars with wool worths 5% discount card in the 10 months time,
what do you think his motive was and also what was his benefit in spending that much of money with giftcards
Discount Card
LKtym05 on 18/07/2015 - 23:13
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Some companies get discounts from coles/woolworths on giftcards, 5%+ off the face value. Maybe he sells them online/to friends and makes a profit?
Or he buys food for a family business with them, then gets reimbursed the full amount.
what do you think his motive was
Your friend is just seeing how gullible you are in telling you a story like that.
More likely this troll is seeing how gullible we are to respond to their question
Please don't feed the troll