I Dislike My Samsung Galaxy S6 should I go to LG G4 or wait?
hate it. freezes. dies fast. having problems with cam not focusing right. thinking about getting a LG G4 instead but they have a lot less but a removeable battery , should I get a diff phone and which one? or wait for a better to come out? I dont know what to do i just know im getting sick of this phone kinda, apps keep closing on me. not sure if its the apps or the phone.
I Dislike My Samsung Galaxy S6 Should I Go to LG G4 or Wait?

thats the problem with most android devices, they are made from cheap parts..
Maybe for the cheaper devices but not the flagships…
The S6 uses an ARM made CPU in their exynos chipset… if anything the parts are relatively similar in the flagships as opposed to an iPhone… yet the price difference is pretty big.
Granted the iOS is implemented a lot better but if you are to compare it hardware wise… android phones beat it in specs.
@eXtremist: You do know that Apple uses ARM chips as well right? A8, A9 etc etc they are just like Snapdragon, Exynos and Mediotek etc etc. Like Qualcomm, Samsung or Mediotek, Apple just customise it to suit their needs.
@eXtremist: You were saying that ARM chips were copy grades, and I was simply pointing out that Apple uses ARM chips on their phones and tablets as well. :P
Hmmm, I will give you the answer you want. Yes, you have chosen the right one and all the other devices are so so so inferior to Apple master race. Happy now?
Or you could take my stance and enjoy what they bring onto the table (both hardware and software), realising that there is no such thing as the right answer in this and everything boils down to the preferences. I am currently using an Android device, I like how much I could tweak and how much I can much around. That said, I have my eyes open to the things that Apple is bringing onto the table, because there is no such thing as the right answer. So you don't have to feel like your $1000 is spent on a losing side, both sides have their disadvantages and advantages, you just pick a side that suits you the most.
@AznMitch: Yup, I've used both OS… found the iOS to be nice but the lack of customisation was not for me… so I jumped ship and got myself the S3 and haven't look back since then.
and in a few months you will find out the arm chips are actually copy grade.
This just proves you have no idea what you're talking about.
Wife's iphone 6's battery life is super impressive. Who gives a shit about specs if battery life is just that much better. I'd never go samsung again, the last phone that they got right was the galaxy s3.
@eXtremist: Yes but the apple software is far lighter than android.
Clearly you never used an iPhone 4 with iOS 7.
@ankor: Wife's iphone 6's battery life is super impressive. Who gives a shit about specs if battery life is just that much better. I'd never go samsung again, the last phone that they got right was the galaxy s3.
The iPhone 6+ has been the first iPhone in a long time that got the battery right, the iPhone 5 is plagued with battery issues. The S6 is also known for it's poor battery life but you only need to look at stand outs like the Xperia Z3 to see what Android can achieve in battery performance.
@DrStinge: I really hope manufacturers realise that battery life is one of the things that people want from their phones, not "we've reduced the phone by 0.1 mm by taking out half the battery out".
EDIT: S6 Active seems to have a reasonable battery life from benchmark, which I don't trust (3000+mAh however, sounds promising), it might be something people would be interested.
@eXtremist: The difference is you can roll back on an Android device, once your blobs are you lost on iOS they're gone.
@eXtremist: So you're agreeing that your original statement "Yes but the apple software is far lighter than android" is wrong then - I guess our work here is done. Stop spreading FUD.
Ultimately, specs don't matter to the general public and that's seen in the stupid amount of sales and money that Apple bring in with nearly each phone launch.
I tried recommending android to the wife however she's tied to the apple ecosystem. The iphone 6 she has, is doing ~1.5 days with lots of youtube, spotify, and instragram. The screen on-time is ridiculously good.
I'm an android person through and through, I hate the apple ecosystem but even I have to admit the battery and camera on the iphone 6 are excellent.I'm very keen to get the z3 compact myself, however I'm so worried about how sony handle warranty issues and build quality issues with the phone so that's the one thing that stops me from getting one.
@ankor: I personally think user experience comes from both the hardware and software. What Apple has advantages in is that they produce both, they can optimise their OS better, the apps can be optimised to certain hardware spec, etc etc. This, I personally think, is an advantage that Android devices will not get (Samsung tried to modify things further with Magazine UX, google disliked it). They are just introducing the fingerprint support on stock Android, iOS had it since iPhone 5s. Also because of that, I think iOS devices are more free from hardware spec than Android devices.
Anyways, that said, Android devices tend to brute force it. Android devices tend to have more focus on hardware (especially on RAM end). I frankly like this approach more, since I can tweak around things and having that focus on the hardware gives me a lot of rooms to improve (because while I cannot improve the hardware, it's plausible to tweak software, I've seen people tweaking CPU/GPU governors). I personally think it makes the devices be relevant longer as well, i.e. I still think Snapdragon 800 phones are very decent (though with the new mid-range phones being amazing, they are becoming more of a mid-range phone).
I personally think that's also the reason why Android phones can be improved a lot between major updates. Lollipop and ART (though it did bring a lot of headaches with bugs, it did improve the performance imo), I think is a major example. I've heard thigns about utilising multi-cores more with Android M but I cannot be too certain.
That said, I don't think it's one size fits all kind of thing. Freedom on Android is almost worshipped by some people, but in real life, how much of that do we actually use? For example, when my dad asked me about getting a tablet, I've recommended iPad Air 2 (It's expensive, but I personally think it's the best ARM tablet available at the moment, if you use it for web-browsing, gaming and pdf-reading). My dad told me about the freedom on Android and limited freedom on iOS. While the freedom is available, you need to root to access most of it. My dad would probably not be able to utilise most of it (He's not use to those things nor likes tweaking things). Also I think limited freedom is what brings better performance as well (i.e. limiting multitasking reduces battery consumption and RAM being used, etc).
TL;DR, I think user experience depends on both software and hardware. I don't think there is a such thing as "one size fits all".
Heh, TLC nand memory. Bends easily. Has the largest profit margin.
Don't get me wrong, Samsung TouchWiz has so much bloat and there are so much room for improvements that rooting the device/installing custom firmware literally gives it a new life. That said, Samsung tend to brute force it with hardware. It leaves a lot of room for optimisation, which Apple excels in (as they are the manufacturer and the maker of the OS).
That said, cheap build… Hmmm, Apple have not increased the RAM and changed the memory to TLC nand for iPhone (and they randomised who gets MLC and who gets TLC). As much as I think iPhones are a decent choice for those who do not like tweaking things around (and I will gladly recommend it to people who already own a Mac ecosystem or those who are used to iOS), I don't think you should bring the argument of "cheap build" onto here.
dont even get me started with touchwiz.. if samsung came out with their own operating system, i think they would be better..
@eXtremist: Maybe and maybe not. Don't get me wrong, being the manufacturer and the producer of the OS has so much advantage on optimisation end (both on system and apps). That said, is Samsung skilled enough to do that? I don't think so. Even MS limits their hardware range by limiting the hardware like RAM and SoC to certain type to optimise their OS, can Samsung do that kind of thing with what they are doing with budget, mid, flagship range? I don't think so.
@eXtremist: Samsung has the ability to create their own OS, but I don't think it will want to do so. The smartphone market is already saturated and the OS would need to compete against 2 giants (and Windows Phone too).
What Samsung is doing instead is modifying the Android OS to a huge degree (which does cause problems like slow updates). If you muck around with Samsung phones, you will see how some xposed modules don't work well with TouchWiz, because of how much Samsung have mucked around with the Android OS. Samsung has already messed with the kernel to implement Gear VR, KNOX Solution, etc etc.
Many features that are on TouchWiz are not avaiable or is becoming available on stock Android i.e. multiwindow function is becoming available on Android M I believe? Also, some of the KNOX solution function has been implemented on lollipop, I've heard for security.
I see it as a very inefficient way to do it since it would be so much streamlined to do so from the OS level (and even stock Android is not exactly known for optimisation as it supports all kinds of different hardware). Though I don't really think Samsung has a choice in it (unless Tizen becomes a big hit on the budget phone market or something).
@AznMitch: Samsung do have their own mobile operating system. Tizen (Linux based)? Bada (Symbian based)? However Android has the whole app ecosystem and people don't buy a proprietary OS phone not able to run their favorite apps.
@scotty: Tizen is technically not Samsung's (It's done under Samsung, Intel, Huawei etc etc, under Tizen Association), Bada is pretty much discontinued. I honestly don't think Samsung wants to push Tizen out as much as Android, looking at how they focus solely on budget phones and how they are not even advertising it that much (Tizen phones are out in some market).
I think they are using Tizen as a negotiation card with Google + OS for their devices other than smartphones, i.e. camera, smartwatch etc etc, though that's just my thoughts on it.
@AznMitch: Tizen is based on Bada (among other things).
The plan is to deploy Tizen far wider than Android. Devices include phones, tablets, car infotainment systems, smart TVs, PCs, smart cameras, wearable computing, Blu-ray players, printers and refrigerators, lighting, washing machines, air conditioners, ovens/microwaves, robotic vacuum cleaners, etc.
Lol the new iphones are soo perfect that it has the ibend feature =P
I can bend any phone, you can't ask for a light phone and still expect it to be durable. I am yet to see a bent iPhone unless caused by someone who has run over their mobile.
You clearly have no clue what you're talking about.
What would possess you to speak so authoritatively about something you know nothing about?When you make a one size fits all operating system, it doesn't always work perfectly. But at least we aren't told by apple what we can and can't do on our phones. Apple designs and implements their operating system specifically for the hardware they produce. I think this might explain why you get more software issues on android.
But I still wouldn't go back to IOS unless my car forced me back (apple car play thing?).
You're not very smart. Android > iPhone in every way.
I've had them both. Iphone does the job. Android is full of problems. If you want customisations get a laptop
Laptops - great substitutes for mobile phones since… never
iPhones are made in the same factories as everyone else (say Foxcon).
iPhone screens are made by Samsung or LG with a Corning 'glass' cover.
iPhone processors are licensed from ARM, their GPU's from Imagination Technologies and are made by Samsung and TSMC. They are optimised by Intrinsity, using technologies that Samsung licenced for their Exynos range of CPU's BEFORE Apple bought Intrinsity.
Apple has unique optimisations and software, but they don't build anything.
Don't get me wrong, Apple has put a lot of impressive work put into their A6 CPU, it's just made at Samsung and TSMC.
I think he may have got a fake one from CHina.
- He got it second hand.
- The fakes are verry hard to differentiate.
See the differences: They look almost identical, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4ovScUEGDM
Might want to talk to Samsung about that… possibly something wrong with the phone's hard if it keeps freezing and dying.
Whilst I'd normally advocate for the Sony Z3, recent experience with their CS is just dumb. Probably look into the note 4 or wait for the Oneplus two?
Note 4 will give very similar experience to S6, except for battery life. Touchwiz is a killer of Samsung products.
I suggested note 4 because (if my memory serves me right) they have a removeable battery and micro sd card slot. Touchwiz isn't a bad OS, it does get laggy after awhile though.
The reason I love samsung products is when the warranty is over, you can easily find ways to root the phone and a majority of their phones have CM support. During warranty you can ask Samsung to fix it up when you need to and again, Touchwiz is only annoying because of the lack of updates from Samsung IMO.
but its large thats what im worried about
Note 4 isn't bad, battery is great for instance. However rooting it and CM firmware will disable many of it's features, e.g.: spen, heart monitor.
I've actually sold my N4 recently because of touchwiz and size and enjoying Z3 Compact very much since then:)
S3 stock then rooted an installed CM12
Where did you find a CM12 for the S3? I've been trying to get one on my spare S3 i9305… haven't found any on the official site =(
Whilst currently, CM doesn't support those features, I'd reckon sooner or later, it will… also there are some Touchwiz based custom firmware that has been gutted to the bone for smoother running without the bloat. Might be worthwhile to look into if you really need the added features.
mine is 12. This is 12.1
http://forum.xda-developers.com/devdb/project/?id=9345#downl…Instructions: overview step by step (not detailed on each step)
http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-s3/development/rom-te…@BuyoTheCat: Damn, just found out why there hasn't been any CM12 or Cm12.1 updates for i9305 =(
Guess I'll stick with CM11 on mine.
Touchwiz isn't a bad OS
As an S6 Edge owner, you couldn't be more wrong. The hardware is beautiful, but the software is god-awful
Z3 are fragile.
So is every other phone… the only durable phone were the 3310 and the 3320. So what is your point? You drop them, they break… try dropping your apple phone it will be just as fragile.
The Z3 is far more fragile than any other phone I have ever seen. The digitiser is embedded into the glass, no other phone is like this which means if you drop your phone and the glass breaks, it will not respond to your touch anymore.. like i said earlier, no other phone is like this..
@DarkRyoushii: I don't know much about the digitiser but I do remember seeing an iPhone screen work after being cracked. Perhaps there are different versions of the phone as well?
My Nokia Lumia 520 was like that. Dropped it. No more touch.
I replaced the screen myself with non oem. Not a good idea. It was never the same :(Being an Iphone fan, maybe you can explain why there are so many with smashed screens.
Is it that the glass is not appropriate for the phone, or are Apple users just more clumsy than Android users?
@eXtremist: …Fun fact, what you are referring to is called In-Cell technology. It's used by Apple on iPhones since iPhone 4s.
I disagree. my son is really rough with phones, had the z3 and it was dropped plenty of times (no case), still fine. He played footy with the phone in his pocket and got tackled to the ground and the phone bent. It was still working for a few months after that until he bought a G3.
We took the phone in for repair and the tech (who I know) says he has never seen a z3 like that before cos they are so tough.
The worst phone for easy screen breaks seem to be iphones, so many cracked screens with my sons friends phones, one was simply dropped on tiles for the couch in our lounge room - I guess unlucky (iphone 5c blue)
I've been through 3 z3 screens. The slightest pressure cracked the screen. A quick google search shows how fragile the phone is. It is a chronic problem across the entire Xperia Z series. Great phone when it isn't broken though!
@Cyphar: Perhaps I'm just lucky, dropped mine a couple of times and hasn't had a crack on it yet. Worst drop was from my pocket onto a tiled floor, the tempered glass I used cracked though… perhaps they really do help?
Ur son received an outlier phone lol
@ProjectZero: I think the problem with experiences is that they can easily be an outlier. My gf smashed her phone (a giant crack that pretty much rendered the phone useless) in 20 days, with a tempered glass and a case. I will probably be hesistant on recommending that brand from now onward. Though I do know that her case probably is an outlier. :P
Cant bought it second hand, and it freezes rarely not a lot. it just has happened twice or 3 times. the focusing donst work under my light in my bedroom but works ok else where just not close up. i had this problem with another s6 i had. I have had two.
nope its a normal S6, dont think its water damaged well i use as hell hope its not , got it off ebay, it awvied dead so the guy must of not charged it so i had to charged it. I gave him bad feedback. lol i have had the phone for couple months now so i dont think i can return it anyway.
I would have asked for a refund…
You could have gotten one that was water damaged or damaged in general.
Or even a fake one.
well I dont think i can now i never thought of that. cause it was workign fine and what not.paypal can let you open a case within 90 days. I would send that shit back.
@eXtremist: what do i say? i have had it for awhile. since 27 May dont think i can. i oprned a return on ebay, I dont know if its the same thing, i have never done this before will i get scammed if i return phone and get my 850 back? or is there no chance?
Since 27 May is not very long. If your phone is faulty, you need to contact paypal. They will run you through the process. Then you can decide if you want to proceed.
A friend had to return a faulty watch earlier in the year and paypal became the go between and arranged everything. They got the money back from the seller and told the buyer how and when to return the goods.
@shadowrukia: raise a case and say the phone is faulty. Send it back with tracking and get your money back
@eXtremist: i tried to open a return case for ebay but he closed it and lied about the screen protector never had a crack in it but it did when i got the phone. What do i do?
Maybe you got a fake one
I've got the G4, anything you want to know?
Not sure I'd say the G4 has "less" than the S6, but I don't know what you are referring to specifically.is it fast, lag free? is battery life ok? I tried to look it up found out it was worse then the S6 I dont know if thats true or not. and what i meant is it has less specs then s6 but it is rated 5/5 on most sties where s6 is rated a bit lower
I'm coming from a Nexus 4 running stock.
I haven't hit any lag in general use, fast and deals with anything I've thrown at it. Battery life is great (my Nexus was absolute bollocks by the end). I'll normally make it home with 50% plus. I'm a heavy screen user, not so much calls or text. I have a fast charger at work if needed, but after the first week it hasn't been used at all. I'll probably use it on nights I'm going out straight after work to boost it up a bitStats on smart phones don't mean much to me. I don't think you'd go wrong with either the S6 or G4 in terms of grunt, but the UI feels much more minimal then my brief usage of the Samsung phones. I'll still probably put Nova on at some point, but at the moment there's a few things I like in the LG UI.
Camera is great, best I've used in a smart phone. Auto mode falls down slightly compared to an iPhone, but the manual mode blows it away. Over sharpening is a slight issue, but not much.
Back button took a little getting used to, but feels good now. Leather back looks/feels much better, I think I like it better than glass, and much better than plastic.
I'll compare it to the new crop of phones as they come out, the one plus 2 and the G4+ should be interesting, as will the new nexus models. But my criteria this year was camera and battery life, and so far it's two big ticks.
sounds good, whats G4+ tried looking it up cant find anything
Is there or will be any new phones other then LG G4 with removable back?
The G4+ probably will have one. other than that, the phone zeitgeist seems to be moving away from removable/replaceable parts.
Project Ara, of course, might change that up.
whats G4+?
Thanks for bringing my attention to Project Ara, hadn't heard of it before.
It's pretty damn enticing. I would have waited for it, but I suspect first gen might be a bit off, and my nexus 4 was quite dead.
come on if all s6 are like yours we will see big headline on newspaper
definitely yours is faultyonly if it was an Apple product I would say. A-lot of defected features for Samsung products always goes un-noticed.
Same for you
I don't think so. People were captivated by the hardware, so they let the software issues slide. Over the past few months I've had mine though it's only gotten worse. I hate it.
I got the Note 3 and it is working perfectly, no issue whatsoever. Note 4 should be even better. But it is odd for S6 to freeze as it have the best benchmark on AnTuTu as well as 3GB RAM, you must have a faulty one. Maybe wait for the next Nexus that should come out in the next few months.
I've heard about issues associated with RAM leakage and how Samsung have set the memory management for S6.
I've heard a lot of issues have been fixed with 5.1.1, so you could wait for that.
What you could also do is trip the KNOX counter and grab fixes done by XDA members on the memory management. I've heard that Samsung made it became almost impossible to root without tripping the KNOX counter on 5.1.1 ROM (protection on system kernel (whatever that means), so I think you'd need to make your decision on that (I heard that you can't even upgrade with flashfire everroot option as it makes the device bootloop).
iPhone 6 Plus - 8 months now and not a single issue
S4 active, 1 year [with my brother] + 2 months [with me] and not a single issue, also it left me with 700 dollars more in my pocket and the Surface Pro I bought with that money is working fine as well.
I know that it's inevitable for people to mention other os as well, but you don't have to say it here to make yourself feel like you've made the right choice.
If we are going that far… my GS3 is still going, I just had to install CM onto it =)
Not hard at all.
b-bu-but, KNOX counter. I really should install CM onto mine, I just rooted mine, rolled back to KitKat because I didn't wanna trip KNOX and use xposed modules.
Sounds faulty..my suggestion would be to return it.