• expired

Save 10% off Everything on OzGameShop (48 Hours Only)



That's right folks, make an EPIC saving with 10% off the entire site for 48 hours only with this code! Not valid for consoles and pre-orders, though. We're already giving you the best price we can on those!

Starts at midnight on Monday night 13th July and ends midnight Wednesday night 15th July.

Some of the products expected to fly out are:

Batman Arkham Knight PS4 @ $61.20
COD MW3 @ $17.10
Dualshock 3 controllers @ $43.20


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closed Comments

  • +6

    Rep - can you use this code in addition to player point gift voucher codes?

    • Will be awesome if I can use the code and player points

  • +8

    Everything looks like it's been marked up. I wanted to buy 3DS games :(

    • -5

      Hey simplycurious,

      We haven't upped our prices buddy, it's just a mid-winter sale to combat the blues. July is set to be a good month for our customers so keep your eyes peeled for our emails and on site banners - there's lots of exciting things happening.

      Get ready for midnight tonight, and get there quick the stock will fly tonight :)

      P.S. - as far as 3DS games go, I'd recommend The Legend Of Zelda Majoras Mask 3DS Game :) So good!

      • +10

        There was a time when you used to be cheaper then Australian retail stores such as eb games/jbhifi



        • -4

          Hey Holden93,

          We have to admit the exchange rate isn't great at the minute and Australian retailers are only just giving customers the prices we have done for years now they're being called out on it. But to be fair these games you mention will likely drop in price before release as these are early prices from our suppliers. If that does happen you'll be covered by our pre-order price promise and will get the difference back in Player Points if you pre-ordered. :)


      • +5

        We haven't upped our prices buddy

        I beg to differ.

        A month back, The Evil Within was $35 delivered as stated in one of my Deals, but it's now $39.99 (on the PS4) without delivery.

        Not sure if this deal for LEGO: Jurassic World was a limited time price and not just limited stock at the time, but now that's up $2.

        Borderlands: The Handsome Jack Collection is now $10 more.

        Perhaps those deals were special prices at the time, the posts make no mention (other than the Jurassic World game of course).

        • Hey Dagmar,

          We run special offers weekly and all three of these were included in limited time promotions. The Lego Worlds one was an introductory offer when it first released and the others were weekly special offers. We obviously change the prices back to standard when we change the specials each week but we have not had a site wide price increase in a long while. Hope to be of help :)


        • Re: Bordelands: HJC, I should have pointed out that was a weekly deal, I tend to manually expire deals if they originate in a store with a different timezone. I would have expected it to drop in price by now though.

      • +2

        I view your 3DS section religiously! I know when they're up and down :( Sadly I understand the US exchange rate can also affect this. But I do hope you guys have better deals at midnight!

      • +3

        I keep a personal wishlist. I added an item on Friday and notice it has now gone up by just over 5%. I checked all the other items on my list and they too have gone up about 5% (one item is up 15%).

        • +1

          I noticed nearly exactly the same thing with about 4 or so PS3 games that were in my cart, but it was a few weeks ago, not Friday. Why bother with a 10% saving when that 10% just takes it to the price they were before the sale?

        • @scarecrow1990: That's there marketing strategy. They wanna profit somehow.. For those who doesnt know the price increases before the sale thinks its a bargain 10% off… Ozgameshop sells for normal price.. win-win…

    • +6

      All the items on my wishlist went up $3-4 dollars last month, shortly before their "15% Back in Player Points" offer.

      For example:
      XCOM 2 - $51.99 to $54.99
      Wii U Pro Controller - $64.99 to $68.99
      Xenoblade Chronicles X - $64.99 to $68.99

  • +12

    Nothing stood out for me

    • What sort of stuff are you into trumpedup? Any particular format or are you a board/card gamer? Gadgets is looking pretty popular too right now. Check out that category and be ready for midnight tonight :)

      • +6

        Games on wii u, ps vita, 3ds and ps3.the prices on your site just aren't competitive anymore though.

        I did note that the Professor Layton game was priced alright. It has been that price or lower at other places though.

  • +15

    Are there any bargains? or is this just posted to advertise a sale ?

    • Hey jv,

      Sitewide we've got a tonne of bargains that are posted on here quite often - this particular post if a heads up for a voucher code going live tonight at midnight which is for 10% off.

      Hope that helps mate,


      • +10

        Sitewide we've got a tonne of bargains

        Yet you haven't posted any.

        Read the posting rules…


        This is OzBargain, not OzFreeAdvertiseYourSale

        • Hey jv,

          Thanks for pointing those out to us. I'll be sure to update the description to highlight a few of the bargains that are expected to do well.


        • +7

          Free Advertising is the bargain!

  • +1

    Black ops 3 and Fifa 16 Pre order for $69.90 each is pretty good, 10% on those would have been the dream

    • +1

      That surly would have been dreamlike, although it's not far off that without the code when you take into account our Player Points offer. FIFA and COD BO3 are on a TRIPLE PP offer right now which means you get 6% of their value back in PP. So for example on PS4 you'd save $5.40 on COD and $4.74 on FIFA :)

      • Is there also CashRewards? And with regards to COD, would you get access to the Beta?

        • +1

          Nevermind, I see you have charged $89.90 for BO3 with beta access. Mighty Ape is charging $74.99 for the game with beta. @Rep

        • Hey Cursons,

          Unfortunately not we don't support CashRewards.

          With the COD Beta access, of course you will receive this :) We will email this codes out manually to everyone who's buying a copy.



        • @OZGameshopRep: Sorry for all the questions, i'm just really interested in making a purchase on these games. Just to clarify my question before about Cod.

          You have two PS4 Black ops 3 prices on your website $69.90 standard game & $89.99 with beta access.

          If I was to purchase the $69.90 game would this mean that I would not receive Beta access? if so the price from Might Ape for $74.99 with Beta would be a better purchase rather than your to your $89.99.


        • @Cursons:

          Currently as far as we know the standrad one will not contain beta access unless Activision decides to give it everyone who pre-orders. It is possible though that the price will likely drop before release as these are early prices from our suppliers. If that does happen you'll be covered by our pre-order price promise and will get the difference back in Player Points. :)


        • @Cursons:

          Hey Cursons,

          Sorry I can't see the product at $69.90? Just to confirm, the beta access only comes with our PS4, Xbox One and PC Versions :)



  • +2

    $45.20 for splatoon is pretty good.

    • Hey happychild100,

      Splatoon Wii U will actually be $43.20 as it's currently at $47.99 so 10% off will be $43.20.

      Plus you get Player Points too :)


  • +1

    Of course GTA 5 had to be "out of stock" Would have been a ripper deal! http://www.ozgameshop.com/ps4-games/grand-theft-auto-gta-v-f…

  • +6

    Bought many things from OzGameShop in the past.
    Currently into the amiibo craze and was hoping to take advantage of the 10% until I saw their prices!
    Even with 10% it's still a lot dearer than a bricks and mortar store! :-(

    • Maybe for a couple but a few are priced well and we bet you can't find this in store: Silver Mario Amiibo :)

      • +1

        I actually bought the Silver Mario from you guys! ;-)
        However I disagree that your other amiibos are well priced.

  • +2

    How about 10% off plus free shipping?

    • Hey Wtfnodeal,

      It's free shipping on orders over $50 anyway dude, we set it at that as the vast majority of orders are over that amount and we've got plenty of cheap games so you can get your money's worth still!


  • +1

    The 25% back in player points code is a better deal. 2.5% better!

    • Hey Putnum,

      We'll probably be running another Player Points deal soon as they're pretty popular. Keep an eye out! :)


  • Hi Rep, any chance you might be able to do a bigger discount (20% for e.g.) and free shipping?

    • Sadly not Innamura, We'll always give you what we can in terms of discount :) You will still earn points on your order from this promotion though remember which can go toward vouchers that would give you more than 20% off an order!


  • +14

    Ozgameshop used to be one of my first places I'd go for buying games…Then prices seemed to go up…Then shipping got tacked on instead of free shipping…Now it's cheaper to just shop local.

    • +5

      Also the amount of player points you received per dollar was decreased as well.

      • +1

        Hey dude,

        We actually increased them recently with added bonuses. E.g you have 10,000 points it get's you a 20% bonus so a $12 voucher http://www.ozgameshop.com/player-points :)


        • +2

          Same like @pikapika, you guys were the place to buy games back then with the free shipping and cheap prices games.. Then you started charging shipping for under $50, it's not much but still it adds up.. Then for the player points,you guys have an expiry date on when to use the points. So for some of us who are casual gamers who buys every now and then misses out on using those points which sucks.. But you guys do still have some awesome deals every now and then.. Dont know why you changed… lol

        • +1

          @piggiepanda: I think they got sold off to another company.

        • @trumpedup: Hey Trumpedup,
          We have heard this rumor a couple of times around the interwebs and cannot fathom how it started. We've been owned by the same CEO since day one and all have the same vision we started with 'to get you guys cheap games'. True there's been a few external changes the the AU games market such as the retailers finally being forced to not charge extortionate prices to their valued customers just to take home huge profits. Also the exchange rate has been a little bad for us too, but we're still here, doing all we can to get stock as cheap as possible and give you the best service we can.


        • +2

          @OZGameshopRep: I guess that was the easiest way to explain why the prices and service suddenly changed.

          I used ozgameshop heaps when you guys had less than 10k Facebook likes but as you got more popular the prices went up and the service went down.

          At least the reps in this thread have been respectful with their replies. Perhaps things are picking up again! I'm sure ozbargain contributed to alot of sales back in the day. It will take a few killer deals to get us back on board!

    • +4

      They are more expensive to local stores where i can have the game in my hands the same day.

  • Code didn't work for dualshock 3, said it was expired.

    • Hey mwblink,

      the code hasn't started yet it starts midnight Sydney time so in about 1.5 hours :) It shoudl work A OK then!


      • +1

        Maybe I should learn to read the whole thing haha

        • We like your enthusiasm! It won't be long now anyway! :)

  • +2

    It's midnight in the Eastern States, website even says I can use the code, but it comes up as expired :o/

    • Hey Graffin, give it another try now :)

  • Voucher doesn't work!

    • Hey Paulie, give it another try now :)

  • +5

    Miss the days when you guys actually had good deals… now it seems you're on par if not more expensive than most places.

    • +1

      They do have some good deals still.

      This one's cheaper than EB, JB and Amazon… http://www.ozgameshop.com/ps4-games/j-stars-victory-vs-plus-…

      • Believe me, we know all too well we can't always source more competitive prices than our competitors on some titles, this is something we are constantly working on!

        We strive to make up for this by giving you the best deals we can across the board and of course you can always use our PP voucher schemes to gain discounts on other products to reward you for your loyalty, meaning things are hopefully cheaper in the longer term.

        And of course, we always guarantee great service! ;)

        Just let me know if there is anything I can help you with.


  • Code not valid for pre orders.. Pfft.. not exactly "everything".

    • We often receive pre-order prices very late from our suppliers, so to counter this we tend to put a speculative price up so that you can guarantee your order as soon as possible.

      Our Pre-Order Price Promise means that if the price you paid is lower on launch day, we will return the difference to you PLUS 20% in PP value, which you can spend on anything you like in store. :)


    • Also it was easier to put everything except pre-orders rather than on new releases, old releases, top sellers, board games, card games, toys, gadgets, gifts, clothing, music, accessories, technology etc…. :)

  • +3

    I too used to buy heaps from ozgameshop. Although they cant help the fall of the $AUD, it seems they have increased their prices to more than compensate. And to charge shipping on top of that on orders under $50 seems greedy to me. and there is also the near daily spam from them too! Nowadays i just wait a few weeks after a games release and get it off gumtree for $40-50. Usually i can sell It for $5 more than i paid for it a few weeks later after playing it too.

    • +2

      Good point but please dont compare brand new prices here against preowned on gumtree though.

      • I Was just outlining the conclusion i have reached, was not spruiking a 'bargain' per se. To reitereate, it was just a 'comment' not a 'deal'. Mmmmkay?

        • -2

          feel free to cite some examples next time you choose to share your pearls of wisdom with us Mmmmkay?

        • @Tal_Shiar: feel free not to chime in at the eleventh hour with with requests for examples of a point of view.

          Have another neg…Mmmmkay?

  • +1



    some deals that can't be found cheaper in store and take home that day, and if you happen to collect Amiibo figures you can probably find someone to trade you Gold Mario through a Facebook group…

    • +1

      Teslagrad's only $22.95 on the AU PSN Store (I think it's been on sale a few times too), and being just an 805Mb game, not worth buying on disc.

      It's too bad pre-orders aren't included, and that you can't combine other codes (like vouchers redeemed from player points).

      • i wasn't aware that it was that low, i'm still having trouble going digital. Even cheaper from the US store too (shock horror)

  • +3

    Some of the good deals I found…

    Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin PS4 Game 52.20 - http://www.ozgameshop.com/ps4-games/dark-souls-ii-scholar-of…

    Devil May Cry Definitive Edition PS4 Game - 36.00 - http://www.ozgameshop.com/ps4-games/dmc-devil-may-cry-defini…

    The Walking Dead Seasons 1-4 Blu-ray - 62.10 - http://www.ozgameshop.com/horror-films-blu-ray/the-walking-d…

    Official Sony Dualshock 4 Jet Black Controller PS4 - 68.40 http://www.ozgameshop.com/ps4-accessories/official-sony-dual…

    • +2

      Good deals there, I picked myself up a copy of DS2.

  • +1

    Hi Rep, Thanks for posting and communication with the community.
    Have you (Ozgameshop) given any thought about importing and selling Asian English copies of games that don't get physical english copies in NTSC/PAL? (Like Oreishieka, Soul Sacrifice Delta, Deception IV Nightmare Princess, Moero chronicles come to mind.) What about games that don't need any english? ( IA/VT, Puyo Puyo Tetris, Taiko no Tatsujin vita ). I'd personally love it if Play asia had some competition in this sector as I like some choice!
    You guys don't seem to have any problem with importing NTSC copies of vita games but I haven't seen anything from anywhere else.

    • +1

      That is an excellent question and a fantastic idea, I will be forwarding this question to our buying department! In the mean time, you can still pre-order Deception IV: Nightmare Princess with Kick-Off DLC from us, and it would be fantastic if you would forward your request to our Request an Item page, I think this is something we would all like to see at Ozgameshop! Thanks for the question!


  • +1

    When you take into consideration the 10% off and free shipping for orders over $50, I thought these were bargains for the X-Wing Miniatures Game;

    Slave I Expansion Pack $33.29
    Millenium Falcon Expansion Pack $33.29
    A-Wing Expansion Pack $18
    Y-Wing Expansion Pack $18

    Prices listed are after discount

  • +3

    EPIC as the code? come on, EPIC should be 50% off, 10% off should be GSTFREE :)

    • Hi Stefce,

      But we think YOU'RE the one who is epic! It is no comment on ourselves, Ozgameshop would be nothing without our epic customers and we wanted to say thanks!


  • Hi Rep,

    Unrelated - but do you plan on stocking Rock Band 4 instrument bundles?

    • Hi Snakey!

      I've just spoken to our buyer and she's told me we're still waiting for price information at the moment, but yes we are definitely looking in to getting them. Keep checking on site over the next few weeks, hopefully we'll have your answer then!


  • Was going to get Lego Jurassic World on Vita (10% off + $5.5 in player points = ~$35), but then discovered you can only use player points OR the code.

    Guess that's not happening.

    • That would be the dream! However I'm afraid if our policy allowed us to apply two vouchers in such a way, we'd probably not be offering very good deals from our suppliers in the first place! I hope you'll reconsider :)

  • Any suggestions for PS4 games? I can't seem to see find any worth while games apart from Farcry 4 complete, and it's worth is debatable.

  • +1

    I don't understand how this is not valid for pre-order games…. If anything they should want us to pre order the game and hold our money etc..

    • Hey again Paulie,

      Unfortunately our pre-order prices are highly speculative because they haven't been sent by our suppliers yet when we guarantee you your order, so to counter this we offer any reduction in price on launch day plus 20% back in PP, which you can spend on anything in store or use to save up to your next rewards tier. So essentially, it's possible to save a lot more with our standard Pre-Order Price Promise than you would be with this special offer code!

  • +3

    OzGameShop used to be the place to go for Aussies… Not anymore. All the 10% does is take prices to where they should be. Not where they should be with a 10% discount.

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