To put it short I'm 16, want to get away for a few days and stay at motel without an 'adult'.
Is there anywhere along these lines that would accept this? Interested to know if there's many places at all, let alone where i'd like to go.
I also feel a lot of people will be like 'you're only 16 go back to school lala.' Just so people know i feel like an adult as i basically work near full time hours and do flexible learning at college from home. So i don't see why i should still be treated like a child. Just like to know peoples opinions.
Hotel/Motel for under 18's

Last edited 13/07/2015 - 15:16
edited, meant to say without.
Ok, but why is it in quotes? Are there different kinds of adults that are mentioned in quotes? Are you a '16 year old' as opposed to a 16 year old?
But getting back to the point, have you tried and been turned down for a stay? Did they say why? Something to do with house rules? Legal requirement to rent a room?
But getting back to the point, have you tried and been turned down for a stay?
This x2. OP, have you called around any places to ask yet?
Op has every right to freak the hell out when jumping to conclusions!
Unlike yourself, the vast majority of under 18s are irresponsible.
Many of them would trash the rooms and the hotel would have no way to recoup the damage.
a recent survey indicated that nearly 82% of under 18s said that they would set fire to their hotel room.
The other 18% are lying.
I feel like an adult
Oh, well then that's ok then.
As long as they tell the front desk when checking in
If I said "I feel like a child" or told my friend that she's acting like a child, would we be refused to stay? (If hotel has a 18+ policy)
If I said "I feel like a child"
The police would be called and you'd be taken away in handcuffs.
No hotel/motel can knowingly do this.
Please give a citation. I don't think this is remotely true.
You think someone can provide a citation that covers everything? Nonsensical. Some life experience or a quick google search will spell it out for you. Perhaps you should provide a citation where a hotel or motel is happy to accommodate unaccompanied children.
Well, if life experience counts as your citation I stayed with friends in motels and caravan parks when I was 16 and 17. None of us were over 18.
Googling shows a few hotels with a published policy saying over 18 only, specifically, Mantra hotels in Oz, and some US hotels.Jetstar says:
What are your policies regarding under 18s?You must be over 18 to make a booking on our website. Each hotel may have its own policy regarding guests under the age of 18. However, in general, all guests under the age of 18 should be accompanied by a parent/guardian or an individual over the age of 18. The hotel has the right to refuse any booking when the lead guest is unable to show sufficient photo ID if requested prior to or at check-in, or where a minor is not accompanied by a parent/guardian.
I point out the line: "Each hotel may have its own policy regarding guests under the age of 18" which suggests the policy is really up to an individual establishment, not some legal requirement.
I get sick of people who post things as "fact" based on their opinions. You can join the armed forces as a minor, get a driver's license and enter into an apprenticeship. Why wouldn't you be able to book a hotel room? Certainly, some establishments (e.g. Gold Coast at schoolies) might have rules, but why not?
EDIT: This YHA page says 17yro can stay, but their policy for 16yro is accompanied by an adult.
If you want to travel a bit further afield the UK YHA page explicitly states that 16yro can stay if travelling with a friend the same age.
My post seemed a little irate, apologies.I think it seems pretty clear that hotels generally do not act as a babysitting service and your links verify this. I would suggest that the kid asking the question does not allude to his age when booking for this reason.
No worries!
I agree that hotels certainly don't want reckless kids, so keeping quiet is the best bet.
When I was your age mumbelty years ago we used to stay in caravan parks for cheap, either in a cabin or tent.
The real issue you are going to have is if the accommodation provider requires a security deposit, which might require you to stump up hundreds of dollars if you are staying at a fancier place.Perhaps buy a Groupon accommodation package or similar? Obviously, you would need to read their T & Cs.
You may need a credit card to secure the room…
Watch a bit of Home Alone 2 and follow in Kevin's footsteps
I stayed at a caravan park with some friends when we were 16/17. From what I remember we had a bigger bond and one of our parents had to call the place to say that we were responsible.
I stayed at a few places when I was 17(not sure about 16) and never had an issue. Mostly smaller hotels or motels.
Just read the terms and conditions first and you should be fine, only if you look like you might trash the place will there be an issue and you have to be prepared to pay a bond as you probably won't have a CC and I'm not sure they can pre-authorise debit cards.
Find a small pub with rooms. I'm sure you should be able to talk your way in with bags in toe.
If this is about finding a private place to take a friend, there are easier and cheaper ways to go about it:
Consider offering your/their parents $50 to go out for dinner. :)
Just as an update I was able to find a small place (it is a backpackers but I have a private room) and it's all i really needed. :)
Just out of curiosity, did a few places knock you back for reservations? When I was 17 I stayed in many places in Tasmania where I'm from as well as Melbourne and Brisbane without any hassle - I didn't even foresee it being an issue, me being under 18 but perhaps it's different for 16 year olds. They seemed far more interested in booking another room than what age I was.
Yeah they did, it was frustrating because I had to all my bookings either online or over the phone so they were checking ages. But oh well.:)
I feel for you Shazz, at 16 i was working full time and responsible for all my requirements but had to find a share rental as i was not allowed to sign a lease. The girl i moved in with was also 16 and in same position though she had her parents rent the place for her (yes the RE knew her age). We both worked and paid for everything ourselves. I was so glad when i turned 18,not because i could drink, go into 18+ places but i could finally do what i needed to do for myself. I understand that many under 18's are not responsible (many 25-30yr olds are not either) but there are some that can and should be able to act for themselves.
Its just a pain doing the work of an adult, but not getting the pay or general respect of an adult, or their opportunities, even if they do come in time.
And you'll get to have the responsibilities of an adult at work for 2 whole years, without being paid for it! I'm Australian industrial relations, and I make sense!
Why is 'adult' in quotes?