I was just curious. It seem to me that optimising/tweaking your device seemed to me like an Ozbargain thing to do. Not trying to condone illegal behaviours associated with jailbreaking, of course. While there are illegal things you could do by jailbreaking/rooting, there are many other things that could be achieved that are harmless (i.e. removing bloat, running homebrew programs, optimising the device, cheat engine on single player games etc).
Well, I guess there is a problem with warranty and stability issues, but sometimes there are ways to bypass that (i.e. Rooting methods that bypasses KNOX counter trigger for Galaxy series). Not to mention, there always is a possibility of bricking your device.
Anyways, I think the title says it all, do you guys root or jailbreak the devices you own?
EDIT: I feel like I should've mentioned this before, but for those who own a TabPRO 10.1, there is a way to root your tablet without tripping the KNOX counter. http://forum.xda-developers.com/galaxy-tab-pro-12-10-8/gener…
I jailbroke my iPhone 5, and rooted my note 4, it's much better especially with apple devices, you have so much customization thanks to the endless amounts of mods and tweaks on Cydia, rooting is also beneficial you can remove bloatware and make the device perform how you want, for example I reconfigured the buttons on the note 4 so the usual lock button was now the home button. It's pretty handy I'd recommend jailbreaking and rooting