Best way to buy things in $USD?

I buy a lot of small items, sometimes larger ones from the US or other countries in $USD. I usually pay with paypal just because it's been convenient but I was wondering if there was a better way to reduce conversion fee costs and get a better transfer rate.



  • +2

    Citibank Plus transaction account with Visa debit card, 28 degrees mastercard or a Bankwest Platinum mastercard. There may be others, but all 3 of those don't charge any forex fees.

    Set Paypal to debit your account in whatever currently you're buying in (eg. USD) - you'll get the Master/Visacard rate and the bank or Paypal won't skim off the top.

  • +3

    I can't believe people are still asking the same question every week. It's not hard to use the search function in the header.…

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