• expired

UBank: 10% p.a. on Term Deposits of $1,000-$10,000 - Limited to First 100 Only


Thanks to everyone at OzBargain for your continued support. We’re really excited to let you know about another great offer we have. We’re giving away an incredible 10% p.a. on a limited number of term deposits of $1.000 thru to 10,000 – that’s almost double the current market rate. You can find out more on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ubank?ref=nf#/event.php?eid=19948706… or on our website. http://bit.ly/10at10 This offer is limited to one per customer; make sure you don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity.

  1. All applicants will know before they apply whether they are getting the 10%p.a. for 3 months - it is not possible to apply after the 100 Term Deposits have been committed.

  2. You don’t have to be a UBank Customer to be eligible, just complete a free pre-registration on the UBank website - no purchase is required.

  3. At all times on the UBank 10 at 10 page, there will be a countdown of how many of the 100 Term Deposits remain and it will be clearly stated when they’ve sold out

Why are we running this activity? We have a “12 days of Christmas” festive activity underway - the first day we gave away T-shirts (yesterday), today we gave away pens and stickers and Friday we’re doing this activity…

Mod - edited title, marked as store representative and edited description. edited the value required as per Monty's post below added sold out at 10:07

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I guess 1k might have been appropriate for mass wider appeal, but certainly not appropriate for ozbargains, where everyone is filthy rich! Our chances may have decreased, but its still not a bad deal. Think about it, if you were lucky enough to lock in 10% interest for 3 months, who in their right mind would want to lock in less than the maxmimum amount. In economics, this is called being rational investors. I cant accept that (most) people are idiots with their money.

    if you're lucky enough to get in, you can still deposit 10k, soo it still worthwhile taking a punt. For those guys thats saying that $80 isnt worth your time, please remmeber the $80 is in addition to the market leading rate at the time. ie. you're getting about $250 in the 3 months with 10k deposit. ING have 5% for 3 months TD, Rabo 4.5%.

    Let me propose this to all those that argue that this makes people unhappy that miss out.
    Is this so different to everyone buying lotto during $20million+ draws? Very miniscule proportion of people will win, others will make a tiny loss. Will the 95% of people who didnt win, be unhappy? Will they never buy into super draws again?
    Yes, a difference is you have to move 10k on ur part IF AND ONLY IF you have been selected, but if you get in, your 10k would be working very hard for essentially risk free investment

    I dont work for ubank or have any affiliation, I study finance at uni - so im just saying things how I see it.
    I for one will be trying to get one, and if not, nothing lost.

  • server will be crash on the day

  • Could you please clarify?
    "You don’t have to be a UBank Customer to be eligible, just complete a free pre-registration on the UBank website - no purchase is required."

    Do I need to go to this site for pre-registration?

    and if I am not within 100, do I need to transfer any money to usaver or make any saving at all to ubank? or I just leave it there with $0 balancey?

    Do I get charges/fees if no activity in the account?

    Please let me know. Thanks.

    • Hello,

      The registration link you posted is correct.

      You don't require an account to be eligible - just register as a UBank member, therefore you don't have to transfer any money, furthermore there are no fees on UBank USaver.

      Thanks for your interest :)

      Speak soon,
      Monty H - UBank

  • +4

    Hmmmm, shifting the goalposts, nice one.

    Now, can you please provide the link where I can un-register as a ubank member?

  • +2

    Gerd, where is all that positive feedback you keep referring to? This page is nearly exclusively all negative.

  • server will be crash on the day

  • +4

    Good on UBank for trying something different. Sure, I hope you take a lot of the negative feedback on board, but aren't half the neggers going a bit over the top? Has anyone else seen their bank reach out to them as much as this bank is? I can't believe how much people whinge on this site. I think the bigger issue here is the fact that Ozbargain is changing for the worse, with everyone expecting a one-size-fits-all bargain with everything else attracting negatives. Just because a bargain doesn't suit you, doesn't make it bad. Just because you might miss out, doesn't make it bad either. I'm really getting disappointed with the direction that Ozbargain is heading….

    A couple of days ago I saw a little kid whinging to his dad in Big W asking for more console games for christmas. His dad replied that if you keep asking for too much then maybe santa won't give you any gifts at all. Same goes for this. You complain about this offer, and maybe UBank won't want to run something similar for fear of the negative publicity out of a BARGAIN…

    End of rant.

    • +2

      Yeah sure, it was a potential bargain… Was. Then ubank decided to change the rules halfway through, citing dubious reasons.

      Like you say, it wasn't that big a deal to begin with, but it was at least worth trying to apply for it, you had nothing to loose except a bit of time wasted. So like many others I became a "member" so that I had a slightly better chance of getting the deal.

      Now that the rules have been changed, the deal has become a total joke. In my opinion, any potential credibility ubank had as a trustworthy financial institution has now left the building. You just don't things like that.

      I don't run a bank, but I reckon a tiny bit of common sense would suggest that you should have started a second offer for 1k+, and leave the original offer as is, since it was "so popular".

      But whatever you do, at least you have now shown us your cards. So I ask again…

      Ubank, can you please provide the link where I can un-register as a ubank member?

      • Hello stumo,

        Sorry to hear that this offer no longer appeals to you.
        Simply send an email to [email protected] with details of the email address/memberhip you would like closed.
        Make sure you attention it to the Online Team, and we'll see to it.

        Speak soon,

        Adrian J - UBank

  • i was shocked too seeing they lower the limit.. 10000% obviously not worth spending my friday nite in front of my pc… i will retract my +.
    strange… lately alot of bank do bad promotion.. westpac with banana things… now ubank..

  • +1

    When you invest with Ubank, where does the money go? The way banks usually work is they borrow from investors and then onlend it to someone else at a higher rate. As far as I can see on their website, they don't have a loanbook. So at the moment they are losing money on all the deposits with them? I'd like to know what my money is funding before I'd invest with them. After the official government guarantee comes off in 2011, "Backed by NAB" won't mean anything as UBank is only a subsidiary of NAB and they are under no obligation to rescue it if it comes to that? (especially if they don't make a profit by onlending at higher rates)

    • As far as I can tell, UBank is not a separate incorporated company or authorised deposit taking institution. It is National Australia Bank.

      • Correct. UBank is a division of NAB and operates under NAB's banking licence.

        UBank claims to trade separately and independently from the NAB brand. But in the end that is where your money goes I assume.

  • +4

    Well, I think the fair way to do this is keeping your target cost on this promotion, UBank. Say if you were trying to make a loss on 100 x $10,000 = 1 Million TD, and now you lower the entry to $1,000, then you should modify your system to fit more people until the total amount of their TDs are just over a million.
    So the number of people in this promotion is not fixed, neither the money, but you could keep your cost the same as expected. And I guess that would make most people happy.

  • Think of all those people who found out or were told about this offer during the first few days (before the goalpost shift). They sign up and make arrangements to log on at 10pm on Friday etc.

    So after all this they log on at 10pm and BAM, I'd love to be a fly on the wall when they see what ubank have done.

    I will be checking back to see what gets posted here tomorrow!

    • On the plus side for the people, if they want the highest savings rate on a savings account available, it's easier for them to get now that they've registered.

      But a word of warning about the savings accounts. UBank's system only seems to record transactions as occuring on work days (or weekdays, not sure yet). I tried transfering funds into UBank, from another bank, with transfers initiated Friday, Saturday and Sunday. If I remember, UBank recorded the transactions were processed as being deposited on Monday (maybe also Tuesday).

      I've used that other bank to do transactions over the weekend in the past, with other banks. So it's something to watch out for with UBank, especially when you have to have your money in other accounts on particular days.

  • Wooh! I got accepted. That was almost too easy.

  • None left. I guess I'm the one of the thousands of unhappy people.

    No more applications left!
    Oh no, we've sold out! Unfortunately you've just missed out on one of UBank's limited-release '$10K @ 10%p.a' term deposits.
    To be the first to know about future promotions, gain access to exclusive online content and useful savings tools, sign up to be a UBank member now. You can become a member in less than a minute, all you need is an email address. And the best part is - it's free.

  • I got one :)

    • Also managed to snag one in time; prepare your anti rant suits for the incoming complaints.

  • ROFL sold out int he first minute
    Lukily I got mine

  • seems weird, i was on there immediately at 10.. yet missed out

  • YAY i got it

  • Damn, all gone in a minute. Couldn't get one myself.

    They need to run this promo but with more available, I'd still like to get one…

  • +2

    wow all gone when i finished filling out the form
    what a waste of time that was, this is a useless deal.

  • I got mine.

    Easy way for an extra $80 since I have some savings.

    Application was very easy, I even made a few mistakes typing out my details (Forgot to specify my title.)

    Either way, it was more of a sitting on your computer at the right time and typing something quickly competition rather than a bargain.

  • :) :) :)

    got it :) :) :)

    no server crashes, very short, simple procedure but people needed to be ready to go. :) :) :)

    Over very quickly.

  • +2

    Absolute BS. I had the form open right on ten (in fact the form appeared in one window while the countdown had a couple of seconds to go in another!). I could select "Mr" from the drop down form but couldn't type my name in the blue boxes (no cursor appeared)! Opened another window, refreshed and same thing. Kept trying and after they "sold out" I went back to the first window, waited and then eventually a cursor appeared and I could complete my open form only to be told "All sold out"! Way to disappoint a big customer of theirs… :-(
    eg. http://yfrog.com/4jubanknp Can fill out part of the form but not the blue boxes!

    If uBank wants to be the next COTD they are on the right track! My suggestion for them (as with COTD) applies if they want to do this. Take applications of interested parties then randomly draw winners who can be given a link to take up the offer. Much fairer, achieves the same awareness and less disappontment.

  • +2

    yep, got one too hehe
    i came prepared and had my email addy in my clipboard ready to paste…saved about 0.1 of a second ;)

  • +1

    i got 1 but i typed like a madman lol

  • Yay got one, i think we will be seeing more of these soon given how quick it was sold out. did anyone actualy see the counter go down ? i saw 100 left then after filling in the form very quickly it was sold out !

    • I refreshed 5 or 6 times after i got mine. Watched it go 99, 87, 60, 40, 35, 2, SOLD OUT.

      • wow, so you were 1st one to complete the application?
        congrats lol

  • -1


    We sold out in under a minute - we want to thank all those who participated.

    We realise it's frustrating for those who have missed out, but after the response we received in selling out so quickly we will definitely have another 10@10 offer soon - we're also considering an exclusive for OzBargain members and we'll be talking more with the site operators about this early in the new year.

    For those lucky enough to get in early - congratulations.

    Speak soon,
    Monty H - UBank

    • Hmmm … :) :) :)

      Winners of the weekly prizes get a bonus offer? :D :D :D

  • I got one too..!
    For the people who are so negative, i don't see why - Limited numbers isn't the end of the world.

    Edit: UBank, i think i speak for the rest of the 99 other people when i say " ThankYOU ".

    • You didn't miss out and you weren't at their computers so maybe that's why it's harder for you to see. I sure don't mind missing out if I think its fair but if I see a form in one window and can see the clock still ticking in another window then I'd prefer an alternate way to market that doesn't disappoint their existing customers.

  • A bit confused actually. I click on "submit" immediately at 10:00, yes I also calibrated my clock through internet before doing that, and found the interest rate is 5.21, then I click on back, and click submit again at about 10:34, still 5.21. Then I switch to the counting down page, refreshed it, showing 074 left. Alright, I submit my application again, 5.21 again, I didn't dare to click on confirm which would finish the whole process. And by that the time, refreshing the count down page showed "sold out", then I gave up.

    My confusion is: Does this mean I missed from my first click or the actual rate won't show up until I click on confirm? From my experience a few days before, clicking on confirm will finish the whole process and establish a new account. While some Ubank staff said we should have choice to take it or not, so I was expecting to see 10% interest rate on the confirm page. Can somebody successed tell me where did you see the 10% rate at the first time?

    • You were at the wrong page…..

      If you click through up top, it takes you to https://apply.ubank.com.au/tenatten/ which is where you can apply.

    • aaaagh :S

      Mily, you needed to click on the link in this bargain … :(

      • oh, I applied from my online bank and use the count down page as a timer. Alright, that's cool, good event anyway.

    • Hello Mily,

      I'm not sure you were using the link from the OzBargain post for your application?

      The $10k@10%p.a. URL is https://apply.ubank.com.au/tenatten/index.html

      Unfortunately as you've probably seen they're all sold out. If you don't want to progress with your current Term Deposit, let us know and we'll sort it out for you.

      Speak soon,
      Monty H - UBank

      • Hi Monty,

        I tried to apply it from my online bank, now I know I was in the wrong place, anyhow I didn't confirm that application, thanks.

  • U Bank more like U Scam
    2 min sellout
    Get a competitor on that will go 1 % less take my 1st 100k UBank U LOSE
    Fri night(yeah) outdoors laptop battery wireless modem Pocket PC
    You may have got a 100 but probably lost thousands

    You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.

    Abraham Lincoln
  • +1

    Hello all - thanks for your interest. The 100 term deposits sold out in 30 seconds. We'll do one again soon - although not all will appreciate it given mixed responses above.

    Speak soon,


    • No Gerd, thanks for YOUR interest.


    • +2

      Not a good idea if you don't take on board the feedback Gerd. You wouldn't run this at a bricks-an-mortar bank - While you would have a 100 happy people you would have lot more disappointed. Run a random draw mate. With 100 "prizes" this is really more of a competition than an offer that the masses can take up or a bargain (relative to this site).

      • I disagree with the random draw. I'd prefer if it weren't on a Friday night (which was why I didnt even bother) and keep it at $10k (its called 10@10 for a reason right?)

  • +2

    100 people is a joke. no thanks ubank.

  • +1

    -> UBank or Gerd

    Firstly, I'm happy and thankful, 'cos I got in. :)

    But I'm puzzled by this promotion. How was it supposed to promote/help UBank? There are a number of people who are vocally unhappy. Was getting more people on the lists the entire aim?


    • Yeah I'm curious too, since it seems like a good way to annoy far more potential customers than you would gain. And that was before you guys changed the rules halfway through (which is the thing that really annoyed me).

      Having said that… I am at my PC weeknights anyway (late shift at work)… and I had a spare 10k lying around doing nothing anyway.. and I already became a member when the MK1 deal was announced, so I was already on your mailing list… But I can assure you I will be happily taking my free $80 from you and running when the term is up.

      ps. I would have still negged this deal if I had the rights.

    • Hello - it's simply an attempt to trial new ways of selling and promoting this product whilst providing a good interest rate. We're trying out sales models from other industries (in this case airlines). We totally recognize that doing something like this requires us to explain it to the community, but "nothing ventured, nothing gained".

      So far, positive feedback outnumbers negative feedback by a significant margin (and I'm not just talking about this site), so likely we'll repeat this in some form in the future.

      Speak soon,


      • I didn't see a "How do you rate our service today" box on the "Sorry you missed out screen" ;-)

      • Is it good to be a lab rat?

      • +1

        "positive feedback outnumbers negative feedback"

        Keep telling yourself that Gerd, if it makes you feel good. Do most people here really believe that? - I don't think so.

  • Thank you Ubank! I just got mine and I like this campaign! ^^

  • -2

    Servers held up well. Only 14 people more keen than me and I had to correct a few cells >.<

    • +1

      Well they only had to serve 100 hits and then show the static sold out page to everyone else!

  • As stated previously It would accomplish probably many more leads and satisfied customers if it was done as a lottery and did not inconvenience people on a Friday night.

    • outweigh neg weeks not over yet
    • -1

      My email says someone will contact me soon, but I haven't received a call or email …

      Does soon mean Monday or just sometime next week?

      • Hello - We're working through the 100 successful people now. It may take a few days but no longer. Feel free to call us at 133080 (24/7) if you're concerned.

  • Dodgy and misleading promotion

  • +2

    wow people are really nasty, sore losers! Its a competition.. its no different to jetstar releasing 5 cent airfares and there are only 1000 available. People will go for it. Nobody asked you to be inconvenienced on a Friday night! You could've chosen not to get the term deposit. As for reasons why this promotes Ubank.. well you tell your friends about it. Even if they missed out on the term deposit, they offer a fantastic rate on their online savings account.. and its really unbeatable at the moment. I've told at least 10 people.. word of mouth is a powerful tool. Keep up the good work Ubank.

    • What if Jetstar only released 100 seats across the country? If it's closer to a competition (and I do agree with you) then it's not really a bargain according to Ozbargain: "Competitions are not deals, so please do not post competitions, contests or anything that only a small number who have registered might win". Hmmm how many registered got nothing vs the small number who did?

      It was a predictable outcome really. More akin to COTD big offers - A lot of people talk about the company, many people try their luck but COTD's reputation for such promos has ended up in their bargain bins as a result too. uBank has started to build a good reputation with their core offerings. I hope they don't wreck it with too many 2.0 gimmicks…

  • +2


    Sold out in 30 seconds??? That is beyond a joke

  • Congrats to the successful people. I wasn't so lucky, but it was good for a laugh and a bit of fun racing to be one of the 100. For the rest that winged that it was a pitiful offer only adding up to about $80 extra max, and then winged about not being one of the 100, a bit of aussie slang for you… "sheep stations" Crikey, anybody would think your next meal was coming from this.

    Keep the promos coming Gerd. The more of these that come out, the better the odds of eventually getting something. Although, if I could suggest that if you could program your system to exclude those that have already been successful at one promo for say 6 months to give the rest of us a fighting chance ;-)

    Ubank currently rocks. There is no loyalty anymore and it is simply the highest interest rates that will get the money from people ready to move it around due to it becoming easier to move. That means if banks want the money, they will have to remain the highest as that moveable pool is always growing. ING was the classic where I had been a member for a number of years, just to see new customers get an almost 1% higher interest rate than me. Now that is a bad promotion which would have cost them millions.

    Now relax people, halve the dose of coffee (heaven forbid), and enjoy these promos that are coming from almost all banks at the moment, and give us all a shot at making some extra money for the tax man.

    • Thanks for your feedback and encouragement. We'll definitely repeat something similar, maybe with higher max balance, lower interest and/ or more available products.

      Speak soon,


  • +1

    Yeah other sites Facebook quote

    I logged in at 9.59 and applications were not yet open. I logged in at 10.00.00 and the site said 100 of 100 applications were available. It took me about 14 seconds to complete my application. Ittold me I'd missed out and was too late. I refreshed the webpage and iot STILL said that 100 out of 100 applications were available! I rang UBank to … See Morecomplain. I was told that they'd accepted 100 applications within the first "30 seconds".

    I pointed them to section 56 of the Trade Practices Act which in my view makes such conduct illegal. They deny having done anything wrong!

    I suggest you all ring 13 13 80 and give them a piece of your mind!!

    • I don't think they were hiding the fact that this was a promotion and that they would be many times oversubscribed. You did everything you could you were just unlucky. I really don't think you have any grounds for complaint. Trade practices act? I think that would require an actually trade ie. you give something in exchange for something else.

    • Section 56 deals with "bait & switch" advertising, eg if a company advertises a product but then doesnt actually stock it (or only stocks one item). In this case, it was clear that there would be only 100 available and that's exactly what happened, so there's no violation of this legislation.

      • Ah but what about the moved goal posts?

        People (including me) would have presumed that the $10,000 minimum threshold will give them a good chance. Is it not a misleading representation if you changed your mind half-way through and in such a way that ultimately favours your bottom-line?

        • It was a $10,000 maximum not minimum.

          What did they change there mind on, I thought it was always a $10,000 maximum deposit?

          • @TheWiz: As is explained in the comments above, initially you needed a full $10K but Gerd brought it down to allow “Joe Smith” with $1K to enter. I guess you could say I was 'baited' with the 10K offer yet what Gerd did then caused peoples chances at the 100 available to nose-dive, and that arguably renders the original offer as deceptive and misleading, which is a contravention of s.56 of the Trade Practices Act.

            I know that breaches or alleged breaches of the Trade Practices Act can be pursued through the courts either privately or by the ACCC.

          • +1

            @TheWiz: You only have to read the comments above to see that Gerd lowered it to $1000.

            In my view, that change (or 'shifting of the goal posts') arguably renders the original offer as misleading and deceptive in accordance with section 56 of the Trade Practices Act 1974.

            • @inherentchoice:

              1. I haven't read that section in a while
              2. There were "advertisements" made however the deal had not been entered into when the minimum was lowered.
              3. There were a number (?) of days after the minimum was lowered, allowing people the chance to choose not to be infront of a computer at that time.

              4. I would've preferred the minimum to have stayed at $10,000.00

              5. I didn't say anything before the minimum was lowered; I didn't think the comments of a handful of people would convince UBank to change the offer. (Though, it did, admittedly, sound quite negative)

              6. Since UBank is reading this, I would be perfectly happy if they were to also allow me the choice to deposit a higher maximum :D :D :D when they call me in the coming week

  • Facebook again

    hiding behind terms and conditions won't change that Ubank has at best disappointed and possibly infuriated a lot of people but seriously underestimating demand on this one

    • JakDac - you're not being a bit selective there, are you? :)

  • +1

    Good article

  • +1

    Geez, so many sore losers on this site.

    If you missed out on one of the term deposits get over it. I'm sure you wouldn't be complaining about there only being 100 of them if you managed to snag one.

    I didn't get one myself unfortunately, but I knew there were only 100 of them so it's just tough luck. Everyone is acting like UBank are the first company in history to run this kind of limited promo.

    Where were all the negative comments and ratings about this promo before 10pm Friday? (That's a rhetorical question btw…)

  • Good attempt at trying something different. I didnt bother trying to apply, would of if it had of been $10,000 and not $1000-$10,000 but since I had to work early today wasnt going to stay up and bother try.

  • It was a fixed $10,000 initially but based on feedback that this makes the promotion less accessible we changed it to $1,000 - $10,000 (choice by the successful applicants). Flipside of making it more accessible is of course that the chance of being successful may go down.

    • Hi Gerd,

      I got this one, but still no contact from UBank? I believe that should be fine? Maybe early next week?

      Many thanks,


      • Yep, definitely. The guys are working down the list, but we're not making outbound calls on weekend to give people some peace from their bank :)

  • +1

    I also just realized, if UBank had done a "register your interest and we'll randomly allocate 100 winners" then it would've been removed from the bargain section, for being a competition.

    That's a very late response to one of the commenters on what that person said, should've been done.

    • It also would turn this into a lottery rather than a "game of skill" with different regulations etc. Whilst either is valid for consideration, we had to make that call early on.

    • If run as a competition it wouldn't have to be listed here (on OzBargain) but people might have felt it was fairer given the technical anomolies encountered by some (above). It would offer the same promotion value/benefit for Ubank however.

  • I just got my confirmation call, went quite well, the person calling was very professional and set up the term deposit without fuss from existing usaver funds.

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