• expired

UBank: 10% p.a. on Term Deposits of $1,000-$10,000 - Limited to First 100 Only


Thanks to everyone at OzBargain for your continued support. We’re really excited to let you know about another great offer we have. We’re giving away an incredible 10% p.a. on a limited number of term deposits of $1.000 thru to 10,000 – that’s almost double the current market rate. You can find out more on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ubank?ref=nf#/event.php?eid=19948706… or on our website. http://bit.ly/10at10 This offer is limited to one per customer; make sure you don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity.

  1. All applicants will know before they apply whether they are getting the 10%p.a. for 3 months - it is not possible to apply after the 100 Term Deposits have been committed.

  2. You don’t have to be a UBank Customer to be eligible, just complete a free pre-registration on the UBank website - no purchase is required.

  3. At all times on the UBank 10 at 10 page, there will be a countdown of how many of the 100 Term Deposits remain and it will be clearly stated when they’ve sold out

Why are we running this activity? We have a “12 days of Christmas” festive activity underway - the first day we gave away T-shirts (yesterday), today we gave away pens and stickers and Friday we’re doing this activity…

Mod - edited title, marked as store representative and edited description. edited the value required as per Monty's post below added sold out at 10:07

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Nice! Will you instantly inform if application is one of first 100?

    • +1

      Yes, you'll get a confirmation if you're one of the lucky 10 ^ Julie D - UBank

      • I think you mean lucky 100!

        • oops, yes indeed ;o)

  • Is there a government guarantee on this?

    • Yeah see the website right at the bottom

      • Government guaranteed for deposits upto $1 million (limit applies to total funds deposited with NAB)
  • -1

    but it's sure gonna be hard to be the first 100 though… if you're slow you may miss out and have your money locked in for 3 months! (albeit still at a competitive rate)

    • +1

      Not really. If you're not one of the first 100, you're under no obligation to take the product. So there's no way you're worse off.
      Speak soon,

      • Hi Gerd,

        Just applied a 3 month TD, and found the interest is 5.21%. I guess I must missed the first 100. Now how can I cancel this 3 month TD and transfer the money back to my uSaver account?

        so bad, I didn't read it carefully before actually move forward. It hasn't started yet. So bad, can I cancel the current TD?

        • Hello,

          We don't appear to have an email from you today regarding this. It would be great if you could let us know if you've sent it, as well as ensuring you mark it attention "Monty H".

          Speak soon,
          Monty H - UBank

      • +1

        Yeah but you are still going to annoy people if they miss out.
        So is that something you really want to do to potential customers?
        Or do you just want as many valid email addresses as possible via this pre-signup thing?

  • are your servers going to be able to hold up under pressure? Not too keen to try and get in on this only to be met with frustration and disappointment at the end.

    • We've put a lot of planning into this to make sure everything will be working on the night ^ Julie D - UBank

  • Nice offer I'm going to sign up for UBank now to hopefully get in on this. Can I put in more than $10,000? Can I put less? What's the normal rate if I miss out?

    ING direct just treats me like a statistic and their term deposit letters don't even tell me how much interest I got. I guess UBank is where the high interest is at nowadays.

    • It's for $10,000 - since we're anticipating it will be a very popular offer, we needed to put a few restrictions around it. All details are on the site: https://apply.ubank.com.au/terms/tenAtTen.html ^ Julie D - UBank

    • +1

      If you miss out, you're not obliged to take out a product

  • hope the server can cope it!

  • I'm not with UBank at the moment.

    Would it even be worth trying? it seems like it will be very hard to get in,and if I don't get in then its very inconvenient.

    Why can't you just make the deal open to everyone at ozbargain? lol…

    • Hello - given we're losing money on this, we must limit it. It's like one of those "1 cent seat sales" or similar

  • -4

    if we miss out, and are locked away for 3 months at your standard rate, what is the cost for cancelling the term deposit early?

    • +1

      You're not obliged to take a product if you miss out

  • -3

    Only available for 100 people and for 10K maximum.

  • -2

    So ur locked into 5.2% if ur not one of the first 100?

    Term deposits are so not worth it!

  • +3

    Only for the first 100. What an insult.

    • +2

      So you'd rather they not give the 10% rate at all?

  • +1

    quick pointer, you need to mark this post as a rep

    • Also put that it is for the first 100 people only, instead of saying "limited number". The 100 number is not even mentioned at all in the post!

      • Good point - we'll update it as soon as possible.

  • +4

    Agree - imaging waiting on your PC at 10:00pm on a Friday night, and thinking you can be 1 of 100 people Australia wide to actually get the deal!!! This is a big negative from me. If you have the cash, this deal is much better:


    maquarie 5.50 on 3mth period - is it really worth the stress and angst waiting to be 1 of the 100? The difference between the 2 =

    10k at 10% for 3mths = $252 interest
    10k at 5.5% for 3mths = $138 interest

    = $114 (minus full income tax rate = approx $90) more interest IF you are one of the lucky 100.

  • +9

    I am going to give this a big thumbs down also.
    The difference in interest between 6.8%p.a and 10%p.a on $10K for 3 months is only $80 ($250 - $170).
    So in effect, they are only offering an $80 bonus, for only 100 customers, so it's only really costing them $8K extra and they get millions of dollars of deposits.

    Sometimes RaboPlus and others offer $50 (or more) just for opening a savings account with them, with no minimum term, and not for just 100 customers.

    Come on UBank, you can do better!!!

  • Just tried to register on their website and took around 5 minutes to do it….
    I'm giving it a miss…

  • +14

    Sometimes you have to think that a promotion can actually go against you - 100 happy people 1000's un-happy to have missed out

    Really Gert you should talk to your marketing people - this idea really sucks they have let you and Ubank down very badly this time. All that goodwill built up - kaupt!!.

    All for a little publicity - maybe you aren't like another bank, but this smacks of being too clever by half or more - almost Westpac like. Sorry but I have to give it a minus because its a gamble not an offer and we have deleted deals here for less before.

    • Agree completely with ozpete, bad idea UBank!

    • I agree with ozpete. This is a really really bad and very tacky idea for a bank to do. Making people go online at 10pm friday to try an earn an extra $80 in interest over 3 months? Not very professional!! and after such a tacky and dodgy sounding promotion, I would stick well clear of dealing with Ubank.

    • +1

      How does this make people unhappy? People are still getting one of the higest rates in the market without this promotion, so I would think that most people are happy with or without this promotion. If you can get something for nothing, you cant really complain if you miss out either.

      From what I read of the terms and conditions, theres no risk involved on your part. All you are doing is filling out the application form in the hopes of receiving the higher rate. If they approve, then u transfer the money, otherwise dont worry about it. For this reason im voting positive.

      • Very simple - when they miss out they are unhappy.

        • +2

          so if they didnt offer this promotion, people would be super happy? that defies logic…
          its a competition, we're getting something for nothing. the way i see it, people that are successful should have gained, people that miss out, badluck, but nothing lost. similar to the cotd pressure sales…

          • @Munificent: kaizer,
            1. It's a bank. Banks should not be playing games with their customer's money. I wouldn't be surprised if they got their ass kicked from NAB for this. Can you really see NAB playing games like this?

            1. It's not a gadget for $200. It's $10,000 of your money

            2. People get unhappy if they miss out on things. The more money involved, in this case $10,000, the more unhappy people will be.

            • +4

              @SydGuy: Hello - participation is entirely voluntary, so people will make their choice. Some people are keen to get the best rate possible, and this is a chance to do so.

              Speak soon,


        • +9

          That would mean that paypal's $12 postage offer was a bad promotion as well. Some people missed out there too. Plus all those Jetstar/Tiger offers - yet I doubt many here would say they shouldn't run them.

          People actually miss out on most promotions due to one reason or another - I don't see that makes it a negative.

    • +5

      Thanks for the feedback. It's a try, and without try you don't grow. It's a way we can give something extra to some folks. We simply wouldn't be able to offer this rate without a limit.

      Simple: if feedback is universally negative, we won't do it again.

      Speak soon,


      • And I will still be keeping my funds with you - its only the promotion I think is suss and as you say your are going to assess the feedback. - nice.

    • +9

      I disagree. Many bargains are posted with limited quantities available which people gladly lap up. I fail to see why people would be so drastically upset when they are not one of the first 100. They have not lost anything, and they won't be committing their $10,000 to anything either if they are not in the first 100.

      What I find more annoying is the number of people that have read someone else's comment on the supposed 'lottery' or 'random' nature of this offer, jumped on the bandwagon, and then reiterated the same comment without reading the terms and conditions of the offer, when they are clearly wrong.

      Do your homework people.

      • +1

        The herd effect tends to take over when multiple negatives are given, and things start to snowball for a deal.

        Laptops that cost 600$ with only demos available Australia-wide (if at all — 2 people have posted their success) is one example comes to mind. I can only assume there were less than 100 units in stock when that deal was voted up (in fact, I'd contend it'd be somewhere around the '5' mark, if that).

        Good luck to all those who want to see if they're one of the one hundred to get a decent offer.

    • +1

      Agree that it could make 1000s unhappy but I think it's given me an excuse to finally dump ING and from what I've seen UBank's normal products are supposed to be very competitive. I fancy my chances but I guess I'll find out later.

  • +4

    This is a really stupid and cynical offer. 100 applicants? Get lost. You have to sign up to UBank beforehand, then cross your fingers? Get lost.

    Treat your (potential) customers with respect, not play them like a game.

  • Hello everyone - if you miss out on the 100 term deposits at 10% there's no way you'll 'accidentally' be locked in to a TD at the regular rate. ^ Julie D - UBank

  • Hope the servers can handle the bandwidth. Even EBGames had server load issues when millions hitted it at the same time.

    • +3

      What, millions of people with $10K each trying to get an extra $80?

  • +4

    Bonus rates with catches? No thanks

    • yeah

    • +4

      What's the catch? If you get the rate, you get the rate. There's no catch.

  • +2

    Have to agree with the others. Its a gamble on whether you get the 10% or the 5.21% current rate. If you could choose to have your application rejected if you weren't one of the first 100 people then it would be a lot better. Also as juicedpixels said, its 10% pa for only 3 months. Whilst 10% interest rate is great for a term deposit, the limited availability and limited timeframe just doesnt make this a good idea for the masses. (and you are targetting the masses, considering you are posting on OzBargain and Facebook etc)

    • +1

      Did you read the rep's post 3 above yours?

    • +1

      Hello John,

      All applicants will know before they apply whether they are getting the 10%p.a. for 3 months - it is not possible to apply after the 100 Term Deposits have been committed.

      Speak soon,
      Monty H, UBank Online

  • +3

    If you're not one of the first 100, you're not obliged to take a product (in fact, we're not even trying to sell you one in that case), so you're not risking anything.

    Sorry, we haven't been clear on that issue - will rectify


  • Can the source of funds for the term deposit from the Usaver account?

    • +1

      Yes, any source for term deposits we normally accept. All normal terms apply.

      • Ok, thanks! Had to confirm because one of the other banks wouldn't accept online high interest accounts as the source of funds for their term deposits.

  • +4


    Some mixed responses, mostly positive (13+ vs 8- at the time of this post) - as always we're here to answer questions / clarify anything.

    A few items thus far to clarify:

    1. All applicants will know before they apply whether they are getting the 10%p.a. for 3 months - it is not possible to apply after the 100 Term Deposits have been committed.

    2. You don't have to be a UBank Customer to be eligible, just complete a free pre-registration on the UBank website - no purchase is required.

    3. At all times on the UBank 10 at 10 page, there will be a countdown of how many of the 100 Term Deposits remain and it will be clearly stated when they've sold out

    Why are we running this activity? We have a "12 days of Christmas" festive activity underway - the first day we gave away T-shirts (yesterday), today we gave away pens and stickers and Friday we're doing this activity…

    I hope this clarifies a few things, keep the questions coming.

    Speak soon,

    Monty H
    UBank Online

    • -1

      Hi Monty,

      I must be misleaded just now, thought the 10% rate could be a "lucky" number that appears after the TD been applied. And Gerd said: "If you’re not one of the first 100, you’re under no obligation to take the product." So I did it quickly.

      And now I found it even not start yet, is there any way I can cancel that TD and move the money back to my uSaver account?

      • +3

        Hello Mily,

        It's for applicants this Friday from 10pm - Please email us [email protected] attn: Monty H - and we'll have one of the team contact you to resolve this, for your personal privacy/security reasons we can't discuss your personal account here - I'm sure you'll understand.

        Speak soon,
        Monty H, UBank

        • +1

          Great. This is actually my own fault, thanks for your help.

      • +1

        yep great promotion Ubank - no confusion or game playing at all….

        • I didn't carefully read the page they linked too, but I do agree the start time should be mentioned in the title, at least in the ozBargain post.

    • Monty as you are counting and we all know how we can use stats - you need to factor in that one of your numbers was Gerds and that this is closest to being the highest negative votes of any post in the past month at OzB (-12). The stats arent available before that

      • +1

        Statistics are flawed when people blatantly vote without properly reading. If there's insufficient info in the post, is it really that hard to click the image and have a read?

        • Correct (but it cuts both ways as we dont have any reason why every person voted for it ) - so guess Monty will have to do some detailed reading as well - hope Gerd's up for the overtime…

      • +2

        Hello ozpete,

        I guess my point in referring to the stats is that (at the time of this post) 18 (or 17 if you take out Gerd) give this a plus, and 11 a minus - so, more like it than don't…

        We're here to respond to questions and take action on feedback - we can't please everyone, but we'll do our best.

        Monty H, UBank

  • +1

    For a total of ~$8K plus some wages, you've certainly made be think less of UBank.

  • +9

    I can just imagine, half of these cynics who voted negative waiting eagrely on Friday night to be try to be one of the 100.

    • +1

      lol +1

    • I imagine you might be correct, but just remember each one of those maybe the reason you miss out, and as we all know only 100 will be happy, X like you, will be ok and move on and Y will not be happy at all.

      As Monty said they want the feedback - positive and negative and are getting it, which is what this site is all about.

      • +1

        But there is a bias on this site against things that are limited, you have to admit.

        Which in a way makes sense, because in an ideal world you want a bargain to be available for all, and in as much quantity as customers want.

        And many people on this site want their cake and they want to eat it too.

      • +6

        the thing is, if customers dont appreciate companies going out of their way to provide a deal, albeit limited in number, what incentive is there for banks to deviate from the norm. would we rather have everyone offering the same reference rate of 5-6% on term deposits, and be totally utalitarian, OR shake it up abit and spice up the market. hopefully other banks take notice - it can only get better for the consumers

      • +2

        Agree with ozpete. Seems like this promo is going to leave a lot of unhappy potential customers.
        These deals aren't really worth the time. Somebody mentioned that it cost around 8K for UBAnk for this promo. It seems like its going to be a big hassle for both ubank and customers who didn't make it for 1st 100 to get their money back. Plus its only for 3 months deposit anyways.

        • +3

          There's no hassle if they don't take your money in the first place sigh

  • Well there's certainly some people around here that have the money!

    I'm one of the ones that is more likely to have 10k in debt rather than 10k in cash!

    • +1

      thats what being frugal and living on ozbargains does to ya…makes u save like no tommorrow and never accept rrp, hence our abundance of savings ;)

      after the clarifications by the reps, you cant deny this is a good deal!

      • +1

        Just hang around as a newbie here and just posting on this deal only - we'll be the judge of your ability to determine good deals after you are here for a while, unfortunately this site has many who come and vote on one deal only - never to be seen again. Hope you enjoy your stay here and get a lot from the wisdom of the longer term bargain hunters

    • +2

      Sorry to hear that. We'd like to make these promotions more accessible but it's harder with a USaver savings account as it's a variable rate with no specified "end date".
      Speak soon

  • I can't cast -ve votes yet but if I could, -ve from me due to the time and day (10pm on Friday night). Why Friday?

    • Actually it probably is a good time as it most likely wont disrupt banking by regulars

      • +4

        Well, we wanted to stay away from most people's daily activities, dinner and putting kids to bed. The system is totally isolated from our transaction system, so there's no chance of any interruption of the banking system even if all of Australia was trying to be one of the first 100 (which would be great of course…).

        • +1

          I understand the 10pm… but Friday night leading up to Christmas? I imagine a fair number of people would not be at home waiting by a computer (making an assumption on the target market here)

  • +5

    An interesting promotion, while frustrating that there is a limit, they are very open and honest about it.

    The people -ving are the same whingers who complain about the Usaver rate, even though it is the best in the market, and is guaranteed to be the best in the market until mid next year.

    There were invisible limits on the Rabo $50 and other bank signups, uBank are being transparent, and having their staff take the time to answer questions…

    • +3

      The bottom line is that they are going out of the way to run a promotion to offer people an increased rate on their TD. If you miss out, you haven't lost any money, and you're not locked into the lower rate. Most people neg'ing simply can't read (or prefer not to), and miss the numerous reiterations that you will not be locked into a lower rate (and this is not a "gamble" anymore than any other 'limited' deal).

      Granted, I see the likes of ozpete who neg'd the deal on their own merits, which is quite different from simply misinterpreting a deal and then not retracting your vote.

      • -> UBank

        If you do change your minds about how to run the promotion, like maybe taking on a few pre-registers, I'd like to be in on that :)

        • So, how do we find out what is going on with the 12 days of Christmas promotion? I don't remember seeing any emails :)

  • +4

    If you look at this from purely a deal perspective (which is what we should vote for really) it is a great deal if you have $10k to tie up. 15 minutes of your time if you are lucky will net you $80-90 bucks in 3 months which is a pretty good pay. Of course if you look at the glass half empty you'll be thinking of $1 a day for the next 3 months.

    From a marketing perspective this puts ubank in the limelight, as with all promotions there are budget constraints and social media is still a relatively new marketing tool. This however will net them $100k in deposits for the next 3 months and they are banking some will stay on. Most people understand time limited/luck based offers, why do you think the Lotto is so popular?

  • +3

    Money is money, for a bit of time might as well try your luck with being the first 100. If you arent successful dont bitch just deal with it.
    Also assumes that people have 10k sitting in their savings.

    I'll try my luck and see how I go. Hate being in TD's but I guess @ 10%pa it's pretty good.

    Just wondering what happens at the end of the 3month term? Does the money get put into another 3 months without the member's knowledge? (Other banks that Ive had TD'd with did this).

    • Hello,

      You can choose your maturity instructions during the application or anytime online at http://ubank.com.au/mychoice

      Speak soon,
      Monty H - UBank

      • Thanks!

  • +1

    Ok folks, that's it for us this evening.

    We'll pick up on any questions tomorrow morning.

    Thanks for the constructive feedback (positive and negative) - we remain totally committed to listening and acting where possible on feedback we receive.

    Have a great evening.

    Speak soon,
    Monty H - UBank

    P.S. Don't forget, if you're in Brisbane and want to meet some of the UBank Team, stop by our coffee morning for friends and customers this Thursday from 8am-9am at The Coffee Club - Eagle Street Pier, Brisbane - All the details are here: http://twitpic.com/tgnb3

    • So, we need to have $10,000.00 sitting in a UBank savings account, before trying to get the term deposit? (Sorry, I'm late to the game on this and skimming now)

      • Hello - no. You can fund the term deposit in any way we normally accept. There's no "attempt to game" and the entirety of the offer is described on the landing page.
        Speak soon,

        • Thanks for the clarification.

          To clarify, I really meant discussion, rather than game. :) But it was late and I was being unclear.

    • What is the difference between a customer and a member (of Ubank?). I'm not marking negative or positive on this one. because of the limited number of entries I consider this more promotional rather than a bargain.

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