Does anyone know if Samsung have a complaints Department in Australia?
Their repair centre has caused more problems with my son's phone when all they had to do was fix the broken camera lens.
Does anyone know if Samsung have a complaints Department in Australia?
Their repair centre has caused more problems with my son's phone when all they had to do was fix the broken camera lens.
Surely they are responsible to fix it given that they have ruined it.
I will try Samsung Customer Service first but if they do not assist, is consumer affairs the place to go?
I had the similar issues with Samsung's repairer in Vermont (the same as your one) with my SGS3, which they had for over a month and had been unable/unwilling to repair - just a constant barrage of excuses as to why the repair was delayed by another week.
The only way I got any traction on the problem was to post of their Facebook page, the absolute only way was to make it public. They assigned me a "case officer" who never contact me, emails to their "resolutions department" went complete unanswered - but posting public always resulted in a very prompt phone call.
Thank you for this info. I will keep it in mind. Will return it on Monday and see what they say.
@what: All I can recommend is to never go there again, they are absolutely hopeless - but the sheer amount of negative reviews really speak for themselves.
I was lucky, as my situation was 100% a warranty claim so I had significantly more leverage to use against them, but it all ended up with them sending me a complete refund.
I hate Samsung. They only help customers after they have posted their complaint on the Samsung facebook page. They do not respond to emails. By the time you speak to the correct person. You have pulled your hair out due to frustration.
Why don't you just try their customer service department? According to the description they seem to be fairly prompt when it comes to dealing with customer issues…
The funny thing was, I did a cursory search of what their customer service was like and it seems fairly shoddy. If they don't give you recourse your best/only choice may be resorting to a third party or else cutting your losses and selling the device and purchasing a new one.