I'm looking for a good quality messenger bag that won't break the bank ($100 or less). I really like this bag from Mission Workshop but it's quite bit over budget. I've found it in one shop here in Melbourne for $170 and it's never on sale. Crumpler also has a reputation for quality but is just as pricey, not to mention they don't exactly look amazing.
- Weatherproof: Proper weatherproof. Nothing inside should have a drip of rain even after an hour in a storm (Melbourne weather for ya)
- Durable: The bag should be built to last and able to take a daily beating. Lifetime warranty would be great but I want something to last at least 4 years. No falling apart and wasting money on a new bag every odd year or so.
- Laptop: Something to fit a 15.6"
- Aesthetic: Something simple but sharp to take to uni without looking old school or Play School. Something like the black/dark grey nylon material on the Mission Workshop bag, no leather and certainly no stripey colours all over (single accent colours are good).
As it's near EOFY, I was hoping that there may be a good deal floating around somewhere. Where possible, I'd prefer to buy from a brick and mortar store so I can actually see the bag in person.
If you would consider Crumpler, they have the 30% off Barney Rustle Blanket on their Brighton Surplus Store (the small one should be $101.50 now). Call first to check if they still have stock as I walked past the store a couple weeks ago.
All colours seems to be on sale (Black, Navy and Army Green). They are this model rather than the one on the website.