Who Is Getting Cheated? We Customers or eBay or Is It All as Per Design?

Hi All
With eBay offering discount code of 20% on top of prices listed by retailers ,but retailers jacking the prices like pricing it more than RRP just before the eBay discount sales start

Who is really getting cheated?

eBAy- if this 20% is being paid for eBay's pocket - Wont eBay be aware of this malpractice and should not they have to act against this retailers and get good value for customers?


Is it a back hand partnership where both eBay and Retailers join hand in hand and have an agreement that you jack the price by 21% and I will give discount code for 20% ,so at the end when customer buys, we both are winners and make him a loser?

Really feel bad when retailers jack prices and customer just gets the code and uses and thinks he has saved a real 20% of what he usually pays.

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eBay Australia


  • This is just my simple speculations, but I don't think eBay is doing that to please us consumers, I think they are doing it to please the big retailers. This raising price thing happened for a long time, I somehow doubt that eBay don't know about it. eBay could've easily made it harder for the big retailers to raise the price by making 20% off to apply to bigger range of retailers (i.e. entire eBay) or making it targetted so that the price cannot change for short time period for everyone.

    Just what I think is happening. I could be wrong, could be right. It still pisses me off nonetheless.

    • +1

      That very same letter you have written to Oz Bargain is what you should send to EBay AU to let them know that as customer, you want answers to what's happening. EBay AU responds very quickly to feedback and complaints and it would be interesting to see how they tackle this or what excuses they make.

      • Huh? I've wrote letters to Ozbargain?

        • err…..that reply was meant for OP, not you. Must have hit the wrong reply button. What I meant is that OP expressed it very well and should write to EBay with this 'allegation' and see what EBay has to say about it. Like catching them red handed.

        • @momov3: I think eBay would probably know about this practice by the big retailers, simply because 1. it has been happening for a long time as far as I know 2. eBay probably has data on price changes. Also, there's a chance that someone already have enquired about this kind of practice to eBay, seeing posts like this.

          So I assume that eBay is doing this despite knowing what the big retailers do.

  • eBay gets more customers in exchange for money.

    eBay stores get more customers and sales.

    Consumers get discounts (albeit, not actually 20%).

    There are no losers here.

  • +3

    Do people really buy things just because it says it's 20% or even 90% off without even comparing the final price you pay with other stores?

    • Hope not..our mission statement here at OzBargain is that if there is a cheaper price out there we WILL find it.

  • +2

    That's what we are here for, to filter out all the crap and only show the good deals worth buying :)

    • not all use OZB and for normal customers who only use eBay, 20% is huge and they just buy without looking at other prices

      I am here speaking for such people who are being forced to spend thinking they are getting huge bargain

      • who are being forced to spend

        Forced???? Who's forcing them?

        • u want to call coerced?

        • @jrt2020:

          Who is coercing them?? The devil in their head who blocked any channels in their brain which allowed them to do their homework in finding the best prices, then coerced the brain and body into accepting and being happy with the price presented to them?

          While what some of the retailers are doing is a bit dodgy, no one is forced to spend.

        • no comments
          not all know of sites like ozb and not all are geeks

  • At the end of the day, if the item is still cheaper than else where after the 20% discount, does it matter whether the price has been jacked up? The bonus is the tax invoice shows the original price so its good for those claiming back from TRS or the taxman. I dont think ebay 'lose' or pay any real $ to the retailer, probably goes as a rebate to the seller fees. So winners all round. Pity it is over now.

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