This was posted 9 years 8 months 6 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

29 $0 Songs @ Google Play

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Google Play
Google Play

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  • +1

    Sounds ur a genius mate ;) +1

  • +3

    Good one. Thanks TA.

    Although most of them are bad songs that i would never listen to

    • +4

      Although most of them are bad songs that i would never listen to

      The only one I know is Silent Night (lol).

  • Testing a little scraper I wrote to find any free songs

    what do you use for scraping ?

    • +8

      if you know any programming, you can use most languages that support internet connectivity. Eg. Delphi, Visual Studio, etc.
      They have libraries to retrieve web pages. You simply adjust the URL you pass, eg,
      sURL := "" + nPage;
      sResult := http.Get(sURL);

      Then search for "Free" or "$0" in sResult

      I wrote a program a while back that scanned a person's music collection to find missing music. I've thought about sharing it. It takes two inputs,
      (1): your music directory
      (2): either clipboard text, a second directory (eg, on a USB disk) or a torrent file

      So, if you search Amazon for an album to buy, you can paste in the list of songs from that album and know which ones you don't have … Or if someone like Kitlope puts together a torrent with ~1000 songs, you can use it to find missing songs from your collection. Or the discography of a particular artist you like. Or a top 1000 song listing.

      • is there a way to write a scraper to scrape ebay listings for prices and descriptions?

  • +2

    Testing a little scraper I wrote to find any free songs

    You are a god amongst mere mortals .

  • what a bargain!

  • Is there any way of playing Google play songs without using the google music app?
    I've downloaded a few songs onto my Sony Xperia but can only play them in the Google music app which is a pain as one of my apps seems to use the Sony Walkman app as its player and I can't change it.

    • +1

      Use Chrome with the Google Play Music app (see the 'On your computer' section) & you can save the mp3s, then play them anywhere with any app.

    • +1

      Have you rooted your phone mate? I've been using this fantastic app for about a year - but it requires root to access and strip the header off the Play Music cached files.

      It then saves them as MP3 with embedded tags, album art etc… I use it to dump my latest playlists and copy across to an old ipod :P

  • +4

    "Hard Times - Bonerama"

    Nothing subtle there at all. lol

  • +1

    Dem Franchize Boyz!

    • What do the kids call this … studio gansters or something?

  • +3

    I did a search for "Free" in singles and albums and now I have 5,431 songs on Google Play, only gone through about 50 of them though.
    One song I really like is REBELS from this free album:…

  • Thanks

  • Anyway to add all the free songs in one click?

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