This was posted 9 years 8 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

BIG W - Xbox One Wireless Controller + 2 Games - $74.00

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Xbox One Wireless Controller with Halo Master Chief Collection and Forza Horizon 2
Xbox One Wireless Controller
Xbox One Halo Master Chief Collection
Xbox One Forza Horizon 2

Not bad for the price of the controller alone - can sell/trade the games in if you don't want them/already have them.

Edit: should note it looks like this is online only, but shipping is coming up as $0.00 for me. Your mileage may vary…

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closed Comments

  • Thank you and bought!!!

  • Thanks for the post! bought one :D

  • Thanks was looking to buy a controller for pc, this will do great, will sell the games since I don't own an xbox

    • +1

      Warning: a quick google reveals you still can't use it wirelessly (you have to have it plugged in to the PC with a cable).

      • +2

        microsoft are working on a wireless dongle

      • +2

        Neg. E3 news (out of IGN) said that Microsoft have a usb dongle that enables wireless for PC

        **edit: Or at Pcgamer **

      • +1

        "Oculus announced … every Rift will be shipping with an Xbox One wireless controller and the just announced wireless adapter for Windows" -…

        The Rift is due Q1 2016, so I'd assume Microsoft will release the wireless adaptor before Christmas.

    • I bought one recently and cant get it working at all …tried all the solutions online …Installed the drivers supplied from their website you plug it in it installs the drivers for tthe controller then doesnt show as a device… my old 360 controller It was replacing has always and still works fine.

      Hopefully once I get my free windows 10 upgrade it will work reliably.

  • Das cheap mane

  • Thanks Op, really needed a second controller for Master Chief and upcoming Battlefront!

  • great find, cheers

  • Yeah awesome bundle.. just bought these 2 games the other week. Will just sell them hopefully.


  • +7

    I don't even have an xbox one and I still bought. Lol. Waiting for prices to come down even further before I pull the trigger.

    • touche!

    • I've done the exact same thing! I know that eventually get all the current gen consoles, might as well nab bargains when I see them.

    • +1

      What is currently good price for the Xbone? I'm in the same boat, my PS4 is looking pretty barren now so I've been eyeing some of the xbone exclusives

  • +1

    probably because a 2nd editon controller has just come out

    Plus the white one and the new various designs like Halo and Forza controllers

    • You mean the $149 US controller? … or is there another one?

      • +1

        There is another one. Pretty much the same as this one though with an added 3.5mm headphone jack, refined bumpers and ability to update the controller wirelessly.

      • There is another one. They are replacing their controller with 3.5mm headphone jack so that people can plug their headphones/headset directly without the need of the adaptor.

      • There's another one with 3.5mm headphone jack. Not much difference though.

  • damn dont have a xbone… hehehe

  • +2

    Pulled the trigger, now to wait a few months for the 1TB Console SKUs to come down in price a little!

    Thanks, OP!

    • +3

      apparently as of last system update, any external HDD can be used via USB for storage. So an option to get the base model and a cheap HDD perhaps

      • +1

        Seems like they are USB 3 ports as well - so the speed you would think would be decent - do you know of anyone who's tried with a decent USB 3 hard drive to see if the performance is on par with the internal ones?

        Was waiting for my bonus pay to land before I jumped on the console anyway, these were two games I wanted, not interested in the assasin's creed bundle that seems to be everywhere I seem to scope out the console bundles, its something I can definitely wait a while for :)

        • +1

          Nah mate not sure on any further details. Lots on various Xbox forums. For what you need the performance should be more than adequate, remembering the OS and other system stuff will always be on the internal

        • @richox: I'll do some reading up on it later tonight and see what I can find, thanks for the tip. :)

        • +1

          @holoz0r: can confirm 1TB 3.0 portable HDD works fine on mine

        • +1

          Yeah, you've been able to use External HDD's for a while. Just needs to be USB 3.0 and over 256gb :)


        • 7200RPM external drives can be slightly faster, but overall the performance is similar. People have also tried SSD's and again there wasn't enough of a gain to warrant the price. just buy a decent USB3 drive and you shouldn't have any issues. Also a HDD used for games can only be used for games and apps, the Xbox One will want to format the drive for use. You can use a separate external drive for media though.

    • So, pulled the trigger on that controller deal? I see what you did there >_>

  • +1

    Needed a new controller for PC and selling off the games almost makes the controller entirely free.

    • Is the controller compatible with PCs without any adapters?

      • +1

        At the moment you need a micro usb cable to use a Xbox one controller on a PC, and drivers from the Microsoft website. But they are releasing an adapter so that it connects wirelessly later this year. I think you can pre-order that from ebgames for $40.

      • you have to use the usb cable and download the drivers then it will work fine. Been using the xbox one controller for GTA and nba2k15 on pc :)

      • You need a USB cable.

    • may sell the controller and keep the games for a while and sell them later.

  • Can this be used wirelessly on the PC yet, or is it still wired only?

    • +1

      Not yet, later this year MS have said.

  • why can't we using BigW egift card at Bigw online?

    • +2

      Big W are not the sellers. It's through their Big W Marketplace with the 3rd party sellers called Movies and Games Plus.

  • if it's $0 postage pretty good deal.

  • Is this the new controller like one included with 1TB console?

  • LOL damn fml, I bought both Halo MCC plus a new controller recently separately. MCC is great though this is a crazy bargain!

  • +2

    Thank you sir. Managed to get forza 5 for $1 yesterday only to get a cancellation email today. Will go well with the $200 Xbox one from last week.

  • That's an awesome deal, bought one!

  • +2

    Pulled the trigger! Thanks OP! Recently got my Xbone from BIGW sales, this will be a good deal for me to add another controller. By the way, I have never played Halo or Forza title before. Are they both good games and worth it?

    • Looking at BigW's catalogue, MasterChief Halo is selling for $59, Forza Horizon $54; so the controller is basically free. I played the First Forza Horizon game and it took me by surprise (racing isn't normally my thing RPG, Strategy is) so I reckon that Forza Horizon 2 should continue that same formula!

      • Thanks, mate. Let the game begin!

        • +1

          don't be misled by his can easily find these games at much lower prices than bigw's. as to these games, each to their own, but i do suggest to try them. the reviews on this halo are great though.

    • +2

      Is Halo good?, Halo 1 and Halo 2 are amongst the greatest games ever made.

  • Anyone else concerned it's not actually sold by BigW? look where it says "Sold by"


    • Not at all, you're still buying through Big W.

    • I'd be more concerned it hasn't sold out. Possibly taking orders for stock they don't have.

  • +1

    Can only get $17 each at EB for those games.

    Wonder if they could be sold for about $30 brand new on Ebay?

    Edit: Quick eBay search shows both are fetching north of $35-$40 for brand new AU copies. Might go for this deal honestly.

  • Don't yet own an XB1 but bought it anyway. A bargain is a bargain!

  • So tempted..

  • +1

    Bargain. Now can you find this for PS4 then i would be extremely happy lol. Dang it!

  • +2

    Well this is embarrassing. I saw this deal pop up and only saw XBOX ONE - $74. Purchased it in a heartbeat. Only to realise after I had paid, that I had only purchased a controller and 2 games. Damn you selective reading!

    True ozbargainer right here!

  • Straight out bought that. Halo alone is $77 at EB, controller is like $74 if I remember rightly :)

    • Both games are on sale @ ebgames at $47 each, use to be $99 each


      • Ah yes, thats right, its was last month that it was on sale for $77 :) thankyou for the correction!

  • Damn, no need for an extra controller and already have Halo… and traded in my Forza cause I didn't play it and I STILL want to buy this just out of principle.

    • Yeah $74 is good buying just for the controller. The two games mean the controller will be nearly free after selling them.

    • Too funny.

  • Solid. Bought. Thanks.

  • +1

    1100+ clicks in just under two hours and counting. Still not out of stock. Don't know how many have bought but I fear this may end badly.

    • -1

      Agreed. PayPal.

    • They've been on sale since 8am this morning so I bet quite afew have been sold.

  • -1

    Now to wait for a deal on the Elite controller…

    • -1

      Thanks, have both games already but couldn't resist

    • You'll be waiting a while.

  • 15-20 business days for delivery to metro Perth is a joke.

  • Grabbed one of these packs this morning.

  • Awesome deal. Bought! Thanks OP

  • I think it's dead Jim

  • Ha ~~ I bought the last one, yeah~

  • +1

    I just added one to my cart and got all the way through to just before payment.

    Maybe its alive again?

  • So cheap.

  • Still available.

  • Got one just a minute a go.

  • +1

    Thanks grabbed 2

  • Mine has been shipped :)

    • Shipped :)

  • Mine shipped :) Finally has managed to get at least one bargain :-)

  • Another one shipped!

  • Count mine as shipped!

  • shipped!

  • Mine just arrived. Now to post the games on Gumtree and keep my basically free controller.

    • LOL. There'll be flood on gumtree and ebay. I hope these games sell. Mine arrived today as well.

  • Arrived yesterday afternoon. Was going to sell the games, but I know I'll play MCC as I've wanted to get that for a while and I'll probably just end up playing Forza, so controller works out to be basically free anyway.

    • +1

      Horizon 2 is one of the best games on the Xbox One (imo).

  • +1

    Mine arrived today, absolutely stoked with this one. Not quite as much as the $9 Dell Printer, but close! Thanks OP.

    • Yeah but to be fair, no deal even touches that $9 printer. Some even got an upgraded version too lol.

      • Haha yep I was one of them who got the Wifi version, still going strong!

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