Currently reviewing my energy provider and decided to go with and decided to choose Momentum Energy and I was perusing the Terms & Conditions and found something troubling to me.
The document is here:…
Section 2.14 Variation of the Charges (page 13 for me) contains the text:
"2.14.2 If we determine that you were not
eligible for the product, Campaign or offer set
out in the Details at the time you entered into
this Contract, or if you become ineligible for
that product, we may transfer you to a different
product appropriate to your circumstances."
Every other point in this section is regard to varying the plan or charges just as this point does however they additionally have wording which, to paraphrase, says we will contact you to notify you.
This point has no wording about contacting me.
Would you be worried about this? I'm not a lawyer but the agreement appears to give them the right to move me to a product of their choice without contacting me about it. Is this intrpretation correct?
Let's say they had a special product for people with red hair and green eyes, and they signed you up to that product. Then, they found out that you did not have red hair and green eyes, and therefore were not eligible for that product.
This section is clearly saying that if you are not eligible for a product, they can transfer you to a different product.
I may be wrong - I've been wrong before. I am also not a lawyer.
Why not ring them and ask them what it means?