This was posted 9 years 8 months 22 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Foxtel IQ2 - Free Install and Box Fee Waived ($150)


Sign up to Sport + Entertainment for just $50* a month on a short 6 month plan to get unparalleled live Sport coverage.

  • Min cost $300 on a 6 month direct debit plan based on Entertainment + Sport with a Foxtel iQ2. New residential subscribers and standard install only. >Cancel fee applies. Offer ends 30/06/15. Foxtel and some services not available to all homes.
You’ll get:
  • Free* installation
  • iQ2 Equipment fee waived*
  • 9 dedicated sports channels including FOX SPORTS and FOX FOOTY
  • 45 channels of brilliant TV for every taste including LifeStyle, Entertainment, Documentaries, Kids Shows and many more
  • Short 6 month plan
Foxtel iQ2 box lets you:
  • Pause & Rewind – Never miss an epic sports moment with Pause & Rewind
  • Remote Record+ – Record, even when you’re not at home
  • Series Link – Set your box to record an entire season at the touch of a button

It doesn't have to be sports and entertainment, can be sports and drama but you'll just pay the difference. Try calling them up and ask to stack the 0 month contract deal they have going on as well.

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closed Comments

  • +14

    Too expensive. Can't wait for one of the sport streaming companies to look at what Netflix have done and emulate. Foxtel need to be taken down.

    • +2

      I agree. The monopoly should end. They never represent good value for money. Foxtel has no place here.

    • +3

      Foxtel is optiional. Some people like it.

    • +6

      I'm on one wage (not a great one either as a teacher) and I don't have a problem paying $60 a month for all the HD sport I can handle. It also gives me access to sport straight from my phone or iPad so I can watch the games when I'm out or at work.

      Tightarses gonna be tight.

      Now I'm gonna go watch the V8s - every practice, qualifying and race live and HD. Much better than the shit I had to put up with on channel 7.

      • +1

        Upvoted you. But this is why Foxtel is doing itself a disservice. You get your use out of it. But should someone who only wants to watch a few things feel good about 50 a month, commit to hundreds. Base is very high. But perhaps needs to be for Foxtel to be profitable.

      • +1

        I'd only use it for EPL, I'm not into the other sports at all. Everything else in terms of movies and entertainment is repetitive rubbish that is available on TV and Netflix at much lower rates. These shows like GoT were once shown on TV until Murdoch bought them up and made us pay to view them. I'd rather pay Santana $100 or so and watch the EPL and then Netflix the rest. I've no problem with being called a tightarse but I have no issue spending money, I just prefer not to waste it though.

  • +4

    Offer ends 30/06/15 < they need to have this permanently and bring the charges down further for any chance…otherwise it will be another Blockbuster!

  • Will there be a discount for sign up with an iq3 box?

    • +2

      Have they fixed he problems with the IQ3?

      • Be nice to know

        • I remember reading at launch there were lots of issues. I might wait until next year to upgrade.

        • @jv:
          I upgraded.
          Still a few bugs occasionally. Recording and playback is ok.
          Back button is a little random.
          It is a different interface that takes a little getting used to.

        • @Wibbleman:
          So is there anything good about it?

        • +1


          So is there anything good about it?

          Record 3 shows whilst watching a fourth…

          Stacks more storage…

      • +1

        I have managed to get my iQ3 mostly working, by sending an email and getting them to push the xx.xx.59 firmware, then doing a full system reset, then manually setting the IP (note: you need to put in leading 0's for the IP eg: would be but there are still issues from time to time. I would advise against buying IQ3 until things are fixed completely, if you have one already however, the steps mentioned will reduce some issues at the very least.

        • +1

          sounds like it's best to wait a bit longer…

        • @jv:

          Yeah, they definitely rushed it out. In my opinion it was a major overreaction to the competition. People were always going to try the streaming content, because for $10 per month and free trials everywhere, nothing they did would have had a great deal of impact on that.

          Foxtel were probably never at risk of people jumping ship in the short term (given the price drop) especially those who love sport, and those who were happy with the service. They would have been smarter to stick with the price changes and contract removal, and ride out the streaming hype (while pushing 6 months free Presto) and using that time to refine the premium iQ3 service (or at least ensure it was functional) instead of releasing such an unfinished priece of garbage and giving loyal customers and new customers reasons to be disgruntled.

          That being said, I'm glad Foxtel are scared. They have been ripping off consumers for far too long in my opinion.

    • +2

      Don't even go near the IQ3 yet

  • +2

    AFAIK, the only way to experience HD Foxtel is via one of those Foxtel IQ boxes. They deliberately cripple picture quality with their internet streaming options (Foxtel Go and Foxtel Play) and as soon as you try to cast Foxtel Go to a TV (whether it be via screen mirroring or HDMI) the app stops itself from launching. So, as far as I'm concerned, this greedy corporation can go and jump.

    • and as soon as you try to cast Foxtel Go to a TV (whether it be via screen mirroring or HDMI) the app stops itself from launching.

      Probably because it's against their T&C's of use.

      • Of course it is against their T&Cs .. what did you think I was saying, that it was a bug? My point is that they limit their users options, and it is based on greed. If I had Foxtel and wanted to watch it on another TV in another room via my tablet, I couldn't do it … probably because they want to ream even more money out of people with multiroom.

        • point is that they limit their users options, and it is based on greed.

          They're a private company. They are required to make a profit for their shareholders.

          If you want to watch it on TV, subscribe to that service.

          If it's too expensive for you, then don't….

        • If I had Foxtel and wanted to watch it on another TV in another room via my tablet, I couldn't do it …

          Why not? I do…

          You can get a second output directly from the Foxtel box.

        • @jv:
          You're a master at stating the obvious jv … and regardless of that, I am still entitled to have that opinion about it, as much as you don't like it!

        • +1

          If you have Foxtel you can watch it via Foxtel Go on three other devices.

          So you're wrong, you could watch it in your tablet in another room. Or on the train. Or at work. It is an amazing service.

        • @teach86:

          I love it

        • @teach86:
          I'm talking about the limitation of casting it to another TV .. not watching it on the tablet itself.

        • @jv:
          And you can still watch a separate channel doing it this way (ie second output from fox box) ?

        • @noz:

          I'm talking about the limitation of casting it to another TV .

          just use a video extender…

        • @noz:

          And you can still watch a separate channel doing it this way (ie second output from fox box) ?

          Yes, if you pay for it you can get a second box… $10 a month for SD, $15 a month for HD….

          I just stream using network TV streamer though and watch the same channel…

          Alternatively, if you have a large PC monitor, you can just use the Windows Foxtel Go app…

    • You can install Foxtel Go on a PC they have released it. Outputting to a TV is fine. I've been doing it since the start of the formula 1 season as its live on fox sports. Just use someone you knows login 3 devices per login)
      Quality isn't the best but it free foxtel for me.

      • Ahh, I didn't realise you could watch Foxtel Go on a PC. Pity about the quality, but at least it is an option.

        • Pc or Mac, works fine.
          Wonder if you can use one of those cheap android/windows boxes and have it just connected to the tv.

        • Ahh, I didn't realise you could watch Foxtel Go on a PC. Pity about the quality,

          Quality on a 22" monitor is great…

        • @PVA:
          I extremely doubt it would even run on one of the cheap Android boxes, unless it can trick the app into thinking that it is one of these certified devices: . Foxtel trying to limit the user even further. Even if it can be tricked, it will detect the presence of HDMI output, and prevent it. Stan does the same, but the Stan Android APK can be hacked to make it work.

        • @jv:
          Quality is subjective I guess. Foxtel Go in a 22" monitor would not look "great" to me. "Great" means crystal clear and no artifacting.

        • @noz:
          Exactly , the pic quality on a 20inch mac us no where near as good as tv.

    • Works fine via xboxone and ps4 even on the dreaded T-BoX.
      I know this is not what your saying but may be an option

      • Isn't that Foxtel Play, and not the free Foxtel Go. ?

        • Good point PVA. I'm not sure your prob right

  • +3

    I once had Pay TV so long ago that I can't even remember the name right ATM lel … it was the first service to be offered in Adelaide - LOVED IT - NO ADS!!

    Then I got rid of it when I stoped sharing a house with someone and when OneTel (i think it was? can't recall) and FoxTel came along they still had NO ADS from memory. it seemed worth it.

    It stopped seeming worth it when they started interupting programming in order to display ads, I've just never been able to get past the fact that if I'm paying these jackasses money I'm paying them to show me marketing.

    Hence the competition which is free, higher quality, playable anywhere, operates on a video-ondemand model, largely automated and containing much more greater choice of content and NO ADS is that much more attractive. Why pay for TV when I have that …

    • +1

      The no ads was what the government made them do for the first few years, fox wanted adverts from the start.

  • +2

    Big changes are coming to the 'pay for viewing' sector in the next little while, but the competition is already paying off. A year ago getting Foxtel connected for a minimum length of time would have cost WAY more than $300. So from that point of view, this fits the OzBargain model. Good deal if you like Pay TV.

  • +1

    Definitely a good bargain. Personally my internet is not fast enough for streaming consistently so for AFL This is nearly a requirement.

    The lowest min cost I have seen was $580+

  • ANyone willing to try getting Optus to match this for Foxtel via Optus Cable? I have a standard 10 yr old cable box (paying $25 for basic plan plus $25 for fox sports, $50 total) and after 10 yrs of quietly paying bills, optus want to charge $99 + install for me to get an IQ which I refuse to do.

    • Optus will give you nothing

  • Aren't they reducing the price by 50% in September? I can't stand watching content with adverts. Netflix is awesome though the movies aren't that great.

    • Last september they already did this price cut.

      • basic pack went down in price but also in Channels available . a goo number went to extra packs you buy.

  • Reckon ill have any luck as a current foxtel from telstra customer on a bundle? For some reason i feel not :( .

  • For those that are existing Foxtel subscribers, do you think if you cancel, and then ring up about this offer a few days later, it would be valid as a new signup ?

    My parents have had Foxtel for years.. they still have the old set-top box that doesnt even have HDMI output.. sometimes they cancel it for a while (to save coin) but then re-activate later when motorsport or whatever is on. It costs around $150 to upgrade to a new HD HDMI box - but this deal would save them that.

    • Call and Ask - while active - then threaten to disconnect with the "All your New customers get "BlaBlaBla" and existing get nothing

      Chikchik Bang - upgraded :) and enjoy - Now let me get back to my IQ3 that has almost no problems with a shit load of Sports

      • My mother rang and cancelled a few days ago… intending to ring up next week and try get this free IQ2 and $50/month deal.

        Today a guy from Foxtel rang (I assume, someone in their Retention team) to discuss collection of her old settop box, and asked why she was leaving. She was honest that I suggested she cancel, and sign up for this deal as a new customer.

        He replied he could do that for her right away at the same price - so now an installer is coming out on Monday to install a new Foxtel port in the bedroom (old port is in living room), and install the IQ2, on the $50 sport + entertainment plan.

        The only thing that didnt sound right (and maybe she misunderstood) was $15 a month if she wanted to keep the ~8 year old SD box for a second room, or $25 a month for a second new HD box.
        In the comments above it says $10 a month for SD and $15 for HD ??
        At the moment she is going with just the new IQ2.

        Question, does the IQ2 box plug into the same screw-coax type socket that the devices have used for years, or does it use a newer type of connection ?
        Am hoping when the guy installs the new bedroom socket, that the old one in the living room will still be active, so we can move it between the rooms at different times of the year.

  • I just rang and signed up. Hubby and kids have been begging for foxtel sports for last couple of years. This is actually not a bad deal for the remaining footy season and when the EPL starts.
    Guy also mentioned they are waiving the setup charges for a second box in another room for those who want 2 IQ2 boxes, but you have to pay $15 month extra. Thanks OP :)

  • -1

    Anyone want to share one of their Foxtel three device accounts? I wouldnt expect it for free so PM me if interested.

  • +1

    This is a targeted offer only for current "foxtel play" customers, they refuse to give it to new customers

    • I signed up for this today as a new customer with no previous account.

      • Nice job token8, they flat out refused to give it, as it clearly states it's for foxtel play customers only, reason why foxtel will keep losing customers to streaming companies..

        • +1

          Roguewolf, never argue with a call centre person, just thank them and call up later and speak to the next operator. Optus used to always tell me my plan was grandfathered when I recontracted, but every year for 3 more years I easily had an operator recontracted me on the grandfathered plan. If you're getting refused by one person, don't argue, just speak to the next.

  • Hi All

    A while ago a rang foxtel to confirm the service could be accessed via cable in a property I was moving into.

    A few weeks later I got a call from the promotions team offering me a deal and at the time I declined.

    I have ignored the follow up calls from the number but today I answered after having read this deal to see what they had on offer.

    I was able to get the following;

    Free IQ2 , free delivery and set up (self install) , no contract and platinum package for the first month for $50. My plan is to downgrade to sports only after the first month. I could get the same deal with the IQ3 box for $125

    As they called me there is a 10 day cooling off period that needs to pass before they can send out the box but otherwise I am happy.

    If anyone else wants to call this promo team , the number is 03 8325 0909 . I think this number goes to voicemail but you can leave a message saying you want to speak about a promotion.

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