Due to receiving an email from Exetel saying my plan price will increase by over 20%, I need help finding a suitable replacement. I currently use around 100gig a month (all in peak times) the only available network is telstra, I am also in an area considered regional. I have tried whirlpool plan finder but it's impossible to compare regional plans. Thanks.
[Found] Find me a new ADSL2 provider

Nice I'll check them out
Not available in my area unfortunately
http://www.clubtelco.com/ unlimited $40, not sure about the area you are in, maybe ask around the neighborhood and see what other people are using.
Check Spintel.
I'm with clubtelco, the unlimited plan. I live in a regional area, so the unlimited plan becomes $60 a month (up from $40). It's month-month (no contract), no installation fees, but there is an $80 annual 'membership fee'. Means if you go on a long holiday, you can deactivate the plan and pay nothing for a few months. BYO modem which was easy enough.
Telstra also offers a few bundles which I was inspecting - $80 for a medium plan currently, includes some home phone stuff and 100gb of data. 24 month contract. You can reload your data 3 times a year for free if you go over the limit I believe. the next price point was $110 for 500gb (possibly 200)
Yeah I got the same email! I will never go with Exetel again. I've been with them for almost 9 years and when i called up customer service last night to ask why are they increasing my bill and giving less then what i am on, the lady was rude and basically said it is in my contract.
needless to say it was a quick conversation saying I will be going elsewhere. Best I have found is netcube. Unlimited ADSL2+ including line rental is (for me being regional) $79.95/mth… They were apparently running a special yesterday for $69.95/mth. They wouldn't budge on offering that to me when I tried to sign up today…
Good luck!
Update. I went with netcube.com.au for internet and telstra as phone supplier(saved $6.05 a month) for $73.90. It's unlimited so I guess I'll use some of these Netflix vouchers. Thankyou all
Belong? $60 for 100Gb including the phone.