This was posted 9 years 8 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

$3 Xbox One Games, Pokemon X or Y 2DS Console Bundle $50 @ Big W

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

MOD — this post was originally posted by a BigW employee who no longer wishes to be associated with this post. However as the sale is on now and discussion is on going, instead of removing the entire thread, we have changed the user of this post as "testuser".

Little side note

To all ozbargainers, please be as kind as you can to all Big W staff. Can you imagine them searching for each game in the draw then when they go put it in the cases, they go back to their register and see another 5+ people waiting in line just to do it all again with the next customer? You got some others who aren't interested in the deal (like people who have to get their digital photos printed) and some of them may get impatient. This causes big stress for both the staff member and the customer. Please praise them for their efforts as thats the least we can all contribute.

Thank you

Credit goes to Athlon165 For compiling this list of all the prices for all games and console deals:…

To end it off with the drop zone. Xbox One games are further reduced to $3!

Titles include:

Xbox One
Call of duty ghost
Fifa 14
Sniper elite 3
Zoo tycoon
Rayman legends
Forza 5
Just dance 2013
Murdered soul suspect
Battlefield 4
Kinect sports rivals
Disney music fantasia
Dead rising 3
Need for speed rivals

Majority of the PS vita games down to $3
Ps vita 8gb memory card $3
Ps vita 16gb memory card $3
Ps vita Lego mega pack $3
Resistance $2

Credits go to gem90 for other deals

old fifa14, fifa15 and titanfall xbone bundles $200

Pokemon X /Y 2DS console packs $50

PS Vita wifi $50

X360 250gb console $3

PS3 Slimline 160gb $50

Xbone skylanders swapforce starter pack $3

IF you're lucky, these bargains are dream prices

Destiny white ps4 console $200
Skylanders Wii U bundle $3
Yoshi 3DS Xl Console $50
All coloured 3DS Xl consoles $3 (unconfirmed - will double check tomorrow)
Luigi Wii U Bundle $100
Pokemon X or Y 3DS Xl Console $50

I believe this is in store only

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • Any ps4 game?

    • I bought the skylanders game on PS4 for $3. Didn't see anything else at that price for the PS4 though

      • -1

        Dude…you are too late

  • Wow! Hmm trade bait?

    • +3

      50 percent extra trade value when trading towards a preorder at eb games

  • It is on now ?

    • Doesn't seem to be on yet…

  • +1

    $3?! bait and sw….

  • Is this real? How can Sniper Elite 3 be $64 on the website but $3 in store?

  • +1

    Any XBOX 360?

  • i hope this is real

  • +1

    Starts tomorrow

    • How do you know?

      • +1

        Just rang…games will be off location.

        • what do you mean?

        • @mitcheo:
          They will be in a different location in the store.

        • @nocure: ok

  • +1

    This will be amazing if true. Beats the Dick Smith one five years back.

  • Is this deal live right now?

  • +1

    on the way to the BigW

    • +7

      Slow down buddy. Starts tomorrow apparently

      • +7

        So? Take a sleeping bag :P

        • +3

          Or buy one there!

  • +1

    Any Ps4 games OP?

  • +5

    News to me, will have to look when i head in.
    Prices do usually change on the Wednesday afternoon.
    Good luck to all you guys BUT PLEASE don't bitch to staff if there's no stock or they scan normal price. PLEASE.

    • -1

      you sound like you work for DSE

      • +5

        I'm not going to take games for myself. :P
        I just can't believe the prices have dropped this much and would like you guys to come in and be civil IF they aren't scanning at this price.
        Bonus to you if these are correct prices and we have the stock, BUT understand Drop Zone means clearance stock.
        They might be there or they might not.


  • Tea tree plaza said bss their line was drop zone is wrapping up no new discounts on their stock.

    Might be a line though but a lot of sa shops didnt get the dz prices nsw and vic got

    • Went into TTP BigW at 8:10am. Nothing in DropZone. $3 games in games section, 3 or 4 eBay scalpers buying up quite a few.

      No cheap consoles available (they were no reduced bundles available - the attendant said she checked all of them before the store open). I hung around for a bit and I am 99% sure there is no reduced consoles at TTP.

      I couldn't find the Vita section either :S (16GB legit memory cards for $3 are reasonably good - even if they are part of Sony's MemoryStick family..)

      • I was there too, guy in security jacket who yelled at the profiteerer and helped out a few others and the staff…

  • Why that low? Are big w getting out of the games products?

  • +2

    nothing for $3 at Burleigh or Robina, just got back from checking as I live locally to both :(

    Checked Game section and Drop Zone Section - NOTHING!!!

    Good luck in other Big W locations guys!!

    Edit - Saw it starts tomorrow, if so damn I wasted some time hahah but they didn't have any of these titles any how

    • +3

      you better hide the games and grab them tomorrow

      • Hahah they didn't have any of those titles tho well I didn't check for just dance tho

    • +1

      Save some for me, those are my local stores too :P

      • +1

        Hahah there is none mate

      • +2

        Haha, he meant there is none now mate (after he hid them lol)

        • +1


  • I got some good news and bad news

    I'm @ Bigw Macquarie centre NSW

    They have the clearance now, including games of Xbox 360 PS3 DS and Wii. They are in the drop zone near DVDs section.

    But no Xboxone and Ps4 at the moment.

    • Thanks for saving me the trip :-)

    • What kind of "clearance" for those titles is it? Are we talking $3, or $20?

      • $3

        • Darn, I'll miss that one. Hopefully there's something left by the time I get there tomorrow. Thanks.

        • @Tihocan: just came from there, few people pretty much got all of the good ones for Xbox one and ps4.
          No Xbox ones and ps4 left.

          Lots of Xbox 360 and ps3 left though. Also 3ds and DS games.
          Got a 6 xbox 360, 4 3ds, and 7 DS games.

  • +1

    Following MS news about allowing backward compatibility for 'most' X360 games on XBONE, buying some cheap X360 games to fill in the gaps is a good idea……


    • -7

      its not backward compatible they got caught in a lie… what they've said is that any publisher who wants to pay money and be granted a Xbone license to port their code over will be allowed to submit an XB1 version of the game, which using your x360 disc you can then re-download.

      Thats 4-12gb a game…..

      They mean license transfer compatible…

      • Ok - I was confused by this bit:

        "Your Xbox 360 Titles are Already There: To play one of the supported titles listed above that you already own, simply go to My Games and Apps and download the game to your Xbox One. Or put the disc in the drive, install the game and start playing."

        • This is for preview members only at the moment. It will be available to the public this holiday

      • Cmon man, dont by lying. What they said is all the dev has to do is approve it, they dont have to pay anything.Then MS do the rest.
        It is backwards compatible, just because it doesnt play directly of the disc, doesnt mean it isnt.

      • Nope, this is completely wrong. They have emulated the 360 OS on the XB1 however they do not have the ability to automatically allow all 360 games to be run on the XB1 mainly because of licensing/legal issues. Developers simply have to allow their game to be on the XB1 and it will be available to download. This is proved by the fact that MS have confirmed that you can play with people still on the 360. If it was new code, I doubt this would be possible.

        Key Quote:
        "Play multiplayer with your friends no matter which console they’re on."


  • Broden will be hitting big w tomorrow

    • can you post copy of receipt didn't think this was on until tomorrow..

      • -1

        Not sure how to do that on my phone.

        • -1

 is pretty easy

    • +2

      Pics of receipt or it didn't happen.

    • +2

      hello there mr broden

  • All gone at QV Melbourne.

    • Nothing in there at all? Think anything will be there tomorrow or not even worth the trip?

  • nothing at Tuggeranong, ACT BIG W

    • I went in just before lunch. The guy told me they had some XBox One bundles but they had all been sold before 9am today. There was a trolley full of Call of Duty Ghosts (PS3 and X360). Didn't see much else.

      • I went there yesterday and guy told me no stock of consoles except PSP for $30

  • Not on at Forest Hill (VIC)

  • starts tomorrow apparently

  • Just checked in Mirrabooka and they confirmed the price but said it wouldn't scan at this price until tomorrow.

  • Just bought a bunch at big w South Yarra. 3ds games also for $3, as well as 360 and PS3.

    It scans as $3 in the system now. Get them to scan it!

  • +15

    Fellow employee here:
    old fifa14, fifa15 and titanfall xbone bundles going out for $200
    Pokemon X /Y 2DS console packs going for $50
    PS Vita wifi for $50
    X360 250gb console $3 (ridiculous right?! Could be a price keying error)
    PS3 Slimline 160gb $50
    Xbone skylanders swapforce starter pack $3

    PS4 titles all $3:
    nfs rivals
    battlefield 4
    Rayman legends
    Murdered soul
    COD ghosts
    NBA 2K14
    Trials fusion

    There is also an extensive list of console and iPad/iPhone accessories all going out for $2, $3 etc
    Please note stock varies store to store, so don't take it out on staff if they dont have what your after i.e cheap consoles. Happy shopping!

    • +1

      Some stores are doing these prices already? I said damn!

      • I believe stores can bring the start time earlier giving more time to price everything in preparation for tomorrow, but thats at store discretion, it would seem some have and some haven't. But all prices will be live as of tomorrow morning.

    • +1

      Hi Can you please let me know what stores in syd have $50 PS vita consoles in stock? I am also after ps3 and xbox one.

      Just checked with Pagewood and they have no ideas..

      And when is this sale starting? Thanks!!

      • They don't know what they have?

        • No idea of the sales.

          Checked with campsie as well. She said nothing 3 dollar or 50 and asked me where did I get the intel from..

      • +2

        I live in SA, unfortunately would have to call the stores yourself, the consoles i think will be scarce as only 1 out of 7 SA stores I contacted had xbone. Sale starts tomorrow!
        I have reason to think that this drop zone reduction wasn't communicated out as readily as previous rounds. I only know about it as I found it in our system.

    • Awesome! but wait…

      Fifa 14, Fifa 15, Titanfall and an xbox one console for $200???? :O
      Really? or am i reading wrong?

      • +1

        No, Fifa14 bundle, Fifa15 Bundle or Titanfall bundle for $200 each, sorry for the confusion! Either way a steal at $200.

        • Is this bundle with the kinect?

        • one of the stores i went to still had ac xbox 1 bundle,couple ps3 slims and ds' but said prices are as marked, which are normal price.. She said she scanned it but no discount.

  • -2

    Stop negging the guy that said he bought them. I just bought 20 games on various consoles for $3.

    • +3

      Do you have a pic and/or receipt? I thought it started tomorrow.

      • I'm on the car on the way home so will post pic when I get home

    • Which store did you buy from??

  • Did they scan up at that price

  • +17
    • +2

      OP delivers! Now, let the games begin!

      • +2

        Or not. Sounds like Pinbot bought them all ;P

        • +2

          Haha the store workers were putting piles behind the counter for themselves….

        • @Pinbot: God damnit. I bet this will happen everywhere, too. Hate that.

          I would neg your comment just because I hate the practice, but not you. Also, I love your name (and pinball)!

        • @Shaneus: pinball FTW! Yeah, it's not a good look when the employees are stockpiling games. There were plenty left though.

    • Do you know if they had any of these bundles:

      old fifa14, fifa15 and titanfall xbone bundles going out for $200

      • +1

        I didn't look at consoles, had no idea they would be on sale too. The 360 for $3 would have been epic

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