This was posted 9 years 8 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

GoPro Hero 4 Silver $319.20 Delivered Dick Smith eBay 20% off Code - CTWENTY- Only 500 in Stock


Original CTWENTY code post

LIMITED OFFER: Receive a $50 eBay Voucher with your purchase! Simply Buy Now and checkout as normal. eBay will send a $50 eBay Voucher to your MyeBay account on 1st July 2015 to spend on anything on eBay during the month of July. Limit one per customer.

Capture your world in an all-new way with HERO4 Silver, the first-ever GoPro to feature a built-in touch display. Controlling the camera, framing shots and playing back content is now ultra convenient—just view, tap and swipe the screen. HERO4 Silver captures 1080p60 and 720p120 video with lifelike clarity, plus 12MP photos at a staggering 30 frames per second.

New experience-enhancing features include HiLight Tag, which lets you mark key moments for easy playback, editing and sharing, and QuikCapture, which allows you to power on the camera and start recording with the press of a single button. Waterproof to 131’ (40m), HERO4 Silver combines versatility and pro-quality capture with the convenience of a touch display

Other features
Brand GoPro
Colour Silver
Packaged Weight 700g
Packaged Dimensions 10.6cm x 10.6cm x 25cm
Cat No. XG6634

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eBay Australia
eBay Australia
Dick Smith / Kogan
Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • +3

    $319.20 using CTWENTY code

    • Thanks updated title

      • np. this is a crazy price. this will go quick!

  • this sounds like a pretty good deal… wondering if its time to upgrade from my hero3+ black…

    • +1

      i'm tempted to buy another one, and i got mine for just under $400 a couple months ago.
      if you also get $50 voucher that effectively makes it $270 which is unheard of.

      • With cashback, $262.82 effectively.

        • +1

          best GoPro deal ever :)

        • @Davo93: Couldn't not buy it.

          I could literally sell this next week and make an easy profit of $100.

          But I want it for myself, hah :)

          Even if I sell two years from now, I'll be able to recover $100 minimum.

          Keeeeeeeen to get this in my hands.

        • Yeh was a no brainer for me as I can just sell it if the need arises.

  • cashrewards work with this?

    • yes it does! 2% cash back! got one!!

      • +2

        cant believe i forgot cashrewards! EVERY SINGLE TIME!

  • +1

    thanks op! bought one! sooo exited!

  • Going to Eu soon, what accessories should I bring? Monopod?

  • Got one. Thanks.

  • is it true that when it comes to gopros, once you go black you'll never go back?

    • Not really. Currently using a hero 3 black, but for $313 this silver one is a no brainer when compared to $600 for a hero 4 black.

  • +1

    Thanks bought one. Any GoPro users here can recommend any essential accessories to purchase? Where else to buy extra batteries or charger?

    • A number of accessories pack available on eBay, one is this:… Not sure if any good?

    • +1

      Have had several gopro's and used them everywhere from the snow (wouldn't power up at one stage because it was too darn cold) to the beach, horse riding, go karting, driving… Even to the bottom of the ocean (60m down with older dive housing).

      Collapsible monopod is great - allows you to get some great angles.
      Extra batteries are a must - at least one! (I'm up to five or so…)
      Floating grip is great for snorkelling - allows you to hold the camera a lot steadier.
      Suction cup for car is great for sticking to the car!

      But my best, most favourite accessories that I use all the time are the tripod screw mount and a multi angle adjustable bike grip. Something like this (…) NOTE - I got ones even cheaper than this and they have worked flawlessly, was just using this to show people what I meant.

      They are awesome - adjust the angle to almost anything and will grip A LOT more than just a "handlebar" - I've attached them to the frònt of a boat, on 2m plus lengths of timber to film high shots and underwater shots (a must when trying to film the great white shark circling your boat) trees, fence posts… Etc etc… Love it!

      Have a chest harness and helmet cam mounts that I almost NEVER use because the footage is always so awfully shaky.

      Hope that helps!

      • Thanks for your input. Yeah I am planning to either bring this GoPro or my new cheaper Blackview Hero 2 to skiing in a couple of months time. Am thinking about using on helmet mount but I know both will exhibit lots of shakes (that's when the Sony action cam with image stabilization comes in handy).

  • Been waiting for the right price to get one of these! Thanks!

  • Does this camera zoom in and out? I can't see the specs?

    • No optical zoom function. Not many action cams have that function anyway.

      • I'm going to europe in 2 months. would this be recommended then.. or should i go with something that zooms?

        • If you want an action cam, I can't think of any that have optical zoom function. If you really need optical zoom, then you should buy a handheld video camera, which can often comes with huge 10-20x zoom.

        • @edfoo: I'm not sure how good the quality photos will be, but i bought one anyway.. price seems too good! Ozbargain, why do you always do this to me???

  • +1

    Do you receive a tax invoice with this? Heading overseas next month :P

    • of course you will get one and i was thinking about the same but not travelling until Sep..bugger:-(

      • Isn't it for purchases within 3 months of your travel? Or are you travelling late September?

        • +1

          Purchases are eligible for refunds if:

          they are purchased in the 60 days before you leave Australia.


        • @trinz:

          so you guys are wanting to buy now so you can just refund when you come back from overseas? isn't that a bit unethical?

        • @trinz: Holy crap! I thought it was 3 months you had.. did they change the rules or have i been wrong the whole time? Lucky, i have 59 days till i leave!!! Just made it! Phew!

        • @gorge:
          It's open to all overseas visitors as well as Australians. Lots of other people do it and if you meet the criteria they set it's legal.

        • @gorge: You refund before you head overseas to show that you are leaving the country with it. It's not really unethical since it's the law.

        • +1

          @gorge: They're talking about a refund of the duties from the government, not a refund from the store.

        • @rosscova:
          oh, haha i see. How much money would you get back?

        • @gorge:
          $29 (divide the cost of the item by 11). Can only be claimed at the international airport when you go overseas (i.e. once you pass passport control). They put it back into your credit card or into your bank account.

        • @trinz:

          it says on the website you need to bring the goods to the counter as well. Should you still have them in their original packaging when you show it to them or?

        • @gorge:
          Just the device and the tax invoice I would imagine. I bought an iPad before and I got the refund without having the packaging either.

        • @trinz:
          and you can only do this with stuff that you take with you in your carry on luggage can't you?

        • Just got my invoice from DSE. It's for the full price $399. So it's $36.27 that you can claim back via TRS?

          Shame I'm not going overseas anytime soon

        • @Kupo:

        • @Kupo: was the invoice emailed to you or you picked it up with your GoPro?

        • @kimba88:
          Mine was emailed and it shows $399.

        • @trinz: Did you get your GoPro shipped or click and collect? I haven't received an invoice other than PayPal. I get really nervous with Dick Smith.. they have canceled a few of my orders before :-/

        • @kimba88: I ordered mine shipped. I received an invoice from Dick Smith via email this morning at 9.47am, followed by a shipping notice and tracking number at 10.07am.

        • @eug: Now i feel even more nervous this is another thing i won't be receiving. I haven't received an invoice from them yet and the estimated date or arrival says Mon 22nd June. BUT, I have received feedback from them on ebay already..

        • @kimba88: Yep, it was emailed to me. I'm getting mine delivered. I got the invoice @ 10:58AM yesterday and then tracking number via Toll Shipping @ 11:29AM. I wouldn't worry too much as they sometimes take a while to process or they might temporarily run out of stock. I did get my order in early (less than 100 sold).

        • @Kupo: Finally received my invoice and tracking number just now. Yay! Although I won't get my hopes up until I receive it at my door. Last year I ordered an LG g3 that never came and it took Dick Smith a month to refund me. I will also say I have had some positive experiences with them too. I'm excited! :-)

      • Joy… $319-29(TRS)-8(Cashrewards)-50(Voucher) = $232.

        • Isn't it $230.90? That's what i worked out anyway.. it sold it to me!!

  • +1

    Been waiting for the right price to get one of these! And I have not seen a price any greater than this before. Front page for this promo!

  • +3

    im pretty annoyed.
    was waiting for ages for a good deal on these, finally had enough and just bought one last week for $440 -.-

    • +1

      1) price protection?
      2) buy and return it with the old receipt

      • Depends on the store, but most won't accept returns if you change your mind though.

    • +5

      It happens to the best of us. OzBargain is like gambling. You ride the high of a win, but ride pretty low when you've just purchased something and find it at a lower price only days later.

      • +2

        No gambling , when your better off either way since you use OzBargain.

  • Thanks OP. Been waiting for a good price on one of these!

  • "Ready for pickup Thu. 18 Jun. around 4:00 pm"

    My flight is at 10am, anyone had better luck picking it up earlier?

    • +2

      Last time I bought the UE boom from Dick Smith, it was available for pick up earlier than stated but luck of the draw.

      • Thanks guys i'll take a punt!

        • +1

          Ready for pick up at 9am this morning!

        • @ptenkae: same here awesome punt :)

    • +2

      I echo Allan's comments. I bought mine and it was ready for collection that day about an hour later.

    • talk to the store manager who might be able to help you if they have it in nice too. :-)

    • +1

      Got a text this morning at 9am saying it's ready for pickup!

  • I cycle to work a lot, so this is probably a good idea! Thanks, OP - bought.

  • Got one! Anyone know of a good deal on SD cards that are sure to work with this?

    And what's the best way to get 4 extra Wasabi batteries? (I heard they sometimes don't ship overseas)

    • +1

      Shopping Square has some good deals on SD Cards here is the link:…

      If you wait a couple of days/weeks, they should drop the price by maybe a few dollars.

      • +2

        Awesome, thanks! So that card will definitely work for 1080p Protune recording?

        (And is that site OK? There's a bunch of terrible reviews online, but a lot look like silly complaints, hard to tell…)

        • +1

          I'm not sure about the Protune feature, but for normal recording it should be fine. I bought one for my phone (Xperia Z2) a week ago and it arrived within 3 business days. Great delivery time for me, just make sure you get the Australian stock one and not the direct stock one or else you'll be waiting a couple of weeks maybe.

        • +2

          @RoostersMan: ProTune ups the required transfer rate quite a bit, but it's often hard to get real info on the cheaper cards (I feel they tend to conflate read and write speeds misleadingly)… I'll go and read some more! Cheers :)

        • +2


          I went with this

          I also have a 40MB/s 32Gb card and have found it can lag a little depending on what you do

        • @Pyrock: Thanks! Yeah, that's the one I'm leaning towards. This article mentions it favorably, and it's only $8 more than the non-"plus" versions anyway.

          I want to buy 4 of them so I want to make sure I get it right!

          lag a little

          Can you say more about what this "lag" actually means? eg do you get recordings that don't work?

      • +1

        So anyone has any experience recording these Samsung EVO 45Mbps microSD card on Hero 4? Or should we buy the a lot more expensive Samsung Pro 90Mbps card?

    • +2
      • Nice, but (for others) note the H4S only supports up to 64GB (at least that's what their site says)… that link has options to get them in different sizes :)

        EDIT: GoPros "recommended cards" Here, and I also found This Site a good reference (I just want to know the best deals for us Aussies now!)

    • +2

      I just ordered 2 Wasabi batteries + a dual charger from this local eBay seller:…
      Original price is $49.90 but if you use the CTWENTY discount code, you get $39.92. Or if you use their discount code SAUD473DQH48, then you get $39.90.
      That's my 2 cents (saved) (pun intended).

      • Thanks! Hmmm, now to decide to buy here or to mess around and get them for $31 when I arrive in the USA in August (Here)… and the version with "with Car and World Plugs" looks kinda cool too…

      • +1

        pardon my ignorance but is there a reason Wasabi batteries are better?? is it a price or performance thing?

        • I wouldn't say "better", it's just I believe they have a good reputation for being good quality, cheaper than GoPro units, and a little higher mAh … good bang-for-buck overall :)

      • How do u use their discount code or has that expired too ?

        • Hmm not sure what happened to that code now. When I was in that page earlier this evening, it has the listing of that code to save $10. I recalled it said that code will expire later this month, not today.

  • How do you claim cash rewards?

    • +2

      Sign up at

      then click the link through their website and purchase as normal. Remember CTWENTY

  • awesome deal, just bought one.

    guess i would use the $50 voucher to get some sd cards next month.

  • Can someone help me please. When I click the link from the ozbargain page, the ebay site that comes up says "GOPRO Hero 4 Silver PLUS $50 CASHBACK Only 350 left" BUT when I log into cashrewards and click the ebay store and look for the same gopro, it says "GOPRO Hero 4 Silver". That is, MINUS the $50 cashback.

    Is there a way I can click the cashrewards and still get the page to say $50 cashback? I'd hate to miss out from a silly error.

    Thanks :)

  • +6

    Bought one and I don't even need one. FML.

    • lol, same here.
      but I reckon I might have chance to use for next road trip, probably during in summer holiday.

      • Let me know if you want to sell it ;)

  • Wow that's cheap!
    Good job

  • +1

    Was ready to buy one a few months ago… So Glad I waited .. hehehe .

  • I don't mind having a gopro, as I have had earlier gen gopro and contour, it's just all the time wasted on post processing turns me off. The software might have improved and things are easier now.

  • +1

    I am tempted to buy one but i don't need it. Think, think, think… should i buy or not? Grrhh the deal is sooo good :)

  • Thanks OP - was trying to tell myself I didn't need another GoPro but at this price I'm sure I'll appreciate the increase in quality!

  • +5

    Does anyone know of any suitable mounts I could use to strap this to my head such that I can film ones self playing competitive backgammon?

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