How Do You Manage Your Spending on OzBargain?

There are so many good deals on OZBargain.

You KNOW you don't REALLY need it… or you MIGHT need it one day… it's such a good deal. So you buy it.

And then you see another bargain, and the cycle continues.

…even though you really shouldn't, because you're trying to save for a house in Sydney lol..

How do you control yourself on OZBargain?


  • ahh impulse buying!! Only way to stop is try and not look!

  • Have a set budget for ozbargain stuff.

  • Pre-written list of things I actually need. Both for major spends and groceries.

    Sometimes allowances will be made if there's a really good deal and I've thought about it for a little while and can justify the expense and need, but for the most part I stick to the lists of needs (and the order of priority, usually).

  • We have an allowance for personal purchases. If I over spend, it means I get less the following month.
    If I want to go over because of a particularly great deal (MacBook Air I am looking at you) we have an agreement that it is possible to pay back over a number of months.
    I tend to keep in credit so I can take advantage of the best deals.
    If it is something for the family costing more than $20 or $30 (like airfares) we need to discuss it. I could make a purchase like that without discussion, but I would want to be super confident everyone thought it was a good idea.

  • Did you fail the marshmallow test?

    But seriously, I think about the question "do I have a need for it" for 10 seconds and if the answer is no, no matter how good the bargain is, I leave the page.

    • +1

      this test would be no good on me. I would eat the marshmallows, the pretzels, the animal cookies and any other food item left behind and possibly, on a bad day eat a toy. i was a chubby kid.

      • Hi, Cookie Monster.

  • Spend until credit card depleted.
    Can't buy any more stuff therefore spending under control.
    Wait for credit card to be replenished.
    Rinse and repeat.

    • New card with 0% interest balance transfer offer …

  • you need to only buy the items that have cashback :) Ones that are the equivalent to or greater than the purchase price. This of course, is darn near impossible.
    I don't have a spending limit as such but we have a strict budget (wtih 'play' money built in). If there is insufficient money to cover the purchase, I simply don't go ahead. We have a credit card but I only use it to buy things if I have the money sitting in my normal account to cover it (credit card paid in full each month).

  • Order from HP, then count my extra funds four weeks later.

  • If the deal was really that great, it would get ozbargained while I hesitate anyway!

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