This was posted 9 years 8 months 20 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Getflix Mid-Year Promotion: 40% off Annual Subscription for Life - 12 Months for $28.44 USD


Getflix allows users from Australia, New Zealand and all over the world to easily access global video and music streaming services. Getflix uses Smart DNS technology to bypass the geo-blocking and open up this amazing world of entertainment.

Watch the latest movies, TV series, children's shows and classic titles from multiple devices including PCs, game consoles, mobile phones, tablets and more.

To claim this special offer, simply login to your Getflix account and go to the "Subscription" section here:

Click on the "Promo Code" tab and enter the code MID40 to claim your 40% lifetime discount on yearly subscriptions.

Once the code has been applied you can subscribe for 12 months using either PayPal or your credit card!

And you’re done! So wait no further and start your Getflix experience now.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Bah, Beaten to the punch again :(

  • +1

    How's Getflix compared to US Unblock?

    • +4

      Does everything perfectly. Even has an app now so you can refresh your IP straight from your phone/tablet.

      • +1

        You have always been able to bookmark the IP page (which looks exactly like an app) to your home screen.

        Imo, a better option is to use DDNS/No-IP/etc account to keep your IP updated with Getflix, and bookmark the region page instead. :)

        • Do you know where I can find a guide about DDNS? I can't get my head around it. I'm with Telstra which has a dynamic IP so I have to manually change everything on a network reboot.

        • +2

          @bxpressiv: I use duckdns ( All you need to do is sign up and install a client on a device (they have heaps of different clients) and that will auto update it

        • @thesab:
          Thanks, I shall give it a try on my server.

        • @bxpressiv:

          Thesab's suggestion is probably easiest, I configure it all via DD-WRT on my router.

        • @thesab:

          Got home yesterday so had a look at duckdns today and had it setup on my server within minutes. Thanks for the recommendation, has automated my reboots/power outages and I no longer need to sort out my networking any more.

    • I have been on Unblock-US for 18 months and was 100% happy.

      I just saw this getflix code tonight and thought I would give it a trial and see what GetFlix was about.

      Getflix has additional functionality (full VPN, etc) for half the price.


  • +2

    I signed up when there was no deal for 6 months. Is there anyway of modifying the subscription so when that lapses the 40% kicks in?

    • My understanding is you can't start a Paypal subscription into the future but you can use a debit/cc and it will just stack.

    • Just apply the code now to update the price, and pay when your 6 months is up. The price stays after the promo code expires.

  • Thanks, Signed up :)

  • +4

    DNS4me, slightly cheaper (~$AU23/yr with FB like)

    More importantly you can downloads the host file config (if you're running a dd-wrt router), rather then use their DNS servers which is much safer.

    GetFlix has a VPN service for DNS, but I'm not sure how much use that is to people)

    • And I think DNS4Free allow you to access the service from three different IPs at the same time. Handy if you want to set it up at your folks or something as well. Their "we'll just check your dynamic IP hostname to keep your IP up-to-date in our system" is also useful for a lot of people who may already be using a service like, say. I think GetFlix do this as well now.

      • That's good to know, it would be handy to use it in 2-3 places for me. I might give it a trial.

      • They've now got an Android app to change your Netflix location on the fly (and I assume it auto-updates your IP addr).

        DNS4me's customer service is quite good. I asked about getting working (so I can watch WS vs Aus cricket highlights) They had a play & couldn't get the WIllow TV app working as it uses youtube mobile, but give me a list of hostnames to manually add via their USA proxy & use a browser(& not the app) & it works a treat!

    • Yeah dns4me is my favourite, especially with multiple IP's allowed. I've had no issues with them. You can split it between 3 households ;)

  • just in time for the end of my 14 day free trial :)…will pay for this to go with my 6months free netflix…been working pretty well so far with chromecast and PS4

  • OK this is a noob question but currently I'm watching standard Australian Netflix on a one month trial through a the Samsung Netflix App on my Samsung STB. What do I need to set up to watch US Netflix through Getflix?

    • +2
      1. Close Netflix on your TV
      2. Sign up for Getflix
      3. Set your current IP address under your Getflix account
      4. Edit your TV's network settings, more specifically DNS addresses, to those Getflix provide
      5. Reopen Netflix
      • +1

        Can I skip 1 and get wife to do 2-4?

    • +1

      The best way would be to change the DNS in your router settings to the address they give you when you sign up. It's easy to do. There's a tutorial on the getflix setup page (… ), as well as countless tutorials online for changing DNS for any specific router.

      • Thanks for indulging my lazyness guys :)

  • +2

    Isnt the govt wanting to have an internet filter, Libs and Labour say they will both vote Yes for it.
    This filter will also be to block VPNs so they say.

    This Bill will make internet service providers police consumers’ downloads with an industry-run internet filter.
    But this isn’t just about stopping Pirate Bay - it covers sites for online tools like Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) that help consumers get around the ‘Australia tax’ and access legitimate content from overseas.
    The law will also prevent other parties from seeking to have site blocks removed, for example if it's in the public interest or it's blocked accidentally.…

    • +2

      if they block VPN's they can essentially say goodbye to all international business's from having locations within Australia.. pretty good plan

    • +6

      They can't block VPNs. If not for how much it disrupts local businesses, then for the fact that a user can just do OpenVPN over SSL or SSH and the OpenVPN fingerprint is gone.

      • +1

        I have no idea about this stuff. Can you point me to something that explains what you say please.

        Maybe what they will block is people finding VPN services - block access to the companies website so you cant sign up to start with.

        • @PVA Basically, the number one use of VPNs, worldwide, is for big and small businesses to connect their offices and remote workers securely.

          Blocking VPNs, if it were possible (it isn't) would stop that day-to-day operations of all major corporations around the world.

      • +4

        The Liberals and ALP will do anything their Capitalist paymasters tell them to, sadly. We don't live in a democracy but rather an oligarchy.

    • +2

      Won't happen.

  • Have they changed to charging in US$??

    • You mean like in the title where it says $28.44 USD?

      • Yeah they used to charge in AUD, which was good.

        • +2

          Thats because they used to be Aussie, but got bought out about 12mths ago by some OS mob

    • +1

      Yes they did.
      here is a reply to an email i sent

      Hello ,

      Thank you for the email.

      Yes, our subscription has a default transaction charge to USD but it is automatically converted to any currencies everyone is applying for.

      Please let me know if there is anything further I can do to help :)

      Please provide feedback on my performance with the link at the end of this email.

      Thank You!
      • +2

        No need to pay GST that way

      • What is strange for me is, I got charged international transaction fees.. something that i thought i 'd never be charged when using paypal (because they already convert in AUD)

  • +1

    Getflix is great.

  • I am using Getflix for my DNS. I also received complimentary access to their VPN which seems to work fine -I'm no pro. I get ip leaks using chrome but IE seems OK.

    • Probably WebRTC

    • Not all video content available on US Netflix is available on AU Netflix, so personally I think it's still needed in some cases.

    • +1

      Seriously? Look at the content available on AU Netflix. Then go look at the content on US Netflix. Then go look at the content on UK Netflix.

      If you can't see why this is a very small price to pay to access even just those 2 other regions, well…

    • Antics? What are you on about? You realise Netflix, which I don't use, is just one of many streaming services that open up with Getflix?

    • Considering the vast array of extra content that can be found on the US Netflix it's worth the small couple of dollars a month. That's without all the other regions and services such as hulu plus etc.

  • I have been using uflix for the last few months and its been great. They are Australian based, use smartDNS and their regular price is $2 per month (they had a couple of deals on Ozbargain).
    Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with these guys.

  • +1

    What's the difference between using getflix or similar service compared to the free DNS you can google? I ask this on last uflix thread and the rep didn't answer my question.

    • +2

      I've been using a free one too. No problems so far. Why should I pay?

      • +1

        …care to share?

        As I was using a free one until it got hijacked by ViperDNS, which ruined the Netflix show title screens,

        • Someone posted this and it works without any viperdns thing.

      • +1

        Make sure your main PC is not configured to use this "Free DNS" that you don't use that "Free DNS" for any online banking/shopping related transactions.

    • +1

      What service are you talking about?

  • +1

    Uflix vs getflix ? which is better?

    • +2

      Uflix only offers about five (?) regions. Getflix and dns4me provide way, way more regions (20+) and many other channels as well.

      That said, Uflix is relaunching soon apparently with more channels. So who knows.

    • +1

      I'm using uflix with netflix. Bought it for $15 for a year which is pre good compared to this deal.

      I don't use any other streaming services so this really doesn't interest me.

  • +1

    Am considering getting this but am swimming into unfamiliar territory.

    Can anyone please explain the pros and cons of getflix vs uflix vs anything else they recommend instead?

    Edit:looks someone else has beaten me whilst I was typing. (And much more succinctly too)

    • Dont forget turboflix.
      Using their 7day free trial atm

    • +4

      I've been using TVUnblock. It's a free service which I made a post about but it seems like it's more suited to the forums. Check them out though, they work great with my Amazon FireTV Stick.

  • -6

    Tis wierd how people pay for these services to go and violate the agreement you make when you pay for the content again.

    Clearly the rights holder would prefer you not watch some programming if you live in Australia lel.

  • A noob question…

    Im with iinet and they dont count data streaming when watching netflix australia. Does that mean if i watch via Getflix data streaming would be counted towards my quota?

    • Yep. It'll go towards your data, I will say however, it is worth it. The other UK, CAN & US Netflix have so much more to offer.

    • If you're watching Netflix Australia via Getflix then it doesn't count towards your quota but if you are watching another country's Netflix then it does count. I've tested this thoroughly and watching Netflix Australia (by having the Netflix region turned off in the Getflix region settings page) does not count. I'm with iinet.

      • Does it affect unmetered Freezone & iView etc?

  • I only pay about AU$38 a year anyway, this deal when converted to AUD is about $36.80 - couldn't be stuffed changing it for the 10 cents a month it costs me, they can go and buy half a can of coke for that extra profit they get from me :-)

  • So as these guys use a DNS all I need to do here is Change it to their DNS on the Xbox? No fiddling out with vpns or needing an additional wrt router ?

    • +2

      No you don't need a WRT router or VPN setup.

      Basically you can apply the Getflix DNS to your devices individually (xbox, tablets, phones, PC's etc) or you can also put the DNS #'s into your current router, provided you have one that is compatible. (some aren't capable of doing this, often the ones provided by larger ISP's fall into this category)

      • This is perfect then, will just limit it to the Xbox

        And setup in minutes

  • +1

    How does this offer affect current Getflix subscribers? Does the deal we are currently on get rolled over on the same conditions we had during the previous payment?

    • I already have an active subscription and I clicked on the 'Promo code' tab on the subscriptions tab. I got a message saying that I can't add a promo code with an active subscription. They said I have to cancel my subscription first.

      • Same as me. I'm guessing have to cancel that subscription and resubscribe using coupon. Haven't done so yet but will this week.

        • Thank guys - in my case I am actually paying a lower price currently than the promo, so I hope they treat my renewal at my old rate (in fact I think they have to because the Pay Pal subscription mentions the fixed subscription price).

        • @astero:

          Yeah just checked mine also in Paypal. Currently pay $9au every 3 months which probably works out the roughly the same as the current promo. And Ive been on this plan for quite awhile since when they were Aussie based, so yeah you should get renewed at the same rate as your currently on.

        • @wheresthebeef:

          Thanks for the info - I'm on AU$15.98 for 6 months so definitely sticking to my current offer for as long as it keeps renewing at this rate.

          I only got this deal at the time because I signed up for two accounts, for myself as well as my parents.

  • Thanks, just switched from UnblockUS.

  • Hmmm, this or uFlix???

  • +1

    Not that familiar with VPN's. Can you torrent with this and not get a letter from Hollywood studios?

    • +1

      Receiving a DMCA notice, depends on the VPN service used. Some VPN services will maintain logs of a user's activities such as using torrents and might take action if sent a DMCA, while other VPNS keep no logs of a user's activities which decreases the user's chances of receiving a DMCA.

      Regardless of using a VPN which advertises no logging you can still be caught, if a VPN service lies about keeping logs. Additionally, you can be caught if a VPN leaks your ip address or if a VPN disconnects while you are downloading a torrent.

      Regarding a DMCA notice they are rarely sent to people who download, since courts will only charge you for the cost of downloading a single movie/movies. While, uploaders/seeders can be charged for the amount of times a movie was downloaded by other people. However, for a person to be successful sued for uploading a movie, courts will need evidence that person uploaded that movie and that it was not another person for example a neighbour using your WIFI.

      Note: Look into TOR for true online privacy.
      Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer.

      Further reading:
      Tor (anonymity network) site:Wikipedia.

    • -3

      I remember reading that GetFlix full VPN does not allow Torrenting of any kind and will cancel your account if found.

      You could use a Socks 5 Torrent proxy so that only your torrent traffic uses the vpn/torrent endpoint in a different country.

      I use:

      I found a coupon somewhere that gave lifetime 50% discount… $23.50/yr

      Coupon: TGLifetime50

  • another noob…

    if i subscribe to getflix, would i also have to subscribe (paid) to or any other paid/premium subscription service (ie my getflix sub. simply allows me to overcome geoblock)

    if i really just wanted then would be cheapest, followed i think by uflix

    is the oz/telegraph (in syd) a paid subscription service outside .au?


    • +1

      If you subscribe to getflix then yes you still need the netflix sub (as well as any other service's) too, same applies for Tvunblock and uflix.
      As for the Telegraph I have no idea but interested as to why you think it is relevant to a service that is designed to geo-unblock TV and Movie streaming services?

      • hi, thanks for your helpful response

        re the tele & the oz, i wondered if they were free (or cheaper) to access from another country via


  • Can anyone work out how to see what your current yearly subscription rate is? I can see I have one, but not how much it will cost when it renews.

    • If you paid for your subscription via Pay Pal then you can log into your PP account and check your current subscriptions there.

  • if i have already paid for subscription in April and put in the code now will that save for next next time i pay?

  • +1

    Does getflix work with chromecast?

    • Have it working at my place on 2 chromecasts, but have to block google dns and public dns in your router as they are hardcoded in the chromecast. Mine wouldn't work with overseas content until I did this. There's likely instructions somewhere for your router.

  • I switched from unblockus to getflix a few months ago and I'm very happy with them.
    One of the main things for me was it also works for where you can stream live NRL matches so no need for foxtel.

  • Been using them for hulu and netflix for over a year now and been very happy. =)

    Easily setup and their vpn works a treat.

  • Can this be used from 2 different locations simultaneously to stream from 2 different netflix relgions? i.e. i use at at home for netflix US, gf uses it at her home to stream netflix AU? simultaneously?

    • No, only one IP will work at a time. Someone linked dns4me before which allows 3 IPs for about $23 a year.

      • Cheers… tempted, was hoping for dns and vpn in the one cheap subscription.. :D

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