New product/Pain relief option-advice needed

Hi Dear OzBargainer's,

I just need some advice from all of you/youcan consider this as part of a research project.

In our day to day life we tend to just focus on our work/life /kids and sometimes forget the well being of our bodies.some of us have chronic
painful body parts like a bad back or a dicky shoulder.

i would like your opinion/advice on the following.
if their was a product you needes to help with your pain :

what would it be?
how much would you be willing to pay for it?
what area of your body is the most painful?or constantly bothers you and you would like it fixed?
anything which you feels which help you during your sproting activity?eg like a shoulder brace or support.

and if i ever get that product made i promise you guys will get it for free.

Thanks again.



  • +1

    Hi Sam,

    Knees for me, and lower back. How much I'm willing to pay would depend on how effective it would be! Anything from 30-100/month, depending. I'm pretty desperate after years of failed physio / surgeries. :)

    Ideally, I'd love a pill / medicine that just makes the pain go away. Or maybe a product or service that fixes my biomechanics so that the pain isn't there to begin with. I'm not sure what this would look like though - I can't imagine anything for back, and I've tried knee braces in the past with zero help.

    Good luck!

    • Thank you.

    • Ideally, I'd love a pill / medicine that just makes the pain go away


      • I'm on regular painkillers. Morphine would be nice every single day… :) Not sure how safe though!

        • Ambulance guys gave me morphine once - by the time I got to hospital, I was all "what pain?", lol

        • It's amazing!

        • A simple explanation
          Morphine works by dragging out some endorphins to make you feel better. You only have so many endorphins. They are chemically produced in/by your brain. Your brain acknowledges that it is receiving another supply and eventually stops making its own. After a while, it will never make them again and it doesn't matter how much morphine you're getting, it won't be enough.

          This is the danger of pain meds and why you should NOT take narcotic pain relief on a daily basis.

  • +1

    as a physiotherapist you'd know that chronic pain involves a plethora of management items and there's never going to be any one size that fits many.

    Come up with a new spine that can be easily inserted with no ill affects and i'm sure you'll make a billion.

  • guys i am more looking like a bracing or a support product like a shoulder support/arch correction for low back and hip pain,with regards to drugs and chronic pain i understand i am not going to eliminate it completeley but i would appreciate advice/or anything which you feel will be able to releieve your pain.

    it is a serious project so any comment would be appreciated.

    Thanks again

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