This was posted 9 years 8 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Myer $199 Shipped Breville BCG820BSS The Smart Grinder Pro Brushed Stainless Steel


Myer $199 deal returned. Best coffee bean grinder for the price.
Happy brewing!

"There is insufficient stock available to purchase…" Apparently Myer online has been Ozbargainized. Please try in store or price match from David Jones.

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closed Comments

  • That's showing as $299 for some reason, though $199 when added to cart.

    Link to $199 price

    • Maybe Myer is still updating their website. Thanks for the new link.

      • Yeah prolly, appears to be happening with some other items too

  • +4

    I have had one of these grinders for about 2 years now. I love it <3

    • Nope… This is the new model… Much better than the original.. I've had both

      • +2

        My bad. Mine works pretty well so this one must be awesome :)

        Edit: Just looked and mine is indeed the BCG800

        • They are both great grinders… but this new model just makes dosing and adjusting grind much easier :)

      • +1

        Hi Megahowler, can you tell us about the differences?

        • +1

          Finer grind adjustment (60 settings instead of 25). I think they've allowed you to adjust the burr distance with a screw (probably a reaction to the shim kit debacle with the early BCG800s). There's also finer adjustment to the automatic dosage (0.2 second increments). And I believe there's an option to have the grinder automatically change the dosage when you change the grind coarseness, to give you approximately the same amount of coffee.

          I have a BCG800 (with shim kit) and it's a really well built machine. It was in the earlier batch of appliances that were designed here in an attempt to rebrand Breville as a higher end brand.

  • Great price. Doesn't get better than this.

    Wish I could buy another for work but I can't justify the cost.

  • Is this one better than EM0480 Sunbeam Conical Burr Coffee Grinder ?

    • +2

      I've had both and yes, it's miles better. Well worth the extra cost. Buy it.

      • This one is way better.

    • I got this for my husband for xmas, he's been really happy with it. Said it was better than the Sunbeam conical burr one (not sure of model sorry) he'd been using previously because he found he could control the grind much more easily. He also said the Sunbeam one always left a mess of ground coffee on the bench, whereas the Breville one doesn't.

  • +1

    Great grinder.

  • +1

    what is the difference between BCG800 and this one ?

    • +2

      My understanding of it is - with the 800 to change the range of grinding (usually users want to go even finer for espresso) you need to put shims in it. With the 820 this is an easy adjustment under the beans pot.

      Please note - this is not the normal day to day grind adjustment that you normally have via the big knob on the right side.

      Given that you can often get the 820 for $199, I wouldn't pay more than $150 for the 800. Essentially the same machine apart from that though. Once you have the 800 shimmed to your desired use it would be the same.

      • Thanks!

        We have the BCG800 but got a new BCG820 with our new coffee machine. Wondering whether to keep the 800 which is under Harvey Norman Product Care and sell the BCG820 or whether to sell the old one and keep the new one which would only have Breville warranty.

  • Just bought one from Myer

  • Any experts here? I'm thinking about buying this for my brothers 40th. Me and my sister bought the below machine for him last week. It's apparently got a grinder built in, but there's a slot where you can put ground coffee in I think (see A6) 2nd link. Is it worth buying this for him as well?…

    • +1

      I wouldn't. Your unit is all in one. No needed.

      • +1

        That's right. That machine grinds beans. You'd only bother buying another grinder if you wanted to have a cup from different beans (like another flavour or decaf). Not worth it.

  • This is an excellent price for a very good grinder. People compare this grinder to the Compak K3, which is slightly better but sells for more like $550. Whereas a Sunbeam EM480 or similar is not comparable, it is in a lower bracket. This grinder is significantly better than its $199 price tag, compared to other similarly priced grinders.

    • +1

      Dont all the Coffee Snobs mob buy the Rancilio Rocky?

      • +2

        And right you are about Coffee Snobs.

        Here at OZb, its down to performance per dollar. We are $nobs in that aspect.

        • Note: actual site called "Coffee Snobs" not me :)

        • +1

          @King Tightarse:

          I frequent that forum as well and i have to say, the forum name does suit the mindset of the people there.

        • @zeomega:

          In my humble opinion, Coffeesnobs suffers from a real groupthink problem. But having said that, it's rich with a lot of good info for newbies to intermediates.

      • Apparently but it's double the price of this one. Been using the sunbeam 480 for a few years but I'm tempted by this deal.

      • +1

        Actually no. The BCG800 was considered equal to the Rocky in terms of grind quality, but the Rocky was thought to be more durable. However, I think the BCG800 did end up being quite well built. Mine is almost 3.5 years old and is in great shape. These days, the BCG820 is pretty much the go-to grinder if you're spending <$500. The K3 would be the main alternative to the Smart Grinder. The 'coffee snob' grinder today would be the Macap M4 (or specifically, the M4D variant) but that's more like $1000…!

      • Nup, more the Macap M4 - I bought a $300 Baratza which the site spruikers sponsors said was rubbish, trying to get me to buy a $1000 grinder. After 2 - 3 thousand grinds, I'm still loving it. Adjustment ring broke eventually, I was back in action in 2 days after distributor overnighted part totally for free.

      • +1

        Rocky/silvia was for a long time the universally recommended starting point for a semi-auto espresso setup. I have the silvia at home, and i think it works well with the breville grinder.

        Most coffeesnobs were initially skeptical of Breville because it is (relatively) new to the espresso market, and for many years specialised in cheap, plastic domestic appliances. Though it seems there are more and more aficionados who have tried both the breville as well as other burr grinders by older manufacturers (including the rocky) and have found the breville measures up quite well.. To the point that many now consider the Breville to be the go-to grinder for under $500.

  • We have a 15 bar delonghi icona espresso machine. I find that with normal ground coffee it just pours the shot too fast.

    Is it worth spending the money to get a grinder like this for my machine or is the machine not going to be able to push the water through a finer grind?

    • +1

      The Delonghi Icona has, I believe, a pressurised portafilter and basket. Most entry level Brevilles and Sunbeams have the same. It essentially froths up your coffee to make it seem as though you have crema even with stale ground coffee.

      You can probably mod the PF (find a way to remove any plastic filter in the downspout, then source non pressurised baskets that fit. I have done the mod with my Sunbeam EM5600 and it works a treat. Not sure what size Icona's baskets are though.

      Once modded you will see the benefit of a grinder such as this. Unmodded though, you may as well just spend your money on fresher coffee.

    • Freshly ground coffee begins to deteriorate in flavour after a few minutes. So getting a grinder and using freshly ground beans for each shot will improve your coffee for sure.

  • Awesome OP - Had a cafe series sunbeam and it was woeful :)

  • Bought this to replace my EM0480 which just doesn't seem to grind fine enough. Hopefully I'll see some better results!

  • What does this mean?

    "Set dose in 0.2 sec increments"
    "high precision burr calibration " is that something it does automatically?

    • +1

      No, it just means you can set the grind in micro increments until you can extract x ml coffee in x amount of time. As for the dose, that means you can set it to dispense coffee in the amount you need (e.g., ifor a double basket maybe you want 15g etc). Saves you the effort of grind-check level-grind again-check level-tamp, and minimises coffee wastage.

  • Do any true coffee snobs know whether this will grind fine enough for Lebanese coffee? It needs to be a flour like consistency

    • yes

      • Thanks for the informative comment.
        I contacted Breville directly and i'll post their response here for anybody else who may have the same query as me.

        Breville: "Unfortunately we do not manufacture a grinder that will grind to your requirements"

        So to anybody looking for an ultrafine coffee grinder, this isn't for you.
        If you may know of any grinders that will do it I'll appreciate the suggestion

        • +1

          I think you could get it to almost turkish/lebanese/greek coffee consistency. The problem is grinding that fine you'll probably wear most domestic machines down quite quickly. I'd almost suggest getting one of the turkish hand grinders and hooking it up to a power drill on slow speed setting might be the way to go.

        • +1

          @simulacrum: Yeah I've heard of people doing that, unfortunately this is for the oldies. I can't imagine them whipping out a power drill every morning haha

  • I've been using a hand grinder because I can take it apart and clean everything, but it gets pretty tiring. How cleanable is this machine?

    • The grinder allows you to separate the burrs and brush them out, if thats what you mean. It comes with a small brush.

    • The burr set on the Breville is more easily accessible in the Brevilles than in a lot of other comparable grinders.

  • Newbie home coffee maker here.
    Do I buy this or a coffee machine?

    • Where are you going to put the grinds if you don't have a coffee machine?

    • I would say the order of importance for quality of coffee is:

      1) freshly roasted beans
      2) freshly, consistently ground coffee
      3) method of extraction

      For my money good local beans, roasted within a month, ground consistently a minute ago, extracted in a stove top pot will taste nicer than old, preground coffee in a $3000 espresso machine.

  • +1

    Great grinder… I bought one when it just came out….. Helps you get consistent coffee….

  • Tried for a further discount from DJ and HN but to no avail.
    Purchased from Myer today, thanks OP!

    • Should have tried TGG, they have it for $269. Using their price guarantee it would make it be cheaper.

      • i tried at tgg, didn't get a price match because myer was out of stock, will try dj

  • I had been surviving on the Sunbeam Grindmaster from 3 years ago until I got one of these a couple of months ago at Myer when they had them on sale.
    I have been grinding my own beans since then with a Breville ES800 coffee machine (with single wall baskets) a cheap tamper and Bialetti Musa stove top.(I bought two grindmasters then, one motor gave out after 2 years, and one grinder was more consistent).
    Whilst the grindmaster was okay , the finer grind, repeatability of dose and consistency on the Smart Grinder 820 is a wonder I look forward to using every morning.
    The grindmaster has been relegated to decaf beans.

  • +1…

    Even though it is out of stock online plenty in the store I went to, DJ's price matched to $199 no worries.. Only went there instead of Myers due to using a DJ gift card we had ;) Looking forward to not having to use my Porlex Hand Grinder each morning (still have a manual ROK espresso coffee machine however!)

    • +1

      Yep I'm done with my Hario hand grinder now too :)

      Thanks OP, Got the ONLY one in stock at Myer in Highpoint VIC

    • +1

      Good on you for using a Porlex for so long!

    • Set it up for a first go this morning and damn this is amazing, if you're on the fence, buy.. For the price it's fantastic… And much better than the hand grinder haha

  • For the hardcore coffee nutjobs out there, try doing your espresso coffee this way. Traditionally it used to be 30mL in 30sec, but all the hipsters weigh and time everything now.

  • awesome grinder, grabbed one last deal for $199.

  • This this unit a light duty or heavy duty? How many kg per hour can it process?

    • Whole Latte Love reckon about 10 finest espresso a day.

    • Can't give you the kg/hour, but it's definitely a home machine and not a commercial one. For home use it is absolutely fine, my BCG800 grinds a 20 gram dose in about 17 seconds, but if you need to crank out serious volume then that's not gonna cut it. The big Mazzer grinders I've used in cafes can grind the same dose in under 5 seconds.

      Build quality is really good though and feels very sturdy. I own two which receive regular use and they're fantastic grinders. Only quibble is that the function that purportedly adjusts the dose automatically to compensate from changes to the grind made by the user (e.g. grinds less coffee as you make it courser, more for finer to notionally provide the same dose) doesn't work to nearly the accuracy required for good coffee, so always use a small set of scales whenever you're making adjustments.

      • This must be a BCG800 thing. The BCG820 is grind and time (not dose). The user needs to adjust the time themselves after changing the grind.

  • out of stock online?

    • Apparently it has been Ozbargainized online. Please try in store or price match from David Jones.

  • Ordered not long after deal went up, showed as in stock. Just received a cancellation email and refund cause they didn't have stock… What a joke.

    Also annoyed as the refund goes into my PayPal account (usually PayPal refunds go back to my bank account). Do they charge for withdrawals?

    • +1

      No charge for withdrawals to your bank account.

    • Same thing (about refund - not sure about where it is going) - yet website still says limited stock and is accepting orders!

      • yeah shows in stock, but when added to cart it said that it's out of stock for me

  • Deal back on? I just put through an order online as I noticed the 'Limited stock' label wasn't on the listing as at 11am (NB: it has since reappeared). Paid and received a confirmation email. Maybe they had some cancellations/found some more stock around the traps, fingers crossed…

    • Here's hoping. I placed an order at 130pm today, though it was saying limited stock.

  • bought one on the 9th of June, paid straight away, but Myer decided not to honor the purchase and sent me a $199 refund today. Negative.

  • +1

    These are still on sale in store for the $199. I snaffled a display one for $179.10.

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