Exetel Just Increased Their Prices, Reduced Data and Changed The Plan to Something Very Expensive. What Would You Do?

Have you been affected?
What are other internet+line-rental providers in range? (around 50-100GB or more4less!, No calls needed, same speed, no charge if go over)
maybe "Expeltel" just want to get rid of some customers?
You can also vote, Thanks.
here is the full story;
So Exetel just changed their plans to something really crap, now they reduced the data and also split the leftover between peek and off-peek, which means half of the data is actually unreachable and not useful so it is basically less data which you can use half of it!
Then it was not just that, they also increased the price of that little bit of data ridiculously!
Now they send emails and tell customers they have been put to the next upper plan in hope I guess to force you think at least its better to get back to a lower plan even if you pay more than before for not much of data provided.
Update 1;
Looks like not everybody got their Exetel End of financial year special offer just yet! let us know, if you got it later!
Update 2;
Looks like longtime customers are also being kicked out from "Expeltel" for no reason, so good luck everybody, Spend your money somewhere they respect you.
Update 3;
I also do not think providing you say a few GBs of data, would cost these companies more than $10/month per customer, that's a shame, maybe more IT companies are needed for a bit of FAIR competition? or we need some MORE investment on our infrastructures! (hint hint Government)

Poll Options

  • 1
    Leave Exetel later but choose similar but expensive plan until finding an alternative
  • 2
    Don't bother, Exetel is the best
  • 2
  • 8
    Leave Exetel but choose a lower plan until a deal comes up
  • 167
    Leave Exetel immediately

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        • @scubacoles: that's a very valid point. I wouldn't be surprised if the setup fee is stated as nonrefundable though in the contract somewhere… But I'll definitely email them and ask.

        • +1

          They've broken the contract though so all terms are null and void. I reckon the TIO would support your position if you thought it worth your time.

        • +1

          @scubacoles: HAHA since scheduling my account for termination my connection speed has now "magically" been throttled to 400 KB/s even though I sync at 10Mbps. I can't believe how dodgy this company is, I'm not even sure if what they're doing is legal.

        • I don't understand how they can force you to upgrade when ur contracted at that plan. I'm sure that can't be right.

        • Double check the email, you may find that like me you aren't being forced to a new plan, they are putting you on that plan unless you nominate another one.

        • +1

          @Jackson: sure you're right, I could stick to their new $39 plan which would see me go from 100gb anytime download to 15gb/15gb peak/offpeak… No thanks.

  • +1

    From the whirlpool thread, the common element in my opinion is definitely being on an OPTUS DSLAM and having a plan that is extremely good value in terms of large download limits at a very good price.

    I'm on a Telstra DSLAM and as yet, have not received a termination notice.

  • Ausbbs $50 unlimited + $10 bundled landline.

    I get 15mbit sync on adsl2+ in Melbourne cbd. Works great.

    Amnet $50 unlimited adsl2+ in Perth with Telstra landline (extra $30 or whatever not my choice). Been with them for years.

  • Have received the email too I'm afraid. I was on a really old plan OT-SPECIAL2 since 2007! Received 100GB peak (4pm-4am daily) and 180GB off peak (4am-4pm daily), land line, as well as my mobile phone which included $440 worth of calls/text and 1GB of data all for $55 per month!
    Now, I'm looking at $58/month for land line/internet, then a bare minimum $19.99/month for 300 minutes and 500MB data on my mobile!
    $55 per month up to $77.99 per month is a pretty big whack!
    Usually only download about 150GB all up per month.

    Anyone got any ideas for a cheap mobile provider? Am lucky to use 1GB of data per month and a few calls here and there, as well as some international SMS's. Don't really care if I get a new mobile number either. Thanks!

    • The fact is you were on a bargain and you wont find anything close. Be happy you got the bargain in the first place!
      Best value mobile plan you'll get is with Vaya for $18, but you'd better be prepared to go through similar ups and downs with plan surprises.
      Boost $20 plan could suit if your phone is compatible.

  • wow was paying $70 total a month for phone line and 500gb data, now im getting charged at least $110 a month definitely going to find new ISP

  • I left exetel for Belong.

  • My folks are on the Plan O Bundle - 500GB for $29.99. Haven't received a notification that their plan will change. Hopefully not because pretty good deal!

  • Just initiated a churn away to Spintel, $54.95/m unlimited including phone line rental is pretty damn good.

    Can't beat their current no setup fee option either, especially with month to month contract, so it's pretty safe to give them a shot in the short term! :)

    • +2

      Update: Magically found an Optus provisioning order on my phone line placed immediately after notifying Exetel of my request to churn, holding up the port out & forcing me to do the run-around between them, Optus, Spintel & the Telstra provisioning team.

      In addition to a day or more delay in the port out, it took half a day of intermittent phone calls to get Exetel to admit they'd even placed & then agree to remove the order. To make matters worse, they of course wouldn't account for why they did it…total dick move Exetel.

      Ironically, I used to defend these guys, now they can get stuffed, they'll never see another penny of my money in my lifetime!!!

      • +1

        I'm the same stewballs! I used to defend them. Never again! Especially after the rudeness displayed by their customer service. I simply asked why i was being forced to change my plan. The arrogance and rudeness from her reply was astounding! I ended that conversation pretty quickly and said I'll be going elsewhere.

        I'm regional so very limited options for me. So far netcube and iPrimus are winning the race to get my business. iPrimus has this offer at the moment which is very tempting but I'm unsure how good their quality of service is? Anyone have feedback for them? TIA

        • Forgot the iPrimus link - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/199404

        • +1

          @Tuhan: I used to work (many years ago) for an iPrimus reseller, all of the customers we referred were very happy with them, but I've never used them myself.

        • +1

          @StewBalls: I am very happy with my speeds with iPrimus so far! during peak times I don't drop like i used to with exetel… fantastic deal and with referral bonuses i basically got 3 months free!

      • Hows spintel compared to them?

        • +1

          Same speed wise most of the day, except post 4pm where I'm not seeing the old Exetel speed drop, so it seems the old Exetel claims of not throttling peak traffic might have been BS, coz I get consistent speeds around the clock now…and since the churn finally took place it's all been pretty seamless, so it's probably a good omen that I have had no cause for complaint.

          On a side note, I see Exetel are still sending me invoices…I can feel a visit to the TIO coming on! ;)

  • I used to support Exetel and have been a long time customer. Then they go and pull a stunt like this while I was overseas. Switched me to a much higher costing plan. Needless to say, I'm churning away. I'm considered an OFF-NET user (FNQ) so my options are limited to Telstra, NetCube or Dodo. Leaning toward Telstra (shudders..) .. gotta be better CS than Exetel though!

  • +1

    For the likely contravention to the Australian Consumer Law, Exetel has agreed with ACCC, to compensate these affected customers on fixed term plans, please read below:

    I shoot an email this morning to [email protected], demanding the compensation to my loss, including one month of monthly charge (after the service termination / churn-out) and the activation charge imposed by my new ISP provider.

    As the result of this agreement, Exetel T&C concerning Variation to Agreement has been updated, "Exetel may vary a Fixed-Term Agreement even if the variation affects the Customer so long as it complies with the provisions of the Telecommunications Legislation, …, Exetel offers the Customer a right to cancel the Service without incurring fees or charges other than Accrued Charges".

    It's now up to you to protect your rights.

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