This was posted 9 years 8 months 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

iPhone Lightning Cable 8 Pin US $0.26 (or US $0.25) Delivered @ AliExpress

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hi everyone,

here is a cheap deal from Aliexpress. if you dont like to pay $29 to apple here is a good option. you can get it for AU $0.32 delivered.
it has a good feedback about the cable.
to save the extra 1 cent use the ailexpress app.
also here is another seller who said it support ios 8

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Shen Zhen Fashion Case Technology Co., Ltd.

closed Comments

  • +2

    Will these break after the first use?

    • not really sure, but it has a good feedback. Also its only 32c worth testing.

  • +1

    Snip: This product can't be shipped to the selected region.
    Edit- Warning pops up for me when trying to purchase more than two.

    • I was able to buy two in the mobile app

  • how many more lightning cables can i have….
    ordered 2

    edit, this one looks to be "Compatible with ios 8.1.1"

  • 30 pin cable for only US $0.01, Here
    however shipping is 0.61 :P

  • +3

    no Paypal puts me off ordering from AliExpress

    • Used my CC around 100 times on Aliexpress, no problems so far. Do wish they'd implement it just for convenience though. Guess they don't want to as they're kinda rival companies?

      • +1

        AliPay actually processes more transactions and is bigger than PayPal.

        • +2

          O rly, interesting.

        • Do you have actual figures prepared by reputable audit company? So far PayPal used by the whole world and AliPay pretty much in china only.

        • +3

          @vagabond: Not even PayPal open up a whole lot of their data to scrutiny, so an independent audit isn't going to happen. Here's some info for you, but judging by your other biased comments in this thread, you've already made your mind up.

        • @vagabond:

          Here is an article you may be interested in. The article basically states AliPay processed $US150billion in transactions whilst PayPal processed $US27billion in transactions in 2013.


        • @vagabond: Alipay is owned by Alibaba which is larger than eBay (which owns Paypal) and Amazon combined.

          Google their market caps. It's pretty nuts.

      • I would be cautious using AliExpress without PayPal. I have used once and right away my credit card inccured fraudulent transactions.
        Never again.

        • Well as I said, 100 transactions over the past year and no problems at all so far. That's pretty unlucky that you were done on your first go :(

        • Most CC cover for lost or non received goods.

        • +2

          Yes, it does which requires quite painful procedure to file a dispute, having you cc canceled and replaced. Which leads to change to all accounts using this credit card. Simply not worth an effort in time to sort out your normal billing after purchase $10 item with questionable quality.

        • +1


          quite painful procedure

          Agree wholeheartedly. I recently had my credit card cancelled and re-issued by my bank, and I'm still playing catch-up with all the direct debits.

          What I've learned from this: get a separate CC, just for direct debits, and don't use it for anything else. That way, if it does ever get cancelled again, every direct debtor is easy to find - it's everyone on that credit card's statement.

        • +2


          My bank offers up to four no-fee secondary credit cards - with different numbers to the primary card - so you could set up something like this:

          Primary for every day use.
          One Secondary for Direct Debits.
          One Secondary for high-risk online shopping.

          Slightly annoying, but effective.

          That's MacQuarie Platinum VISA.
          Last I checked Commbank had identical numbers (just different name) for secondary card which might be less useful.

        • @KentT:
          That is great idea! Thank you very much - I am eager to try too now. I am little bit ashamed now how that simple but effective approach didn't come to my mind before.. :)

        • @vagabond:
          For direct debits make sure you check the awards or frequent flyer programs as the secondary cards may not earn points.

          It's still worth it to have one for risky purchases as they don't usually add up to big dollars anyway.

        • @KentT:

          That's MacQuarie Platinum VISA.

          Ouch! I was interested in that card up to the point I found "$200 annual fee" listed.

          I'd look for a $0 annual fee card, preferably with a free rewards scheme.

        • @Russ:
          That's for up to five unique cards though, but yeah, banking is always a bit like that. You need to add the cost/benefit of all banking services you use before you can actually compare the prices.

          Cards have so many different rewards, points, warranties, travel insurance, etc. it's a nightmare to navigate it all.

          This one works best for me, but then I have mortgages and other accounts through that bank as well.

          Plus you get $200 back if you spend $3000 by end of July, so that's one year's fee offset.

        • @vagabond: Always got a refund, never had to cancel the card.

      • +6

        This. I'm up to around 300 transactions on AliExpress since 2012 to now. I've never had anything dodgy happen with a credit card. I've had the very occasional (less than 0.5%) dodgy seller. AliExpress is fine.

        • +1

          I have had a couple of hundred credit card transactions with AliExpress also and never had a problem. I have no problem recommending them.

    • +5

      Actually alipay is good, they don't give the seller any money until you are happy with the product.

    • +1

      34 Orders and still haven't had a problem

  • me crying when remember last week paid$9.9 for a tikbro cable

    • +1

      You can't really compare a MFi cable to a knockoff.
      $10 is a good price for a MFi cable.
      $1 is a good price for a knockoff cable.

      Personally I'm sick of knockoffs so buy $10 Amazon Basics cables.

      They're still both deals in their own right.

      • I second to that. Last time when I have purchased knockoff cable they last me each for month or so. While MFI cable easily last for 1-2 years.

  • +2
    • +1

      aliexpress is another company like eBay, there are a mix of good and bad suppliers so you can't judge the site just by any reviews. There are store reviews and found they are more reliable. Just buy from the trusted seller and you should be alright.

      • -1

        With eBay it is easy to recover your money in case of dealing with bad seller. With aliexpress you are on you own. I wouldn't trust aliexpress even with $1.

        • No they also cover you for things like that.

        • @wxyz234:

          According to Alipay official terms and condition on their website:

          1. How are transaction disputes resolved?
            Transaction disputes are resolved between the buyer and the seller. If a partial or whole refund is agreed upon by both parties and required due to any problem arising from purchased goods, the merchant should file an application with Alipay within 90 days of the transaction date for the refund to the buyer at the original exchange rate. Costs as a result of exchange rate profit or loss will be assumed by Alipay.

          Good luck with that - "if whole refund is agreed by both parties". therefore is a seller doesn't agree with refund ok can kiss goodbay to your money. Have a read reviews about alipay and aliexpress - so many people couldn't get their money back.

        • @vagabond:

          I always rely on my Credit card company/bank with this sort of things. CBA always refund me when I have enough evidence that things haven't gone as expected.

    • I frankly think Aliexpress is decent for those things that are cheap and from China anyways. It's easy to get burnt by them (especially on the items that have a lot of fakes in the market), but as alo1234 said, it really depends on the stores.

      • Agree. Memory cards/USB sticks that are too cheap will be fake.

        • I've pretty much stuck to "even if they are fake, as long as they work, they work" items. Screen protector, OTG cables etc etc.

        • +1

          @AznMitch: "Memory cards/USB sticks that are too cheap will be fake" - not fake kingston memory but fake as in "says 64gb but is really only 4gb when tested with h2testw".

        • @altomic: True, I've heard horror stories of portable hard drives as well. They have like small capacity and what they do is make the device to overwrite as soon as it goes over its real capacity. So when people take to a service centre of sort, they open the chasis and find a USB drive with brick inside it for weight.

          I've heard stories about batteries as well, I try very hard to avoid anything with batteries that are relatively unknown because of that reason.

  • For 50 cents US, worth a try for a couple of lightning cables.
    Haven't shopped Aliexpress before - will await with interest the outcome ……
    If works well, will buy more :)

    ps. having to give credit details is not very pleasing though

    • I've used my CC with aliexpress over 160 times with no problem.

  • +1

    If I buy anymore of these my wife will strangle me with it.

  • Says "This product can't be shipped to the selected region." - anyone else get this issue ?

    • When that happens, just search their site for another supplier of the product you want. You will find many.

  • iPhone Lighting Cable

    I thought iPhones have built-in flash light, unless you're implying these cables can be used to start the BBQ ;-)

    • it was around 2 am when I posted the deal :)

      • I'm glad it's not designed to catch fire, lol

  • "A young woman in Sydney was found dead wearing headphones and holding her laptop, with burns on her ears and chest that suggest an apparent electrocution. According to NSW Fair Trading commissioner Rod Stowe, the death has been linked to an unbranded phone USB charger sold by a mobile phone accessories kiosk in Campsie in the south-west of the city."

    27 June 2014,…

    • That report is just showing the dangers of using an uncertified charger. If you have a certified charger 5v of electricity going through a cable is no where near dangerous to the human body. As long as people use a 5 volt usb charger with this cable they should be fine.

      • At 25c I'm pretty sure any correct labelling of certification is thrown out the window.

  • I've given it a go.

  • tried to pay with my westpac debit credit card and was told the bank did not accept these type of transactions… o,0?

  • +1

    If you don't want to use your credit card, try something like a reloadable prepaid card.
    One that I use for aliexpress is the AusPost Load and Go card. Checked out allgood except for that little fee for overseas transactions

  • Just checked, you can buy a maximum of 2 cables before an error about shipping pops up

    • +1

      if you want more than 2, buy them in separate transactions. 2 for each transaction.

  • I've used Alibaba before & they are reliable. I just bought 2 of these as spares. Only problem with some of these lightning cables is some of them will only work in certain Apple devices. I recently bought a cheap lightning dock from China on eBay & it worked for my iPad but when I put my iPhone on it, it gave me an error that it wouldn't work. I then put my iPad back on it & I got the same error. So it just deregistered the chip in it. I got my money back on that. Hopefully these cables don't have chips in them that have this problem…

  • +1

    I would not recommend this cheapie cause every lightening cheapie cable I purchased breaked 10 times faster than the original and big brands like belkin, these also take seamlessly forever to charge.

  • My original Apple cable didnt last too much longer than my cheapie cable. One thing that I found which prolongs the life of a cable is to wrap the end of the cable with self vulcanising tape. This stops the "wobble" in the end of the connection which ultimately causes all of the cables to break. The wires are so thin that they can't handle much use.

    On my other phone I use wireless Q charging - that solves the charging issue with cables completely. This is not standard in the new Samsung S6.

  • price changed-
    US $0.70 / piece
    Approximately AU $0.96 / piece

    found another cheapy here

  • no more 0.26USD now.
    It is 0.70USD.

  • I ordered this cable (2 cables actually) as an experiment which flopped badly. The cable did not fit well and iPhone gave message of non-supportive cable. When I tried o take out, I had cable in my hand and the plug got stuck in iPhone. I had to use pullers to take it out. Avoid it in future.

    • Seemed to work with mine, one fit fine, the other not so good and the plastic part came away from the Lightning end. I tried a bit of superglue to see how that goes, but for 50 cents US delivered…

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