This was posted 9 years 9 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Foxtel PLAY - 14 Day Free Trial for New Customers


2 weeks free trial on Foxtel Play for 'new customers'. You can add all of the channel packs, includes live tv and on demand stuff.

I'm a current Foxtel customer but used this 'trial' when I relocated houses…waiting for them to come and set up the Foxtel here.

Just make sure you cancel before the 2 weeks is up!

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closed Comments

  • +15

    Foxtel is owned by Rupert Murdoch. He'll never ever get a single cent from me. Bloody old fossil.

  • +1

    I dnt even want to know for how long they spam you with offers after the free trial

    • +2

      Every good Ozbargainer knows the value of multiple gmail accounts.

      • Or just append +xx behind your name, and then block emails to that exact adress to stop the spam, eg. [email protected]

  • +2

    NBA finals?

    • Game of Throbes finale?

  • They really need to drop the prices of these considering they halved the price of Foxtel's regular package

  • +1

    Saw it advertised on my PS3 home screen. Nice to have 2 weeks free. Then when I went to register, found that the way this thing normally works is you got to pay $20 per month for the crud that you have no interest in, then pay another $25 for the crud that contains the pack that has what you're interested in.
    That's a lot they're asking for. That turned me off from even bothering with the free trial.

  • +5

    this has been 2 weeks free for the past 6 months. but goodluck cancelling as they'll accidentally charge you for the 1st month and then forget to refund.

  • +6

    For the same price as Foxtel you can get Netflix and Stan AND Presto!

  • -3

    knowing Foxtel their customer service is a pain when you try to cancel their service.Had to take them to the TIO a few years ago and won.

    What happened was I called up originally to tell them that I was living in a rented house (at that time) while waiting for my new house to be built.I asked them whether there was Foxtel cable available at both properties.The sales guy on the phone said let me check the address and said confirmed and said " yes , there is foxtel cable at both addresses." So I signed up on the Platinum Package for the free install which they said you can downgrade after the 1st month.
    Anyway I rang a week before the month ended to go on the basic package.The lady on the phone said that I had to wait till the end of the month until I could downgrade to the basic package. It was not a simple process at all! And they were hesistant to let me change to the basic package. Also when my new house was built I moved there and rang up Foxtel to do the transfer.To my surprise , I was told there was no foxtel cable on my st and I had to get satelitte (which costs more per month.I told them i did not want foxtel satellite and that the salesman lied to me when i signed up.I told them I only want cable.Which they insisted that the cannot do.I asked to cancel my service because of this.They told me i have to pay for disconnection fee.So I wrote a letter to the TIO and won :D Also got to keep the box (which I sold for $50 profit) because they were too lazy to pick it up.

    ooh do you know what the irony is ? A few years later I started working for Foxtel doing sales :\ yep joined the dark side.
    I got to see how sales reps lie to customers.And say just about anything to convince the customer to sign up. And after the customer signs up.The sales rep would go back and bitch about the customer to all hes collegues.
    Like that time this customer was hysterical when we approached her for Foxtel.She was like OOH ARE YOU HERE for Foxtel EOFS ? lol 'MOD: Removed inappropriate sentence'

    Anyways I had morals and could just lie to customers to get a sale. - There was this time i lied to this old lady to sign a contract i still feel guilty all these years later :(
    Thats why I only worked there for 6 months. -

    At a much better job now :)

    Foxtel has dirty business practices.Wont be easy to cancel your service - Source being myself an ex customer and sales rep

    the reason why I didnt tick the "associated" box is i quit the job a few years ago. I still got my uniform though
    edit for proof

    • -1

      edit to the person that negged me have a look at the image i linked below to see if i really DID work there and know their practices.And didnt make up that story like what most salesman do !
      Its still not good to talk bad about a previous employer.Left on good terms as well im 100% happy and loyal to my current job btw.But thought id share to let ppl make an informed descision before signing anything***
      Cant edit or merge my previous post anymore so im stuck here
      Although I really do hope Foxtel wouldve cleaned up their by act after all these years after the current trend to move to streaming video services.
      My uniform

    • +1

      Thank you for sharing your story. Some not so good things but can learn a lot and grow from it :)

      • ur welcome :) yup def agree with you

  • +2

    So you took them to TIO and won because the rep lied to you, and then you became a rep and lied to a old lady to make a sale. You knew how it hurts when lied by the rep from experience and still did the same to the old lady and now you feel bad….. Give me a break.

    • -2

      Yup got a point there.Its all lies! I must be a hypocrite.
      Sometimes u just gotta do a job!What happens when you are taught practises that are imorral whilst being trained for or on the job?
      Im telling you this to be wary of lies from sales people like from foxtel.
      Just to clarify when i lied to the old lady my trainer told me to follow the script when i first started a sales job b4 foxtel.It was my first week doing sales. naturally i had to follow whatever they trained me.
      I didnt actually lie to (definintion a false statement.) the lady. I left out information in this situation.The information i left out was that once she ports her line to ***** to upgrade from adsl to adsl2 ( dont wanna mention that company) she cant port it back / change provider. The only way to do this is to pay for a whole new number. Telling her would bring fear and confuse her.
      Besides that time i was honest to all my customers.Every1 that signed up with me was happy. And i never received a complaint ever.(unlike my collegues who wrote or modified the contract after the customer signed it >=( ) I did lose some sales because of being honest. But i told myself id rather help them then harm them.
      Heck got heaps of referrals from my customers.

      I clearly explained the product to them. I even had a customer tell me that i should use the word "save" more to get their attention. Even though i didnt feel it saved them money. Well i tried using it after he told me, but didnt feel it went with my pitch.And that the customer was paying extra a month for a want not a need. So i didnt.I focused on the benfits and features of Foxtel.
      Hope that clears it up :)

      • This is not the place…you should apologize to the OP for hijacking his deal…if you want to vent go to the forums.

        • +2

          yeh true. @teach86 sorry for hijacking your deal mate :)

  • +5

    If you cancel it straight away via the website ( it stays active until the end of the trial.

  • Back when I did this, I got multiple free trials with different emails. However, now they now when a device has had a free trial before (like my PS3, iPhone or PC) and doesn't let me sign in with the new trial account. Has this changed by any chance? Could do with another month free for Copa America.

  • Fyi
    I've tried this and it's pathetic in my opinion. There is advertisements every 5 min and the ads are repeated over and over.
    It got extremely annoying and in the end I have up (2days)
    I don't know if cable foxtel is the same.

  • +1

    i signed up for everything ($95 a month) and then deactivated my account straight away but am still able to watch until the 14th.

    i watched some baseball and was very impressed with the quality of the stream. if they offered a sports only package with the ability to record or watch on demand i'd sign up in a heartbeat but for the service i've been playing with for the past hour or so they wouldn't get $5 a month out of me.

    [edit] also, you can't use the iPad app on a jailbroken device. Fkkn ridiculous and now I have to change my final statement to "they wouldn't get $2 a month out of me".

  • For anyone else having trouble with the iPad app on a jailbroken device I found a solution on whirlpool, you just need to add "" to your Cydia sources and then look for "FoxtelPatch". 100% fixed.

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