Possible Virus from Bargain


From this bargain i have seem to got a virus called Locker v2.79 where they are locking all my files and demanding money to remove anyone idea how to fix this???


the posted link is the virus i am talking about seems to affect anybody

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    • Probably a bout of bargainitis - Its fairly common round here - take two eneloops and get plenty of rest - why not order something from delivery hero and relax with an udemy course or some free phone apps.

  • Try downloading a decent Virus removal tool. NOT a free one.

    AVG is very good

    • And it's your lucky day. AVG is free from this deal

    • really negged for suggesting to download anti virus software?

        • haha just realised probably because I was suggesting paying for something that could be free on OzBargin…. :P

      • really negged for suggesting to download anti virus software?

        Well technically it's not a free one.

  • I hope you have a backup.

    • they got my dropbox files but luckily dropbox has a restore previous versions

  • Ransomware. I think there is a dedicated website that tries to solve the problem by trying all the known codes that work for these randomwares (So I've heard, at least). Virus removal tool wouldn't do much, since the damage is done already. Don't pay though, I heard that it's more than likely that they will not decrypt your files. Don't plug anything onto it either, try to contain it before doing anything.

    It might not be their fault, I've seen a case where an entire online community got affected because of the advertise server for the forums being compromised.

    Found this page being mentioned, hope it is some use to at least. Good luck.

  • +1

    How does it infect your computer? Did you install something?

    • +1


    • It encrypts all your personal files and will only unlock them when you pay up (usually about $500 or so).

      • +2

        I probably didnt word it properly, my bad. I understand the effects of the virus, but what I dont understand is how do you get the virus?

        OP claimed he got the virus from the 'free mouse pad' deal/website, I don't remember being asked to install anything so Im just curious, can you be infected from just visitng a website? I have Bitdefender internet security installed (and I assume many people here would have to, considering the frequent free 6months deal) and I didn't get any warnings from visiting that website.

        So OP, how do you know you got the virus from the mouse pad deal and not from somewhere else?

  • OP, you could try https://www.decryptcryptolocker.com/ When it's back up from maintenance but I think it is more for cryptolocker. Hope you can get it sorted.

  • http://www.microsoft.com/security/portal/mmpc/shared/ransomw…
    go here and go step by step. dont try anything else, dont try backing up, moving files, deleting just do what this says.

    the first step they say is do this.
    which is an offline version of defender you run off a CD or USB stick.

    I had this problem a year or so back on another PC, the solution works.

  • How did it get on your computer?

    Thru the link itself?

    Thru an e-mail?

  • This shit is scary.
    What would everyone reccomend to do a simple scan every few days?
    I've already got MS essentials.

    • i did a scan with ms essentials and nothing was detected . best course of action for me was to reinstall windows and delete corrupted files
      they targeted word documents and images

    • +1

      try malware bytes as well. MS essentials (or whatever its called) is fine.

      Its not shit scarey, just watch where you visit.

  • I don't visit/download from shady sites, only visit well known streaming sites and only download videos using the chrome video downloader extension but from the looks of the reddit post we can't take it too lightly.
    Will be doing full backup soon.

  • +1

    Yeh don't you have to run something?

    Reddit says "rkcl.exe is the program that intrudes my screen, and ldr.exe seems to be a service that runs itself automatically"

  • Here's the latest ransomware alert from staysmartonline.gov.au

    New ransomware themed around the television show Breaking Bad threatens computer users

    Staying Safe

    Prevention is the best antidote to ransomware and other malware attacks.

    • Use spam filters and be cautious when opening emails, especially if there are attachments.
    • Make sure you are using a reputable security product.
    • Make sure it is up-to-date and switched on.
    • Make sure your operating system and applications are up-to-date.
    • Run a full scan of your computer—regularly.
    • Set and use strong and unique passwords.
    • Set passwords on all your hardware devices (modems and routers).
    • Back up your data.
    • Keep a backup copy of your data in a safe place, disconnected from your computer and the internet.
    • Only visit reputable websites and online services.
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