Any ideas to get more points using my credit card?
I pay bills etc using credit card at the moment
Any ideas?
Best Way to Earn Points on Credit Card
Look at the conditions of your credit card. How many points do they give out and whether there are other cards out there that give better points. Also, understand what it is that you want to use points for and work towards that goal.
For example, I prefer my points in Qantas Frequent Flyer. Most cards only give 0.5 pts for every dollar spent. However, some Visa cards give 1 pt per dollar and some Amex ones even give 1.5 points per dollar. I used to even get 3 points per dollar on Amex at one point. Choosing the right card can make a big impact on how many points you collect.
i have commbank diamond awards. annual fee waived 3 points per $1 AMEX. usually get $500 cashback every year
Spend more
why spend more just to get points?
Buy everything on your credit card. Everything. Cash is dead to you if you want to accrue points. Just don't pay extra for credit card fees. If a place has a 1% CC fee but no fees for debit cards, use debit cards.
If you have a dual card setup (i.e: bank provides you an AMEX and a Visa), use your AMEX everywhere that hasn't got a fee. Most big shops (coles, woolworths, kmart, etc.) don't have AMEX fees, definitely use them there.
If you're into Qantas points, check out the online mall - - buying things from these shops gives you extra points. Only shop there if you were going to buy from those outlets anyways, don't spend extra money to buy those from stores in particular. I buy many things from eBay now, instead of other stores, because 1. the prices are usually the same or lower and 2. I get 2 points for every $1 spent on eBay. You can even buy gift cards on the Qantas mall and get 2 points for $1 spent. e.g: going to buy a TV from JB Hifi? Buy $1000 of JB cards from Qantas for $1000 using your AMEX (which earns 1.5 points per $1) and get 3,500 points. If you just went to JB and paid with your Visa (JB has an AMEX fee of 1% I think), you'd have only got 500 points (Visa earns at 0.5 points/dollar). There's other places to earn Qantas points (like signing up for certain insurance or energy plans) but be careful as they're often quite expensive versus the cheapest on the market. It's not worth signing up just for points alone when you're spending heaps more in cash.
I pay my parents bills with my credit card too (they give me cash, I pay the bill) - which helps earn a few extra points as well. Saves my parents going to the post office (they're old wogs who don't even have an EFTPOS card).
decryption, Re 2 points for every $1 spent on eBay, can you still qualify for the 2% cashrewards rebate or is it impossible to get both?
Can't get both :(
You need to click the Qantas link to get the points - if you click the cash rewards link after the qantas link, the cash rewards link cancels out the qantas link.
I run an ebay shop every summer selling stuff and I make all my purchases on my dad's platinum amex card so he earns all the point.