Just for those who want this game but at a nice price!
With the Aussie dollar at 91c it works out to be around $40AU
Left 4 Dead 2, 25% off on Steam USD$37.49 (around AUD$40)

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yeah totally agree….that being said hopefully the laws can get re-written and then they can patch it back to the normal game ….
on a side note if anyone wants to buy it together and get the four pack contact me, I need 2 more people and it would be around $29 USD.i'm interested
anyone else?
@nczkeren: I purchased it. If you want to contact me then email me at [email protected].
I am reserving two copies, one for ken1 and SeeKayDee (I got 4 copies of the non-censored version). Please confirm either here or via email otherwise, I'll open it up to other people. You can pay me via bank deposit or paypal, and when received I will gift you the game.@bargainhunter0: I haven't heard back directly from iori_terry, but I'm guessing I probably missed out going by the post below :<
@tatasauce: hey i ran out….but if one of you people buy it then theres definitely at least 4 people who want it.
does anyone know if you change your steam account details to USA will it download the full gore USA version! or will it pick up an Aussie IP and Aussie Credit Card.
Is it even allowed to discuss ways to circumvent the censored version? If its not, mod delete this post.
I got the uncensored version by:
Using my BROWSER (not steam) to get to the UK Steam store (store.steampowered.com/?cc=uk)
Bought L4D2 (well actually it was a present but anyway), leaving ALL details the same EXCEPT country (changed this to UK). This means keep name, address etc the same as if in AU.
Paid by credit card.
Note that not all credit cards work (yours will fail if it uses address verification).
did the same with mine
I want to do this but I'm scared it won't work and I only have 4 hours left. The censored version isn't worth more than $10 IMHO so I'd hate to blow $40 on that crap..
The extent of the censorhip in this game is ridiculous beyond belief.
yes it works.
just get it. Awesome game even with censored version.
Love this game.
I bought the uncensored version of this game on this sale for about $41 AUD (includes VISA currency conversion fee). I can confirm it works. See Below:
Here is the method:
- Login with your existing Steam account via the web and head to http://store.steampowered.com/app/550/?cc=US
- Add to cart L4D2 – ensure the link you click has the following URL – java script:addToCart( 2481);
- Purchase via credit card – it will state that your location is incorrect.
- Change your country, state and zip to something local in the US – United States, CA, 90001
- Make purchase
Steam just validates location to allow the purchase for the regionalised (US/UK) copy. Credit cards just check the street address for authorisation. Thus they are two separate checks.
You can check this by matching the ID codes on the AU and US site
L4D2 Standalone ID: 2489
L4D2 Four Pack ID: 2490http://store.steampowered.com/app/550/?cc=US
L4D2 Standalone ID: 2481
L4D2 Four Pack ID: 2483Confirm that you've got the REAL version like so (under accounts). Note the Lack of AU on L4D2 retail.
Account status should look like thisThis works apparently with St George Visa Cards and Commbank Visa cards, some cards get declined. There is about a 2% conversion fee which equated to about a $1 AUD.
This won't work with paypal.
As cyrax83 done, I also did this, but with the UK version, and haven't ad a problem with it. I played the Australian watered down version, and it was absolute crap! L4D1 had more gore!
This is just 1 deal of the many deals that are happening daily for the 5 day sale as mentioned here:
I hope every deal doesn't get posted otherwise ozbargain would get flooded. The mods should just sticky it on the front page or something so that people don't post the individual deals.
Oh look, someone gave me a negative just for talking the truth.
Left4dead is worthy of a post… but the others are not! i dont think we will get any more posts!Err why? IMHO Star Wars is the bigger bargain there. Yes L4D2 is new so 25% off is nice but Dragon Age didn't get it's own post yesterday. Not sure why L4D2 would get special treatment.
Uh no, let's be realistic here. Steam are having a 5 day sale with different games going on sale each day. Yesterday they had a handful of games discounted and today they have another 7 games discounted. So we have roughly another 20 discounted games coming up.
What makes L4D2 special that it's worthy of a post? It's 25% off while others are 50 and 80% off. They're all 'bargains' are they not? L4D2 may be worthy of a post to you, but the other games may interest others more. Just as Smigit said, while Star Wars obviously doesn't interest you, others may see it as a bigger bargain. That is why I suggested the mods sticky that original post so that everyone can see all the games and choose what they want.
We have another 3 days of discounted games coming up. How do you know we aren't going to get any more posts? What if they have a 75% off L4D sale? or a 50% off Counter Strike: Source sale? I'm pretty sure they would get posts.
ok your right! :)
Was I right or was I right? L4D is 75% off today and someone posted a deal.
Just out of curiosity, did anyone manage to buy the uncensored version from the US using:
ANZ Qantas Frequent Flyer Visa card
Coles Group Source Mastercard?Mine have all been declined (6x all up) even though I am 100% sure i have enough credit on the cards…think Steam has locked my account now cos I've failed 6 purchased within 1 hour…lol
thank's … Shadowsfury followed what u did now downloading uncensored version …
Shadowsfury you are the man lol :D
Just bought it using your method mate awsome stuff!!
Anyone else buying the 4 pack uncensored? Can't get through with my CC. Let me know if you have one I can purchase from your 4 pack uncensored.
same as tatasauce, ive tried 3 credit cards, all declined >_<
if anyone buying a 4 pack, please let me know
I can't buy the 4pack again but I can get the single version un-censored. reply if u want it. I'll be online for an hr more
Damn guys I would have ordered the 4-Pack and share with you guys if I had known, I have international Mastercard :(
lol yeah so many people want it hahhaha…. too late now though
Can you get the 4 pack again though? If iori_terry could get a single pack again still.
I'd get it, but would rather wait to see if someone else can get the 4 pack.
Actually…Iori, can't you log ino using someone else's steam account and do it?…if you can, I'll gladly give you my account (it's a brand new account anyway….)
That is if he trusts you enough… hehe..
Lol…he can untick the "save payment details" option so i won't have traces of his cc details…
but you can choose not to pay him after he's made the purchase…
guys i finally purchased a copy, hopefully uncensored
i've had 3 credit cards declined on me, so i decided to try the following:
- signed up to http://www.entropay.com/
- loaded up $37.49 US dollars onto the prepaid visa
- signed up http://anonymitynetwork.com/, used the free trial, loaded their VPN software, received a US IP
- went to http://store.steampowered.com/app/550/?cc=US, went into steam account, added the L4D2 game into the cart
- inserted all my details, except for country, state, post code, i used the following: USA, GA, 30904
- used the entropay prepaid credit card number
yes this is a longer way than above, but it worked for me, and i was desperate after having 3 of my credit cards declined hehe
Cool… anyone wanna purchase the 4 pack through entropay? =)
4.95% load fee though…aznhoey : You're in for this?
I think my CommBank VISA or Mastercard worked. What carrier are you using?
Lol…i m already buying 3 for cousin and friends…soz…but put it this way…it's still roughly 32 bucks per copy….that's still cheaper than any retail in aus
EDIT/UPDATE: still not going for me…
I bought the 4 pack, and have 3 more to share with. Works out to be aud34-35 per license. Let me know if you need one, [email protected] .
got any left tata? sent u an email
really tata? Sent you an email…couldn't get it in the end….
All sold…
Hey guys its perfect been playing it all day.
We downloaded it at work from AU steam and you can notice the difference from the one I got from UK steam store :)
anyone know where we can get the full uncensored version?
Check this site for how to use a US proxy to make your purchase, that way you can buy from the US steam store (and presumably get the uncensored version)
Or see Cryax's post :)
In terms of price, it's a good deal. I just wish our version wasn't flawed.