Hi all, I use LSDs for high turnover items and then alkalines for slow drain item, gifts or for toys etc where they may accidentally be thrown out.
I feel we need a wiki for alkaline batteries!
i.e. Ikea has cheap own brand ones and the pack sizes are fairly reasonable with 10xAA for $1.95 or 10xAAA for $2.95, Costco has own brand but only in AA and AA in 48 packs and I don't think they're super cheap, Bunnings has Varta 24xAAA or 30xAA $9.98
However other sizes are more complicated. Right now I'm struggling to find a decent bulk pack of 9V batteries, Bunnings have Varta 2 for $4.98, but not much else to be found. And then C and D are a whole adventure in themselves.
Any inside info on packs and pricing or experience regarding which last longest, please share!
I like Ikea batteries a lot, the older ones were German but even the newer Chinese ones with a partial silver body (as opposed to all yellow) have been just as good for me. I think Bunnings usually sell a triple pack of Duracell 9v for $10, so not too bad. I think they are a tad cheaper at daylight savings changeover time (April/October). Trying to even find 'C' size is a nightmare, C&D both cost a fortune. Try Masters as well, they have big packs at reasonable prices, I've had good success with them (no leaks, good runtime). Also 10% off deal floating around somewhere here.
Just get ready for all the eneloop posts…