A month ago I gave $2000 to one of my friend who is overseas student. Although I don't give money to anyone but as it was urgent matter for him I helped him out. He told me that he have applied for his student VISA and if he don't pay his college fees by tomorrow then his VISA will be cancelled and all the money that he have spend will be gone.
So I helped him by giving my credit card of $2000 to him and he told me that he will pay by the end of the month so that I don't have to pay interest. So he pay his college fess with my credit card which I can see in my transaction. But at the end of the month when I call him he told me that he will transfer it by tomorrow but he didn't and when I call him next day he switched off is mobile and was contact less.
I don't know where he was but I know that he works for a tradie and drives a van but don't know where he lives. From last two weeks I been trying to contact him but worthless. As I have to pay my own credit card debt of more than 20k so it will be hard for me to add more $2000 as I have to pay more interest.
So just need a advice from anyone who know better that what can I do to get my money back? Is there any place where I can make a formal complaint?
Thanks in advance.