Besides the use of viber/skype/zipt/whatsapp etc. What are you using to call overseas? Im on the Jeenee 20 plan which dosent offer international. Thanks
Cheap ways to call internationally?

Im particularly looking to call the drunk and/or racist nation of Poland!
Poland are on the receiving end of the racism though.
Compare Amaysim and Aldi mobile or any other VoIP provider of your liking, a WiFi connection and a free app such as Zoiper or CsipSimple on your smartphone. Wife calls overseas on a daily basis, crystal clear voice and cheap as chips.
Rates to Poland start at USD $0.0092 per minute. we have to buy credit like Skype to call overseas? I am looking to call Vietnam
Yes, it's a pre-paid account with credit that doesn't expire. Recharge by PayPal or credit card is available. If you email them and ask nicely they may give you a free trial credit so you can test the quality.
Thank a lots. I will try it up.Any flag rate apply? Soo first I need download the Zooiper that right?
I am using PennySIM go global. $8.88 per month including 1gb data but they have not been taking any new customers for a while.
I use a pre-paid phonecard bought from a newsagent to call the UK. The one I specifically use (as it was cheapest rate for the UK when I bought it years ago and I haven't bothered shopping around)is "Tel Pacific Time" phonecard.
There were lots of them out there with different rates, some have flagfall, some you need to pay the cost of the local call too.
The one I use is charged at local rate + a few cents per minute depending on the country and whether I'm calling a landline/mobile. Recharge in units of $10 which expires after 3 months.
The one I have is rubbish for calling freephone/local rate numbers in the UK from Australia eg the equivalent of 13/1300/1800 numbers in Australia - it's extortionate, but it's great for calling normal phone numbers.Poland is on the list of free countries with Optus's home line and broadband $90 per month bundles.…Skype has discounted gift cards occasionally Be on the lookout of them cause a subscription can be very cheap on skype
Select the best which works for your country from the link below.
All these are VoIP companies under a parent company called betamax. They got various ways of calling including local access number, Wi-Fi/3g/4g, call back, etc. The best thing is their credit never expire and most of them do no have any flag fall.
P.S. Prices on the website are in USD.
as "original" posted above, lookout for Skype cards when they sell for about 50% off and buy Skype Premium which actually costs about $130. Unlimited calls to most of the countries. It works out about $5 a month for me with very good call quality..
I've just had a look at Skypes 1 month free unlimited world trial. But it wont let me make calls on my iphone? even though i've subscribed to the trial. What am i doing wrong? i am ringing a country on the allowed destination list.
I am calling a polish landline.
How are you calling? Using Skype app?
Yes through the Skype app. Keeps telling me i need to purchase credit.
Did you provide your credit card details and activated it?
via paypal. the subscription is active when viewing the 'my accounts' page
Check out rebtel. Difficult to explain how it works, so worth checking their website. You get allocated a local number which you use to call the person overseas. They get shown a local number to call you on their side. It effectively means that you both pay local rates to speak to each other. Works well if you both have free minutes to use for example.
This is great, thank you
Rebtel also has normal voip calling and their rates are reasonable.
Referral bonuses:
Depending on which country, Amaysim offers as low as 6 cent/min to several countries which is even cheaper than calling domestically + no flagfall