You may know that I'm passionate about "New Nukes"
(ie, LIQUID-FUEL Molten Salt Reactors) and Nuclear
Energy especially since SA announced a $20 Billion
PIVOT to a Nuclear Energy economy…
To respond to fear mongers (eg, AU's own Dr Helen
Caldicott, with whom I agree ONLY on Nuc.Weapons)
- & those who may buy-into her unscientific talks -
I want to be able to measure background radiation
(eg, outside & inside) using some modestly-priced
Geiger Counter accessories to eg Smart Phones and
tablets, into which they conveniently plug.
But - by way of doing some "due diligence" on the
low cost Geiger Counters, I'd like to find [buy],
of access [eg, at a Sci Lab or suppler] safe and
small samples, with known levels of radiation,
so I can check and (to some degree) calibrate my
little GC devices, using their app's, etc.
Ideally, a lab or sci equipment shop has BOTH the
sample(s) & some measuring device (reading out in
microSieverts, of some units that easily convert
to " ), whose readings I can compare to those of
my devices.
If no samples are available, I might begin with
some older watch-faces, which were (years ago)
painted with radioactive material (to enable
them to "glow in the dark" after being exposed
to light (allowing reading the time while the
glowing persists… a few minutes, maybe).
So, what have you got [to sell or lend]? Or…
where have you seen such samples [w/accurate GC's
near them]?
I'll be in Adelaide for some months, but, if it's
NOT illegal to post such samples, I can buy some
by post, from a reliable vendor.
Just use banana and other naturally radioactive stuff?